Name The New Album 2002
Submitted by ^_^ from Tuaran Sabah Malaysia
Submitted by ANn from Salinas CA USA
Hmm.. I think it's going to be called CHAPTER 2
Submitted by Emily from Tulsa Oklahoma USA
Hey! Ya'll ppl seem really kewl and crazy! But I heard the boys say that they may drop the Boys part and just be called Backstreet. Plus, their aulbum is going to be lots of different types of music. They are chagen' alot. Sooooooo, in honor of their change from boys to men,(no pun intened)I think they should name their new CD ~BACKSTREET~
Submitted by Drama Queen from USA
To "none or ur buisiness", I would just like to say that only a spineless reject would have to keep telling herself that Backstreet sucks in order to feel better about indulging in the Dark Underworld that is *Nsync. A malignant person such as yourself has no "buisiness" posting on this site. So do the world a favor, and keep your evil nonsense to yourself. Don't mess with the best!
Submitted by Michelle from Danville Virginia USA
I think that BSB should name their new album "Backstreet" or "Rebirth" Those are just a couple of what i think!
Submitted by Jenanne from London, England, United Kingdom
Hey Jorge, I just had to play a piece called "5th Dimension" for my piano grade 4 it'd be cool it the new album was called that o_O.
Submitted by Jorge from Santa Ana California USA
I think they should name it:
Submitted by mim from melbourne Australia
to 'none of ur buisiness' first off your just a loser for giving a name like that and u must be a pretty sad nsync fan for searching bsb sites to say stuff like that,
Submitted by none of ur buisiness from Aruba
to all you dickheads- backdoor boys SUCK eachother everynight
Submitted by Drama Queen from USA
Submitted by postmaster from Mpls MN USA
I think they should call their album
Submitted by bsb rule from USA
hey guys. i just got this thing in my mailbox saying that brian and leighanne are expecting a baby sometime before the year is over .They Also said that this DJ in Toronto Canada the same DJ that comfirmed Ajs Engagment confirmed the fact that Lieghanne is pregnant hes also a personal friend of the fellas .but i dunno if its true or not. does anybody know wether it is or isent true . im not spreading any rumors i just want 2 know wether what i read was true or not sooooooooooooooooooo if u know wether it is or isent could u be the kind bsb fans u are and e-mail me at thankies!!!!!
Submitted by KimberlyS from Riverside CA USA
I can't wait for their new album to come out!!!
Submitted by Kristy from USA
Thank you, me. I appreciate your apology and accept it.
Submitted by ~*Its ME again*~ from USA
I've read your responses and I just want to say that you guys are truly good fans.. I apologize for posting what i said earlier.. BSB HAS been through alot and wheni was a fan I hated people who did what I did.. I think what i ment to say and what came out is two different things.. I think that bsb is awesome..I mean they've been through hell and back.. I hope you guys enjoy their music and I'll enjoy mine, thats all.. I apologize again, and I hope you all KTBSPA.. Later
Submitted by Drama Queen from USA
How about
Submitted by Kristy from USA
Drama Queen, where do you get these ideas?! You're hilarious! And yes, purple monkeys rock, but furry blue monkeys are way better! lol There is a story behind the furry blue monkeys thing. If anyone cares, write or email me and ask me about it.
Submitted by Lauren from Sydney NSW Australia
I think this all comes back to a personal choice issue. We all have them, and we all have our own opinions, and we have to respect each other's opinions, and our right to have our own thoughts.
Submitted by Laura from USA
okay "me" are you saying kevin's old? with his new hair cut he looks soo young you wudn't even guess his age! also, areosmith, U2, elton john, michael jackson, ozzy ozborne r all way older than kevin! and i don't see you dissing them! Nick might od a solo cd, but he wud never leave bsb because the boys made him what he is today. and if pop music sucks, why do sooooooooo many people buy it? :D
Submitted by Drama Queen from USA
I think BSB shouls name there new album
Submitted by Penny Van Dyke from appleton wis USA
I was thinking if the song drowning is on bsb new cd then they could name it drowning or they could name the cd after a different song.then they could be standing in water with it raining or just have their hair wet.iam going to get all their cd's no matter what they call it or what the cover looks like.
Submitted by Kristy from USA
I've noticed that too, Lynn. Carson doesn't seem to be on TRL anymore. Whatever, I don't watch that show much anymore unless there is something BSB related anyway. Anyhou, album titles:
Submitted by Lynn from Farmington NM USA
Hello to all bsb fans. Have you guys notice that when watching TRL that Carson does not show at all. To me I think that Carson should be let go and be replaced by Bryan McFayden or Quiddus. Carson is to busy with his own show and is never around. You only see him like once a week or about 4 to 5 times a month. All I can say is Carson Who? Anyways, Enough with him. I just want the new album to come out from my boys. Anyways, the ablum will be here before you know it. Just don't think about it too much otherwise it's going to take a long time to come out. Got to go now and KTBSPA.
Submitted by Jenn from Las Vegas NV USA
Hey who in the hell is this "me" person. If you are reading this you need to mind your own damn business about bsb. If your not a bsb fan don't be on this site. You said that bsb should call it quits I don't think so. Got a problem with my Kevin? There is nothing wrong about Kevin. You can't tell him what to do. It's his own decision whether he wants to start a family or whatever. If pop music suck than you SUCK even more along with your rock. Also, "me" why don't you put your real name down are you just afraid of bsb fans for knowing your name. All bsb fans don't mind about this damn "me" person. This "it" person doesn't know crap at all. "Me" is a worthless person with no life and just talks crap. "Me" if you put another lame thing to say about bsb say it to me and all bsb fans. Or if you don't want to do that go play with yourself and your rock music.
Submitted by Renae from Fulton NY USA
I think it should have something to do with the world. Like:
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