Name The New Album 2002
Submitted by boneca from lda luanda,ANGOLA South Africa
estas sao as minhas sugestoes p o novo cd
Submitted by Sarah from Englishtown NJ USA
Hey..Omg..i have been thinking FOREVER on this! I want it to be somethin the other ones. So i was thinkin while listenin to Black And Blue...and then it hit me! we should name it
Submitted by BSBfan from USA
You guys, it can't be named something to do with 9/11. Okay, not only did they loose a crew member, he was traveling home to see his wife and new son. But obviously he never did. The boys wudn't want to be reminded of that. It's not a good idea. But i like most of ur ideas, but i though "End of Beggining" is cool. What do y'all think?
Submitted by kate from pa USA
just the beginning
Submitted by Anne from Glasgow Scotland United Kingdom
1 fans
Submitted by kate from pa USA
i downloaded it off of audiogalaxy. it is a great song. i tride to go on the official web site, but i couldn't get in. go and listen to thier song. it is really a good song. they remind me of lifehouse.
Submitted by JoJo from USA
Kate, where'd you here Night After Night at.
Submitted by skye from sc USA
i think it should be called:
Submitted by Monica from Vancouver British Columbia Canada
Submitted by Kayna from Colorado USA
How 'bout "A New Face" or "Movin' On"?
Submitted by kate from pa USA
it's me again. i liked the title light of day. it kinda sounds like celene dion's new cd. oh well i still like it. i still like don't wait for tomorrow. that would be awesome if they guys actually picked a name from here.
Submitted by kate from pa USA
hey, i just heard the song night after night by Born into Kaos. does any of you know anything about them? all that i found out was that nick is thier official manager. i was very curios, because they are very good.
Submitted by lora from United Kingdom
i think it should b called 'moving on', it seems apropropriate to where they are. it could also b related to sept 11. ktbpa, love y'all xxxx
Submitted by Tara from lampasas tx USA
Submitted by Jared from Danville Kentucky USA
Since they are experiencing alot of new things in their life I think they should call it "New Experiences "
Submitted by jane from quebec canada Canada
Oh one more thing about the new single.Its all rumours.Howie just said 2 days ago in a press conference in mexico that they havent picked a title for the album or a single.He said hopefully the album will be released in september.
Submitted by jane from quebec Canada Canada
Ok I was reading this board and some of the stuff you guys have come up with and say to eachother is histarical.This is comedy.This board is somewhat entertaining.
Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
I just found out from Kirsten that there new single will be called DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS. Its comin out in August before nick's and it's gonna be really good. She said that she has heard some of the songs and there pretty good. peace out,
Submitted by Drama Queen from USA
Submitted by dj kid nicky from new delhi delhi India
hey evryone ...i give thumbs up to ~eternity~
Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
Hey every1, i got some inside information! i just found out that their single is gonna be called DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS and it sounds like THE CALL but it's a whole lot better. Also, Bsb's album is gonna come out in August and then Nick's is gonna come out in September.
Submitted by kate from pa USA
hey, what's up. i really like Don't Wait For Tommorrow. i also like This is us. i don't think that they should name anything Chapter 2, yet. they just put out chapter one. how in the world could there be a chapter 2?
Submitted by Fred from USA
I think "Forever" is a sissy name. "Glory" sucks too. Not only are they really girlie, titles like that make it sound like the boys think they are better than everyone else. I love the boys as much as the next rabid fan, but they are not perfect. They have proven that before. You all need to get your heads out of the clouds and realize that they are just human, NOT gods! Also, if Nsync fans want to be on here, fine. It's their right. I don't like Nsync, but I respect them.
Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
yeah, i agree, i don't like the evolution, sounds like they wanna give us a science lesson, i really like the one, crazee bsb gurl(sorry if i spelled ur name wrong) said, the one about Don't wait for Tomorrow. great idea. doesn't sound too much like a girl's title. willa is an ok singer, but ppl think she's kinda slutty b/c of her single, "i wanna be bad" and b/c the fact that she slapped nick be4 and also b/c she's another blonde singer. i personally think she's ok, not that i hate or like her. nick's album is comin out in august and bsb's is comin out in september. bsb kicks ass!
Submitted by Paige from USA
1 more thing ( I proomise)
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