Being A Backstreet Boy
Submitted by Amelie Moore from Chicago Illinois USA
I agree with this article, and it is refreshing to see a mature, realistic opinion so eloquently stated. The author obviously respects the boys and their fans, and is being reasonable without insulting the more, um...vivacious fans. I, too, can't understand why some fans are so desperate to meet these people that they would sacrifice their dignity and the safety and well-being of the Backstreet Boys. I understand that, being a celebrity, these things come with the territory, and it is hard to control such a large volume of people. It seems to me that if fans would start to really look at the humanity of BSB, they would see that they are totally normal and want to be treated like a person, not a persona. I would much rather meet a person than a persona. This comment does not apply to many fans, and should not be percieved as a put down to anyone. I just think the article was right on in terms of realizing what actually goes into being a Backstreet Boy.
Submitted by Lindsay from Toronto Ontario Canada
Hi! I think that the article was well written. I read a post on here where someone mentioned about that girl from Quebec city who was at the press conference here in Toronto. I watched that press conference too when it was on and I was so embarassed and so shocked that someone could be so rude and have so much nerve to talk to the Backstreet Boys like that. First the girl said in a rude voice, "Don't laugh at my accent!" After that she made her point quite clear that she was from Quebec City and told the boys that they had forgotten their fans there and then she asked for an appology from Brian and A.J. cause they didn't thank their fans in the "Thank you's" in the cd cover. We all need to realize that the Backstreet Boys are REAL people. They can only be in one place at once, unfortunately they can't meet every one of their fans, and they can't always do concerts in certain places. I think that it is horrifying that any fan would think to steal any of the Backstreet Boys posessions or hurt them in any way. That is not being a Backstreet fan! The thing that was mentioned in the article about saying "Thank you" instead of "I love you", she's got a good point and it would be a nice thing to do. Me personnally, I find that hard to do cause when I see them I'm always the one to start screaming "I love you Nick". At their last concert that I went to, I actually made a sign that said "Thank You Backstreet" on one side but of course on the other side I wrote I LOVE YOU NICK! I've written them all tons of letters and I'm always sure to thank them a million times in each letter. They put in so much hard work everyday and I wish they could have alot more free time. My wish for them this year was that they would get to see their family and friends more often and have more free time to themselves. I know that they are always busy whether its with concerts, t.v. appearances, working on a new album, etc. If they could take time off more often, even if it would mean less t.v. appearances, a longer wait for the new album, I think it would all be worth it as long as they were getting to spend time doing things that normal people do. I think that we expect too much from them and that we should all be more understanding. Part of being a backstreet fan is loving them unconditionally and wanting them to be happy and healthy. I hope that everyone realizes all these things in the future and appreciates how much they have done for all of us already.
Submitted by Lindsay from Toronto Ontario Canada
Hi! I think that the article was well written. I read a post on here where someone mentioned about that girl from Quebec city who was at the press conference here in Toronto. I watched that press conference too when it was on and I was so embarassed and so shocked that someone could be so rude and have so much nerve to talk to the Backstreet Boys like that. First the girl said in a rude voice, "Don't laugh at my accent!" After that she made her point quite clear that she was from Quebec City and told the boys that they had forgotten their fans there and then she asked for an appology from Brian and A.J. cause they didn't thank their fans in the "Thank you's" in the cd cover. We all need to realize that the Backstreet Boys are REAL people. They can only be in one place at once, unfortunately they can't meet every one of their fans, and they can't always do concerts in certain places. I think that it is horrifying that any fan would think to steal any of the Backstreet Boys posessions or hurt them in any way. That is not being a Backstreet fan! The thing that was mentioned in the article about saying "Thank you" instead of "I love you", she's got a good point and it would be a nice thing to do. Me personnally, I find that hard to do cause when I see them I'm always the one to start screaming "I love you Nick". At their last concert that I went to, I actually made a sign that said "Thank You Backstreet" on one side but of course on the other side I wrote I LOVE YOU NICK! I've written them all tons of letters and I'm always sure to thank them a million times in each letter. They put in so much hard work everyday and I wish they could have alot more free time. My wish for them this year was that they would get to see their family and friends more often and have more free time to themselves. I know that they are always busy whether its with concerts, t.v. appearances, working on a new album, etc. If they could take time off more often, even if it would mean less t.v. appearances, a longer wait for the new album, I think it would all be worth it as long as they were getting to spend time doing things that normal people do. I think that we expect too much from them and that we should all be more understanding. Part of being a backstreet fan is loving them unconditionally and wanting them to be happy and healthy. I hope that everyone realizes all these things in the future and appreciates how much they have done for all of us already.
Submitted by veronika from philadelphia pa usa
i completely agree with the article.i'm a huge bsb fan,but i always think its wrong to take away someone's personal space and privacy.i would love to meet them,and i'm sure they would appreciate it more if i showed some respect.
Submitted by Denise from Tampa FL USA
I totatlly agree with the author of that article. Why do some "fans" think it's all just part of the job to run away with the fear that someone is going to rip off their favorite necklace or steal their dirty underwear. Ok yes, so they're pop stars and the frenzy just follows but there's so much that goes on behind the scenes and we never get to witness all that sweat and precious time they put in. Could someone just say "nice job guys"?
Submitted by Melissa from Toronto Ontario Canada
I agree with you 100%. Some fans just act sooooooooo crazy. I heard from Kevin that this fan stole this necklace from him and it was very special to him. I heard that this one "fan" chased Howie trying to cut off his ponytail. (I'm not sure if that one is true but I wouldn't be surprised if it was). Some of us fans need to stop acting so crazy because it makes the bsb not really want to get close to the fans. They are afraid that you will hurt them. Oneday there were these bunch of girls outside their hotel room and they sent the bodyguard out and the bodyguard said that if they promise to behave themselves the boys will come out. The fans promised they would control themselves and when the boys came out the fans just went insane. So even if they try to be close to the fans it's hard for them because a lot of their fans can't control themselves and it ruins it for the ones that can. So please people try to be better. That's all I have to say thank you and good night!
Submitted by TB from Plano TX US
Lori wrote a very honest and what I hope will be a thought provoking article. I too am a mature BSB fan and a fairly new one. I appreciate their music and talents and will be going to my first concert in March. I may scream and yell my appreciation but would really much rather listen to their voices and watch them dance. I can understand the young girls and their enthusiasm-hey I grew up with the Beatles! But after watching a fan conference Backstreet did in LV I was so very impressed with the maturity and patience they showed towards those young girls. How tired they must get of hearing...oooo I love you (enter any of their names) and the giggling and the screaming. I was tired after about 20 minutes of it! and they hear it constantly. But they NEVER exhibited any impatience or rudeness, if fact, some of their vulnerability came through and my heart went out to them. These young men get tired like anyone else and the fact that they make alot of money and that they are celebrities has nothing to do with the fact that they are people just like any of us and they deserve respect like anyone else. Cheer them on, buy their CD's and videos, go to their concerts but leave them alone when the situation warrants it. And yes, I agree too about saying thank you once in awhile. No one gets tired of that!
Submitted by Aggie Joslin from McAlester Oklahoma USA
I agree with you whole-heartedly. I just want ot thank you for saying all that you have said. I don't know you but i respect you with all of my being. And once again thank you for voicing your opinion in order to protect the boys.
Submitted by Tina Nelson from Abingdon MD USA
I personally agree with just about everything that was said. I think the majority of the fans are way too obessed that they act irrationally when they come close to the boys. I remember last summer when I saw them at the Nissian Pavilion in Virginia, there was a girl in the row in front of me who was freaking out. She was crying and overreacting so much that she was hyperventilating and her friends had to miss part of the show to go and get her some water. I was thinking to myself, gosh, they are only human beings like ourselves. Yes, they are the Backstreet Boys but, come on, get real here. Everytime they would start a new song it seemed like she would cry even harder. I just shook my head because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We weren't even in the first row!
Submitted by PJ from Salinas CA USA
I sooo totally agree with Lori....i think we should show a little bit more respect. Yeah many of us have respect for them, but what abou those who don't, i am not trying to say that all the fans are disrespectful. I'm not trying to be Hypocyrtical(however you spell it), i mean i screamed with thousands of other girls who cheered, i held up signs that were stupid, but i agree why not yell "thank you for you great songs and voices"? What is so wrong with that...instead of having a sign that says "AJ Lay Down Besides Me"(i held a sing like that...i didnt get a good response by some of the parents). I mean if i were them and someone held up a sign like that, i wouldn't like it. what i say you can disagree to, but this is my opinion!! NO HATE MAIL!
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