Name The New Album 2002
Submitted by Modupe from London london United Kingdom
"herizon's key".....that is definetly different but cool.I thought about the title "resurrection" (geez....if that is the spelling!")
Submitted by samantha from Singapore
here are my ideas:
Submitted by Quintona from Oakland Killa Kali USA
OK it's Quintona, and if you've been to this site you've probably seen my jacked up name but anyway I have some ideas on names for our boys' new CD.
Submitted by angelyn carter from orchard rd orchard rd Singapore
i think they will call their new album.........
Submitted by Elizabeth from San Francisco CA USA
I think its so cool that all the fans care so much to share their ideas...Here are a few of my own...But as always I am sure the boys will come up with the best name for it....KTBSPA...!!
Submitted by Nick's Only One from USA
I like the name "Horizon's Key". I think that the album should be something powerful like that. I wrote a bunch of stuff out and the best thing I came up with is "Destiny's Shadow". Kinda mysterious yet appealing at the same time!
Submitted by Acire Sadeur from eh...somewhere around LA CA USA
3 Down, 2 to Go-And We're Not Just Talking About the Married Boys
Submitted by kris from winnipeg manitoba Canada
the title should be plain and simple should be called Backstreet Boys:HERE TO STAY
Submitted by Amy from Starkville MS USA
My new favorites are:
Submitted by Melissa M from Australia
I think they should name the album
Submitted by TRISH from OHIO USA
i think it should be called : a new dawn". its like
Submitted by AJsHellCat from Saskatchewan Canada
um...titles for the next CD eh??? let's see....
i think it should be called : a new dawn". its like
Submitted by kevin from USA
Hi again, sorry, but someone just mentioned the title "that was then, this is now." Now whoever came up with that is genius. I called the everyone up and told them and they said the same thing. SO maybe expect that. No Turning Back is pretty cool too, think about it.
Submitted by Kevin from USA
This is great. We really haven't even started thinking about a name for our new album, but it's good to hear all the input. A lot of the ideas mentioned here are pretty good. I personally like that Infinity idea the best. Something like that, or Forever would be good. I'll list a few others I've heard that stand out: Against all Odds, Fifth Element (nice! but it would be better as a title for Nick's solo album, wouldn't it?), Streetlight, and One Way. Myself, I think titles like New Genesis, Rebirth, or the Sound of Evermore would be nice, but no one will really appreciate my opinions anyway. But hey, wanna know a secret? We actually HAVE selected a default title a few months ago. Chances are, this is the title, but I'm not making any promises. Ready? "Horizon's Key" Please make any suggestions, bad or good, about this, but again, it may change. Thanks guys, and all the people who make this website great. I hope you continue this a for a long time.
Submitted by Claudia Maya from Guadalajara. Guadalajara, Jalisco. Mexico
I think that the backstreetboys next album should be called mybe!!
Submitted by Annie from Farmington hills Michigan USA
Hey hey everyone! i think they should call the album BackstreetGlory or BackstreetPower lol Love is Music. Sunshine is all we need lol i dont know lol I suck at names
Submitted by SuM41cHiCk from San Diego California USA
P.S. : i LuV tHe NaMe EaRgAsM aNd InSaTiAbLe, BuT i CaNnOt StAnD tHe NaMe GlOrY. tHaNk U fOr HeArInG mE oUt.
Submitted by SuM41cHiCk from San Diego California USA
I rEaLiSe ThIs DoEsN't HaVe Ne ThInG tO dO wItH aLbUm TiTlEs, BuT i HaVe A rEqUeSt To MaKe. HaVe Ne Of U sEeN tHe CeLeBrItY dEaThMaTcH ePiSoDe WiTh BsB vS. nSyNc??? WeLl, I hAvEn'T aNd I wOuLd LuV tO c It. So If EvErYoNe WhO cArEs To C tHiS ePiSoDe WoUlD pLeAsE gO tO mTv.CoM aNd E-mAiL tHeM tO pLaY tHiS ePiSoDe, We CoUlD sHoW tHeM tHe MaSs E-mAiLs To PlAy ThIs EpIsOdE. aLsO, r ThErE nE oRgY (tHe Band) FaNs HeRe??? EvEn If Ur NoT a FaN, i WoUlD hIgHlY aPpReCiAtE iF u WoUlD vOtE fOr ThE vIdEo "BlUe MoNdAy" On TrL sInCe It OnLy SpEnT 60 dAyS oN tHe CoUnTdOwN. wE cOuLd GeT tHaT gReAt SoNg On TrL wItH tHe EfFoRt Of EvErYoNe VoTiNg; It CoUlD gEt In ThE tRl HaLl Of FaMe In JuSt 5 DaYs, AnD iT wIlL mAkE tRl HiStOrY bY bEiNg ThE vId WiTh ThE lOnGeSt TiMe OfF tHe CoUnTdOwN tO tHeN bE rEtIrEd. So PlEaSe HeLp OuT; i tHiNk ThAt WoUlD bE sO cOoL!!!! tHaNx!!!!
Submitted by Lainey from San Diego Ca USA
Backstreet - The Last Chapter (but I hope not)
Submitted by Trish from MI USA
Hey everyone....just ignore the losers who come in doesnt even offend me anymore people are such brainless morons...I however, have a few things to say in response to several peoples responses to that bitch who left a message:
Submitted by melody from virginia beach virginia USA
hey guys...
Submitted by MistresS D from USA
All right, since this page was made for comments concerning the album title, that's what I'm going to comment on. Some of you are a little too touchy and jump on people a bit too fast. BSB fans are supposed to stay united to Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive, you can't do that with all this hate. Don't let the haters interfere with our opinion on these five beautiful, gifted men. Try to be a little more open-minded. There's only a problem if you make it one. Anyway . . . here are some titles I've thought of:
Submitted by New Mexican Fan from ABQ New Mexico USA
"Chapter 2: A New Begining" I think would be appropriate for the next BSB album. They'll be starting the second chapter of their lives, it's a new year... considering all that happened in the past, they should fogus on the future ahead.
Submitted by jCrAzY from Canada
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