Name The New Album 2002

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Submitted by sara from USA
Date: Sat Mar 2 00:48:37 2002

i don't know if you read the servey, but the future of bsb all lies in nicks hands, just pray that he makes the right choice and stays with the band, b/c if he doesn't, he is making a HUGE mistake

Submitted by Reshoma from Wheaton IL USA
Date: Sat Mar 2 00:41:19 2002

I also think that the name "Eclipse" sounds really cool...i think that "Happy" is also another good title for the new album, but hey, whatever they come up with as a title for their new album would be fine with me!

Submitted by yesenia from poteet tx USA
Date: Sat Mar 2 00:33:55 2002

so i got the name is called "Yesterday,Today,Tomorrow."
i got the idea of that when i had a little book and i found the word "yesterday"
it was just came out from my head.

Submitted by Samantha from california USA
Date: Sat Mar 2 00:25:32 2002

Ok, this is what I think would be a good name for their new CD:

From Boys 2 Men

I really think that says a lot about them and it just fits.
I don't know, I have always thought they should call their CD that. What do you all think?

Submitted by Natalie from Sudbury Ontario Canada
Date: Sat Mar 2 00:12:42 2002

I don't think the name of their album will only be plain and simple. Afterall, they do come up with many different titles that mean something to them as a group.

I think their album will be based on the success n hard times that they've been through during the past year or so. Here are some of the few titles that I think could mean something to them as a band.

* Ups and Downs
* Life's Accomplishments
* The Big Turn Around
* Living On The Edge
* Changes
* The Return
* New and Improved

Those suck but yeah just thought I'd share my ideas!

Anyway, thats all for now. KTBSPA!

*Nick Carter is one sexy biatch *yum*

Submitted by Batgirl from Gotham NY USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 23:50:15 2002

everyone is naming titles that sound very egotistical! you really think "we'll be together forever" is a good title? blah...i complane too much.


Submitted by Desiree from IN USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 23:47:40 2002

Hey everyone. There are some really cool ideas out here. But what's with the whole Forever stuff? That kind of title would have ben good in the 80's, but not now. They need a title that's gonna stick with everyone. I agree they are 'forever' but just because that's true doesn't make a it good album title. You have to consider what is going to be said about it. Revelation, for example, is a 98 Degrees album. Bad idea right off. Dirty Little Secrets is only going to feed the tabloids. I know everyone is just having fun, but in my opinion, the ablum title needs to be what BSB are all about and you have to think about what title is going to say about them. I think Happy is a good title because reflects a lot on what they have been through. Eclipse also sounds very cool, but an eclipse only happens once every number of years. What does that say about BSB? It sounds dumb, I know, but crticis and stuff really look at this kind of stuff.

My personal idea is to call it 10. From what I have heard, BSB is changing their sound to a point, but also keeping some of the same. They have been around 10 years and are and always have been evolving into different types of sounds and stuff. Plus, it could be really neat to do an album cover using pictures from the last ten years, shrunk down and put as a boarder with a brand new pic in the center with '10' scrawled over it. Or just having a white background with words from songs from the past 10 years written all over it with '10' standing out in red in there somewhere.

Well, those are my thoughts. Don't get mad at me for saying what I said about whats not a good title. I'm simply voicing my opinion. If you want to discuss it with me further, e-mail me. Just be aware that any hate mail gets deleted right off.

Submitted by martha from USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 23:34:00 2002

they should called the next album

1 backstreet boys -greatest hits 2002
2 backstreet boys - we rock your world 2002

Submitted by Nicki from OH USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 23:07:29 2002

I think the new CD should be called:

1) Glory
2) Sticking together

Submitted by Tammy from USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 23:01:05 2002

I think their CD should call:

Into Glory
New Millennium
Begining of new life
Hope of life
"Kick off every other boy band (BSB the best)"

Well, I think that was tight, I hope the boys will used them.

Submitted by Marsha from Lacy MN USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:23:49 2002

We think that it should be called one of the following:

1. Other songs (The greatest hits are on part 1, however I like all the songs)

2. A song for you

3. The Captain Had One Eye

4. Serious

5. New and Old

6. Your not Morg and your not Imorg (StarTrek)

7. Shouldn't there be a space?

8. The other side

9. I like it better this way

10. Together forever or forever together

11. Politics are not included

12. stop brainstorming NOW!

13. Stop! Mom!

What do you think?

Submitted by Emily from Buffalo NY USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:21:58 2002

I luv the Backstreet Boys with all my heart! They r 5 talented guyz who know how to make their FANS happy!!! I like the following names for the new album title:
I also love "GLORY" or just "FANS"! I dunno but whateva they come up with will be totally awesome ... I can bet on it!! Well I g2g! BSB fans e-mail me ne time! oh... KTBSPA ALWAYS-N-4EVA!

Submitted by Jen from USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:21:25 2002

i think all of those suck accept "eargasm" thats tiiiiight! and yeah, they need something powerful,not some fruitcake name like "forever" and that shit naaaaw.... do you know how made fun of they'd b made fun of if they did name their cd that? i think eargasm is tight,and eclipse is OK.

Submitted by Jennifer from Boston Chemsford USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:18:13 2002

BSB I'm sorry to say this but I love Brian even though he's married so I think it should be " Brian and the boys will last forever" That's my title.

Submitted by Dennay from Pontiac MI USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:09:49 2002

Hey guys!
I think the name "eclipse" is cool, just because of how the other two explained it. "Chapter 2" would be kool too cuz they're last cd was symbolizing the end of a chapter. Whatever they come up with will be kool though...

Submitted by Kay. from Dickyville ND USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:05:31 2002

o0o0o i like Eclipse too! that's a cool name :) i like the way you described it, and compared it with BSB i agree on that!

Submitted by Allie from Brockton Massachusetts USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 22:04:07 2002

I think the new album should be called *"The Hits, Chapter 2"* hehe that would be good

Does anyone know when its gonna come out????

Submitted by Kali from USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 21:33:19 2002

I think it should be called backstreet's back again! haha j/k i mean they have been gone 4 awhile, but i still love them and they r #1 in my heart 4eva! KTBSPA!

Submitted by ana from Mexico
Date: Fri Mar 1 21:28:15 2002

They all rock but I think "eargasm" would be so cool...the one that made it up is good at that man

Submitted by cant tell from SC USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 21:17:36 2002

i think the album should be called "5 Fine Men" lol but thats on a girls point of view but im sure anything they name it , its gonna be cool.


Submitted by Tara from Newark New Jersey USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 21:13:58 2002

Hey All, I agree with Chris from St. Petersburg. I think the new album should be called 'Eclipse', because, he's right, they don't happen often but when they do it's the coolest thing ever.(K.T.B.S.P.A)

Submitted by Carter from United Kingdom
Date: Fri Mar 1 20:50:28 2002

I think they should name their own CD.
But my sister likes "Nick looks Hot in tight pants" I think its funny

Submitted by Chris from St. Petersburg Florida USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 20:40:11 2002

Hey You All. I think the new album should be called Eclipse. They don't happen that often and when they do they are so tight.

Name it this BSB

Submitted by Sarah-Jane from Pompano Beach Florida USA
Date: Fri Mar 1 20:40:00 2002

I heard Nick -N- Brian say they might have two albums comming out this year(I don't think they will) and one will be called "The Hits:Chapter Two"(K.B.S.P.A)

Submitted by pollygirl from bc Canada
Date: Fri Mar 1 20:39:50 2002

Hey, Bob, thats the best title so far, lol! I don't think they'd get it though... lolol!

You guys have come up with some awesome titles... I'm not that creative... "Destination Backstreet" is my 2nd fav!

Peace, Pollygirl

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