Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Sylla from Seixal Lisbon Portugal
Date: Thu Jan 6 20:10:58 2000

Well, what can I say?! I guess i never really tought about this and it's all right!! Maybe deep within our hearts we all know this to be true but sometimes we forget they're only human!!!

I hope every fan get a chance to read this letter... i'm proud of the FAN that wrote this letter and I hope I all you agree with me.

Love always,

Submitted by R from JC Here
Date: Thu Jan 6 19:55:08 2000

Hello!! Do we forget that they also get paid for this stuff. Although they do have a love for music, they do not do all of this "just for the fans'' They're doing what they've always wanted to do and making millions. They're life can't be that much tougher than the rest of ours.

Submitted by Marie-Eve Landry from Métabetchouan québec canada
Date: Thu Jan 6 19:38:08 2000

I agree with this...completely! I'm sure it is not easy for the bsb...stealing their things is not a way to show we love them.You are right about everything!!!

Submitted by Sarah from Coldwater MI USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 19:33:56 2000

Thank you Lori! I've also been thinking about this alot lately, and I completely agree with everything you said. They do so much, they deserve privacy, time, and respect. When I heard the boys were having their stuff stolen from fans, it really disappointed me. I KNOW Backstreet fans are better than this -- they have to be. So let's start treating them like real PEOPLE... not possesions.

Show what it Really means to Keep The Backstreet PRIDE Alive..


Submitted by Lindsey from Plymouth USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 19:07:30 2000

I would like to thank Lori for writing this article because like many other people out in the world, most of us just look at the guys as a

band that loves doing what they do for a living. I personally have thought about what it must be like for the guys, reallly

not having a personal but, that always happens when your in the lime light. I totally agree with Lori on her article.

Just think about what the guys have to go through each tour show,TV show, and also when their at home. They need

the respect from us fans whether we are yonger or older. Thanx Lori for writing this article. KTBSPA

Submitted by Brianna Bliss from Victor NY U.S
Date: Thu Jan 6 19:03:13 2000

Dear Lori Thompson,

I would like to thank you for taking the time and pointing out all of the truth of "Being A Backstreet Boy". I have thought about it many times myself. Everytime I see them on a television show; Rosie, Regis and Kathy Lee,Good Morning America, the View etc. Or everytime I see a new video come out of theirs and I am always left in awe. Eachone become better and better. I am going to give this web site to like every newsletter that I am in so that all fans can get this perspective of what the five very talented guys do for us. As on leaving anything out, no you put everything in there. I wish that more "fans" were like you. I mean the guys love us, and we love them, but most people don't give them the respect they need. God Bless you too!!


Submitted by Stephanie from Avon US
Date: Thu Jan 6 18:58:50 2000

I totally agree with you Lori. It's much more important to respect them (you can still get close to them) than to trample them and make them not want to be a Backstreet Boy!

Submitted by Jillian from Houston Texas USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 18:03:37 2000

I think that Lori Thompson is an absolute genius for writing this article! It was so great! I must admit that I have never thought about what REALLY goes on and how much time it takes to be a Backstreet Boy. I have also NEVER stolen anything, mobbed anybody, or camped out where they're going to be. Even though I have never done those things, the article made me feel a little guilty. I'm so glad that I read the article, now I appreciate them more than I ever have! Thanks Lori!

Submitted by Nicole from Newburgh USA
Date: Thu Jan 6 17:55:21 2000

Hi, I think that was a beautiful article. I am 15 and I agree with everything that she said. I do appreciate everything that the guys do. I understand that they have no free time because of the music business, but everyone knows that we will never get everyone in this world, who feels the need to practically attack the guys, to stop. I wish we could. Honestly...if I were one of the Backstreet Boys I would have given up on this by now. There would be no way that I would stand for fans stealing from me, attacking me, or anything else. We are lucky that they are strong willed to put up with some of us. But, I don't think that the guys would mind if someone stopped them on the street to say hi and ask for an autograph. When they got into the music business they knew what would come with the territory. I just wish that people would respect them and make their life a whole lot easier. Wouldn't you want to make their lives better in return for what they've done to make your's better? Please write to me if you agree, I want to hear what everyone thinks too.

Submitted by Shelby from Decatur IL U.S.
Date: Thu Jan 6 17:47:55 2000

This is very good!! To all the fans that do this im sorry to hear that you do! I also think that it is rude to ask them to marry you because we all know they have girlfriends! And most of you only want to marry them because they are bsb and are famous and have money. This will not bring true love! If they are happy where they are than you should be happy for them,and not hate the girls! They make the guys happy and there is noting i love more that to just see them happy! I am going to a concert and I would love to meet them but if i dont oh well let them come to you!Dont you think they have a hard enough time in life already(not having any personal time) Also I would love to meet them because they have done so much for my life for instance my best friend was murdered about a month ago and bsb helped me through! I dont only like them because they are hot, they have had an impact on my life and I want to say thank you to them! Also when you follow them around they dont think more of you for doing this they th

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