Name The New Album 2002
Submitted by Barbara from Rome Rome Italy
well I'd like:
Submitted by Cheira from Belgium
Just simply "Grace"
Submitted by Emma Titheridge from Southampton Hampshire United Kingdom
I think the new BSB album should purely be titled
Submitted by kate from Florida usa USA
I think CD should be called :1)Concuest of the world 5 ;2)By the end of time ; 3)Letter from future ; 4)Lords of the world;5)With best wishes to...
Submitted by Peter Jackson from Berchem Antwerp Belgium
World of Fantasy
Submitted by shari from sacto ca USA
"Sticks and Stones..."
Submitted by sue b from carmichael ca USA
* Sexy!
Submitted by Sue B from Carmichael CA USA
How 'bout...Brickhouse.
Submitted by Sue B from carmichael CA USA
More Latin stuff:
Submitted by Monique from Las Vegas Nevada USA
Okay, I was listening to Michael Jackson's new CD and there was this song on there called "Unbreakable", and I was listening to the courus and some of the other lyrics and for some reason it made me think of the BSB and what they've gone through. So I like the name "Unbreakable". It's not fancy or anything, but it works.
Submitted by Susan B. from carmichael ca USA
These are cool Latin words which may be good album names too:
Submitted by HayPay0Poe from USA
this are the oneS we think of
Submitted by Sue B. from carmichael CA USA
* Winds of Change
Submitted by Leandra from Long Beach Mississippi USA
I think the new cd should be named fans for life!We are theur fans for life!I love Backstreetboys and Nick Carter!Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive always!
Submitted by Stacie from Cali USA
My title for the new album is: Dare To Be Different. They boys chose to be different by being truthful and honest, unlike other "boybands". People critisize them for it and more people need to be different and real like they are.
Submitted by sara from USA
ok, i will say my choice again to make sure everyone knows that i was the first to post it.
Submitted by anonymous from USA
The FIFTH ELEMENT rocks! rock on whoever came up with that idea!!!!
Submitted by diane from lansing michigan USA
i like "the fifth element", it's the perfect title for this album.....
Submitted by Sheena Collett from Sevierville tn USA
I think that since they have been out of the picture for awhile it should be called, Backstreet: We're Back!
Submitted by Renata Alvares from São Paulo Brazil
A crazy name would be THE FIFTH ELEMENT... let me explain: they've recorded four albums already (Backstreet Boys, BSB's Back, Millennium and Black and Blue, I'm not counting Chapter One because it's more like a best hits one), so they've already used four elements, like fire (we can see it in the video Anywhere 4 U), water (All I have to give), air (airplane: I want it that way), earth (More than that) plus, FIVE dots make a star!! That's what it takes to prove they're great singers: FIVE ALBUMS!
Submitted by Nathynha from New York USA
Hi there!
Submitted by Naomi & Lauren from Sydney NSW Australia
BSB VI (6 in roman numerals)
Submitted by Erica from Tampa FL USA
Well, I read a few and I really like "Perseverance" and "Untouchable". . .whoever came up with those, they're good. I think they should use something along the lines of being REAL NORMAL human people. . .something like "Truth" or something that says they don't have to lie and try to look perfect. They've made some mistakes but at least they're honest about it all and it causes me to respect them more to know that they are honest human people with problems like any other person. The Backstreet Boys are the best!!! I Love you Nickolas :)
Submitted by Saquana from New York City NY USA
I was thinking of names like "Often Imitated, Never Duplicated", or "Standing Strong" (someone had that one though), I also like "The Next Level", or "Let's Get On With the Show" or something like that. Honestly, I dont like "Glory", I dont know why, I just dont lol
Submitted by Eve from Michigan USA
Hi everyone. i read some of the other names and these are the ones that stood out to me and some of my own too.
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