Name The New Album 2002
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Submitted by Annica from Irvine USA
The new Backstreet Boys album is going to be called
Submitted by AMANDA from gloucester massachusetts USA
i love bsb!
Submitted by Kelley from Jacksonville Fla USA
Hey whats up? juust saying hi and that no matter what happens BSB are going to get that #1 spot back from *Nsync. We were first and we are gonna
Submitted by Melissa from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA
I am a very loyal fan of the Backstreet Boys. I can't wait till their new CD comes out, but it needs to come out soon! If it doesn't I am afraid the Backstreet Boys will wear out. Nick is going to have to release his new album soon to keep the boys on top. Meanwhile,until the album does come out, us fans have to advertise and get old BSB songs on the radio. We also have to get Aaron Carter's songs on the radio. He is growing up now. Have you heard his latest song "I'm All About You"? It is hot. Check it out. As always, BSB RULES!
Submitted by JoJo from Woodbridge VA USA
I saw NICK in a picture with his new boat. He looks much thinner. He looked really good.
Submitted by BSBFaNaTiC110 from THE BSB WORLD 2002 USA
Here are some of the ideas that I came up with for the NEW bsb album:
Submitted by Emma from United Kingdom
Hi everyone. To all the people who think BSB aint popular in Europe anymore...dont worry they are...they will be back better that ever and they will kick all the other "bands" out of the water!!
Submitted by Nicole from USA
My prayers are with T-Boz, Chilli, and Left Eye's family, and friends. I personally liked TLC, but was never a fan of them, and this news is devastating. Music has lost yet another soul....God be with her.
Submitted by Missy from Chicopee MA USA
Guys i've made a website for all the Backstreet Boys fans, because you fans ROCK!!!!!! Backstreet boys have the best fans around the world! anyways lol here is the website i hope you like it and join it and post messages
Submitted by ~Amanda~ from BACKSTREET WORLD USA
i've been readin some of your ideas and i gotta say...I love all of them.!
Submitted by fan from USA
In memory of Lisa "left eye" Lopes
Submitted by LBSBROKER from USA
Hey BSB fans! Sorry, but new street can't be the name. I mean it's cute and all, but new street, dreamstreet same thing and we def don't want our men to be like those gay little boys! Beyond Boyband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KTBSPA
Submitted by Mary Jo from CHI-TOWN BABY IL USA
Hey people.... I was reading that comment from the girl in Holland... I know that it seems like they aren't as popular as they used to be.... but believe me that is so wrong. I know from personal experience that whenever a pop group like BSB comes here to Chicago, everybody, including n sync fans want to go to the concert... Why???.....,... because they wanna have a good time. + I'm not just speaking in terms of the U.S.A. here.... I have friends who live in Europe who love and adore them.
Submitted by Kelley from Jacksonville FLA USA
Hey! I'm so mad that the boys were not on the count down. But hey we tried diddnt we. for those of you dont knwo and this has nothing to do with BSB but last night Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez from TLC
Submitted by kate from Pa USA
Hey. i totally forgot that about bsb's birhtday. well, happy belated birthday, backstreet. i have a name for the album and i saw one that i really liked. so here the are: THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN, and THE PRIDE'S ALIVE.
Submitted by Marieke from Netherlands
I forgot something!! When the guys were in Holland with the Millennium tour, they played in a soccer stadium in Amsterdam. I was there and it was totally cool, but that's not what this is about. The stadium was filled with 61.000 fans and it was their biggest show they ever did on their own tour, but I am positive that if they wanted to fill it now, it would be impossible.
Submitted by Kristy from USA
Everyone who complains about not getting enough BSB in their country, chill out. There's five of them and how many of us? Someone will probably say something about being from the US and all, but so what? We just got lucky because they live in the US! I'm sure they would love to go to see the Aussie fans more often. They always speak highly of Australia. But sometimes scheduling conflicts happen and they can't make it to certain places. When BSB didn't tour Europe for B&B, I'm sure they felt bad about it, but I'm also sure they wanted to get back in the studio to make more music for us to enjoy! So everyone, please be patient with them. They're honestly trying.
Submitted by Marieke from Netherlands
To Kelley, you asked about the popularity off the gyus in Europe. Well I can't talk for every country, but the boys are not as popular in Holland as they used to be. Drowning made it to number 18, while the boys always made it into the top 10.
Submitted by solly from melbourne VICTORIA Australia
Submitted by Farid from Mashad Iran
oh my god i'm back again!!
Submitted by Kelley from Jacksonville Florida USA
Hey wud ^? I just got finished voting for "Everbody" on TRL. I think it would be nice to see some vintage BSB video on the show today
Submitted by Kristy from USA
Kelley, I have been asking fans which video they want to see on TRL. The majority want to see "Everybody(Backstreet's Back)". Since Howie will be on TRL today, I'm asking all Backstreet fans to go vote for this video to be on TRL today! Vote through this site, go to, or go to my page
Submitted by Kelley from Jacksonville Florida USA
Hey! Whats up I'm back I have been so buisy doing a project for parenting class that I havent seen 1 TRL episode since Backstreet and O-town retired off of the TRL countdown. But I was just reading about how Sweet D. is gonna be on Trl I think tomorrow. And that TRL is gonna play "EVERYBODY (BACKSTREET'S BACK)" is that true? I hope so because i love that video and thats like 1 of my all-time BSB songs. Oh but I think the cd name should be "A new beginning" or "Chapter 2". But thats my opinion. It's all up to the boys waht the cd's name is gonna be. And hopefully when it comes out we can go out and break *Nsync's record and get what is rightfully ours back and that would be the #1 spot.
Submitted by Kristi from Poultney Vermont USA
Wow! 9 years already gone by, not biggy since I know with all the love and support we give them they will be out there for at least another 9. Anyways I think the new album should be named 'changes', or 'a new evolution'! Something that depicts what they have gone through since the last album.
Submitted by Ellie from Tampa Florida USA
A name for the new BSB album??
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