Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Joan from Tupper Lake NY USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 17:18:14 2000

I completely agree. What a constructive article.

Submitted by Lindsay Hewlett from penfield ny usa
Date: Tue Jan 4 17:13:33 2000

i think that was an awsome article and lori is a very intelligent woman to think if something like that. i think that she has a great idea. ktbspa people!! and go lori! if u wanna chat i'm at

Submitted by Meg from EP MN USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 17:10:33 2000

I normaly don't comment on a lot of the things here but I really agree w/ this artical. I gonna keep this short but some of us (including myself) need to calm down a bit. I love the guys, but some of the storys they tell about the fans are a little out of hand. There's no other way to put it than in this artical!

Submitted by Jenn from Chicago ILL USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 17:06:17 2000

I totally agree. Bein famous in any way is not easy. It stinks that they get injured...but i agree with the artical. i think it is well writen,

Submitted by Lori Thompson from Bordentown New Jersey USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 17:05:47 2000

Yup, it's me again! LOL - I just want to point out that I'm not specifically speaking to "younger" fans, but to any fans that don't treat the fellas with respect - and that can be a fan of any age.

I'd like to thank everyone who's responded so far for all of your support for, not only what I've written, but - more importantly - your support for the fellas and their private lives.

Submitted by P.C from Northport Alabama USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 17:03:10 2000

I agree with this to an extent. Yes, we all say that we truly love them so if we do, let's start considering them instead of just what we want, that's just being selfish. But I also think that it's okay for an occasional autograph but put yourself in their place. Would you want to be signing you own name at least 400 hundred times a day, If I was them I would enjoy it but after quite a few in one day, I'd get a little tired of it. So let's show them that we really do care and ease up on them a little.

Submitted by Nikki from Knoxville Tennessee USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 16:57:39 2000

I think this article hits the nail on the head. It still amazes me how some people who consider themselves "fans" act. Now, I consider myself lucky because I had the chance to meet the Boys earlier in December. They were all so cool! It was unreal how some people were acting outside the arena. As my car was trying to get in the back way, people were actually running up and pounding on the window screaming as if my friend and I were the Boys or something. Now just think about that. If you were Brian, Kevin, AJ, Howie, or Nick, would you like someone pounding on your window trying to get your attention?

Just because they chose to be in the public eye, doesn't give us the right to mob them at every opportunity. After meeting them, I can say that they really are five normal guys who give their hearts when they're on stage! They truly love their fans as much as we love them, but there is a limit. We, as fans, should realize that limit and respect their private life.

Submitted by Elizabeth from Columbia Missouri USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 16:54:56 2000

Well said!! I like to think of myself as a mature fan, I'm 21... and I couldn't agree more with what you said. I've always wished that I could get the chance to meet them to tell them how much fun they've brought into my life, they make me smile, their concerts have provided some of the best road trips ever and not a day goes by when their music doesn't brighten my day. And that's it- I don't want to tell Nick how incredibly adorable I think he is (although I do) and I don't need to have an autograph. I'd just like to shake their hand and let them know how they've touched another life!


Submitted by Jenniffer Downing from Lodi WI USA
Date: Tue Jan 4 16:52:58 2000

I can honestly say that, like Lori Thompson, I have sat down and thought about what it's like to be a Backstreet Boy. I applaud Lori for writing a smart and impressive letter. I couldn't have said it better myself really. I sit back and wonder how these boys can handle it all!! I've been to numerous concerts, and I can barely handle all the screaming. I don't know how they can handle it night after night. What they go through every day for the fans is tremendous, and I think we all need to stand up and give these guys some applause. Their hard work and determination, along with their incredible voices, have brought them to the top, and we should all try to keep them there.

I too participate in all of their charities (but alas, I am only 22, so I cannot apply to the Mature Fan Club *S*). But I must also say something about their girlfriends (Leighanne, Amanda, etc...) What those girls have to go through in order to be near their boyfriends is absolutely ridiculous! I know I never have a shot with these guys, so I think they would be much appreciative if some of the fans just chilled out, took a step back, and LET THEM LEAD THEIR LIVES! They all deserve to have girlfriends, they all deserve to have personal lives, just as much as the normal person does. Do you think that anyone would even care if Nick had a girlfriend if he wasn't famous? NO! So let's start treating them (AND their girlfriends) like normal people.

Thanks again to Lori for writing that letter. Hopefully it got some of the fans to think about what they do and how they act.

Submitted by Ra from Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Tue Jan 4 16:52:36 2000

I'm not sure why this is an article up for discussion. If someone feels that treating the guys with respect is a bad thing, and if someone thinks that invading the Backstreet Boys' personal space even more than it already is, is the right thing to do, then shame on them!

I know we all get overzealous when we happen to get in the vicinity of our crushes, idols, and obsessions, and we don't think about our actions or their concequences. Well, then take Lori's article as a challenge, *think* next time you get the chance to 'make contact' with the guys; think about how they see you, and how you can make a lasting impression on them- and I can tell you now screaming and offering to have their baby isn't the way- give them thanks for every thing their music has done for you, because that is what they are about, and what they should be proud of.

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