Being A Backstreet Boy
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Submitted by Gabriela from panama pnm panama
I totally agree!
Submitted by Natasha from Vancouver usa
I totally agree with this artcle!The boys do everything for us fans and what do they get back:getting mobed by fans,stuff stolen from them.They give everything they have to the fans!What I hate most about fans is when they say,oh I hate Nick's girlfriend,or Brian's fiancee, you know that is so immature!Don't they deserve to be happy,being as they take the time to record songs just to try to make us fans happy!
Submitted by Lindsey from Ripley USA
I agree with most of what Lori said. The only thing that I didn't agree with was just saying hi to bsb/a bsb member and then walking on. I would ask for an autograph because it may be the only time you'll get to meet them. I would also like to thank bsb with all they've done for their fans. I love them very much. Peace out everyone. Bye!
Submitted by Alexandria from Ft. Myers Flordia USA
I think being a Backstreet Boy mean giving up the most precious thing. Your LIFE. Think about it, did they get to live a so called "normal life". I just know this one thing, i would give anything to have a busy sceduale, and sumthing to do every single day. I would give my 110% effort at all of it.
Submitted by ~*BackstreetFanForever~* from BackstreetCity WorldOfBSB BackstreetAmerica
I completely agree with Lori's theory. There are a lot of things about being a Backstreet Boy that I'm sure no one knows much about. Between the tight schedule,video shoots,tours,photo shoots,autograph signings,meet n' greets, rehearsals,sound checks,recordings, promoting, appearances, and interviews not to mention fan conferences most think that those are the things that the BSB do and no more. Well,that,my dears,is far from the truth. How would you feel,may I ask,if you were on tour for months,maybe even a year at a time? YOu spend more time in the bus than anywhere, each night and day a different city with a different vibe. On world tours,there are even different countries,continents,etc. which are visited. Then there are the photo shoots with lots of yelling,changing in and out of clothes,posing while a million blinding lights flash before your eyes in front of backdrops and props. Everything that the BSB do is 100% unselfish. All of their hard work is for the fans and if we weren't here they would not put up with all of this. They love music,and we love their music,so they work hard to please us and to be pleased with their new works of art and publication. Every Backstreet Boy puts up with more than many give them credit for and with that thought on mind,each of us should gain a new and loving respect for the Backstreet Boys and if you ever get to meet them (lucky,lucky) you should thank them for how much they put up with for the love of the fans. Thank you,and Nick Howie Kevin AJ or Brian,if you're reading this, we love you and appreciate what you do. Keep going as a group and keep making music forever because we love you guys and if you were to ever stop what you do we would be crushed. Thanks.
Submitted by virginia from Nashua USA
this girl has the right Idea. I think the fans should act this way. KT adultlike BSBPA.
Submitted by Larissa from Dover Plains NY US
I think Lori is totally right. I myself would never do anything extreme just because I'm a shy, reserved person, but I never thought of a Backstreet Boys' life like that. I agree with her 100 percent and applaud her for being so straightforward. I think someone should send a copy of that article to the BSB, she deserves to be recozined for her efforts!! YOU GO GIRL!! ;)
Submitted by nini from mesa az usa
this is my 2nd thing im doing but now that i read the article again, i think this woman is a total b!tch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by nini from mesa az usa
ok these are my thoughts: i agree with this person.BUT I must say that what she wrote on how us fans only scream out things like "i love you nick!" or "marry me AJ!", thats not right.yes most fans are like that but there are fans that go much deeper than that. and we ARE very much thankful for bsb doing all these things for us.and if you walk down the street, do say hi and say that ur greatful but at least get their autograph because it might be a once in a lifetime chance you might meet them again.and girls if you get partially upset about the things this woman has said, then just say, "screw her".because she did do that to me.and she is just some 30 year old who is just being kind of a brat.but the bottom line is that i partally agree with her.
Submitted by Sami from Santa Rosa U.S.
Lori is so right. who ever steals things belonging to the guys is soooooooo rude. they work very hard doing all of this stuff(CDs, Tours, etc.) KTBSPA
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