Name The New Album 2002
Submitted by Fred from USA
Blow me Celeste. I have as much right to post whatever I want on here as u do. I'm not tryin to "impress" anyone, so SUCK MY BIG FAT COCK BITCH!!!!!
Submitted by trome from shenadoha va USA
i think it should be called phase b/c thats what for a long time peeps thought they were going to be .
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg ON Canada
Oh guys. I have a petition going at
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg ON Canada
Oh give it up Fred! You're not impressing me or anyone else on this board. >:
Submitted by m-lo from USA
hey guys,
Submitted by Fred from USA
Submitted by carol from bremen bremen Germany
I think the " New Street" idea is really really cool!!! But i heard they gonna call it GLORY ...who knows. I know the name picked will be perfect!!! I canīt wait to hear "dirty little secrets" !!!! Well, just do me 1 favor: buy, buy, buy, support, support, support and tell NShit to go home!!!!
Submitted by meg from sydney Australia
I heard there is going to be a song with bsb and aaron.Sounds cool
Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
i'll let the producers decide the title of the album, but i just wanna say, when the new album comes out, just buy, buy, buy. and bsb will beat n'sync again! we gotta support bsb all the way!
Submitted by Farid from Mashad Iran
"New Street" from backstreets with the best new songs. WOW!!
Submitted by nickolette from mumbai maharashtra India
i have given my suggestions below.anyways,whatever name BSB will come up with will be awesome cuz they are no.1.BSB r the best singers ever alive and always bring forth amazin music.i just luuuuuvvvvvvv them so very much.
Submitted by nickolette from mumbai maharashtra India
i have given my suggestions below.anyways,whatever name BSB will come up with will be awesome cuz they are no.1.BSB r the best singers ever alive and always bring forth amazin music.i just luuuuuvvvvvvv them so very much.
Submitted by Patricia from Ibiza Spain
I think that "Just, Backstreet" is a good name, but all the names is alright because Bsb is always Bsb
Submitted by Jennifer from Fort Worth Texas USA
So far we have "Happy" "Let's get it Together", "Dirty Little Secrets", and don't forget about "Too Much Love"! Any of those songs COULD be the title I guess!
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg, ON, Canada
Um Kelley,
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg, ON, Canada
Come on you guys! The new album can't be named for happenings on 9/11. It's not appropriate because they lost one of their crew members. Think a little harder you guys.
Submitted by meri from illinois USA
i think the title should be "IN THEIR OWN WORDS"
Submitted by JoJo from VA USA
Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue (Tommy Lee's old band) said he wrote a song for the new BSB album called "Let's Get it Together." So, we have that song, "Dirty Little Secrets," and "Happy."
Submitted by Har from Hong Kong China
Anyway, when is the next album going to coming out?
Submitted by Ana from Tucson AZ USA
back on the street sounds a little depressing if you ask me. too many jokes could be used with that one.
Submitted by CHER from USA
i love "back on the street", "streetwise", "street life" , "easy street", or "takin' it to the street". nuff said! i love you, howie!!!
Submitted by Brittany from Bakersfield Califonia USA
I think "frontiers" is a good name, but there is a Journey album by than name. darn. lol. maybe " a new day"? naw..hmm... "Arrival"? i like it. it seems as though a lot of critics think thay they are just going to go away. theyre not. they are here to stay. its like properly announcing their arrival to the music culture. to let people know that theyre not a fad. they are for good. another good one may be..never mind. no other one. i think that "arrival" is a pretty good idea. e-mail me at to let me know what you think. thanks! *BrItTaNy*
Submitted by AJMcLeans_honey from Near Nick in Florida USA
It think it should be called "A New Begining"
Submitted by Jennifer from Fort Worth Texas USA
OMG!!!! AHHHH! YOU'RE AWESOME PERSON WHO SIGNED THIS THING RIGHT BEFORE ME!!!! They should name it "Deep In The Heart"! B/C...TEXAS rocks! lol and that's a cool name! ANDDDD...when they came to Dallas they sang "Deep in the heart of Texas"! lol, I know none of them COME from Texas, or LIVE in Texas, but...Texas is cool! 0:) lol
Submitted by Fred from USA
I'M THE AMAZING FRED. WATCH MY LIGHT FIRES. I'm not a psyco. That should be their title.
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