Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Sabrina from somewhere over the rainbow in a galaxy far, far away
Date: Thu Jan 20 21:54:56 2000

Okay, there's something that's kinda been getting on my nerves here. I agree 100% with this article, but some of the responses to the article have been bothering me. Some of these people have been accusing ALL (yes ALL- every single one) of the younger fans of being the insane obsessed ones. That is untrue. I would never do a thing like that to them, and I'm 12. Trust me, I'm not stupid, and I'm certainly not immature. I've met people on the internet who I've talked to for months and THEN told them my age after I knew them well enough. They all thought I was at least 17 just by talking to me. That's also what bothers me about the mature fan club. It basically assumes that the only mature fans are the ones that are over 25, because from what I've read, that's how old you have to be to join.

Just please, everyone, don't judge people's maturity by their age. It isn't fair to people like me. Thank you to those of you who understand what I'm trying to say! =)

Date: Thu Jan 20 10:22:35 2000


Submitted by alyssa rodgers from medford massachusetts united states
Date: Thu Jan 20 10:19:25 2000

i agree to a certain extent. i agree that you should not like tear their clothes scream and yell when you see them on the street. you shold say hi commend them for their wonderful performances and hard work. BUT you should be able to get their autograph. if you are a loing and devoted fan like me i think that you would feel the same way. if i ever got the chance to meet them i think i would start crying in joy. i do not think i would be able to talk but i would definitly want their autograph. i do thin that you should respect them and not scream in their ears when you see them. they are just like us but they are more talented in other areas than us. RESPECT THE BSB.

Submitted by Jessica from Chicago IL USA
Date: Wed Jan 19 23:24:08 2000

I 100 percent agree with Lori. A lot of people think being a Backstreet Boy is a lot easier than it really is, and they must have extremely hectic lives. So, show your love for them by not going nuts and stuff like that, but a nice THANK YOU. :)

Submitted by Kim from bROOKLYN nY USA
Date: Wed Jan 19 20:30:05 2000

I agree. the Backstreet Boys are real people who have feelings, and we should thank them. It is not likely that they hear thank you's very much, and that shoud change.Ifyou ever meet them, let them know you care not by screaming "Marry me" but by saying thank you, your music has touched me.

Submitted by Nicole from Milwaukee Wisconsin USA
Date: Wed Jan 19 19:15:46 2000

Hi everybody . I really agree with this article on the most part . I'm sure the guys love each and every one of their fans a lot but even I wouldn't want people screaming and chasing me all the time ! Just think , that's really not an act of kindness to them , it's more like an attack ! Meanwhile , I'm sure they appreciate how much we love them and everything because that's the whole reason they came into show business - to make music that everyone loves to listen to . I met the Backstreet Boys a couple of years ago by winning tickets off the radio and it was one of the greatest days of my life . They seemed more than happy to sign autographs and take pictures with us and they are all really really nice guys . When I met them I didn't scream in their faces or anything but of course I did scream at the concert . It's just a natural reaction I guess . When there's twenty million other screaming fans around you it's kind of hard not to !! What guy wouldn't want millions of girls screaming at them everyday ?? But I'm sure they want respect from their fans for their MUSIC , i reapeat , MUSIC , not only their bodies and faces . After all they're musical artists , not models . So I think a lot of us fans out their should try appreciating them for their music and not for their looks . I'm sure they would be grateful .

Submitted by Heather Smith from Mexico City Mexico USA
Date: Wed Jan 19 19:11:18 2000

I argee I always have since I have a little sister who loves to come into my room and read my diary. Privacy is needed by someone sometime!

Submitted by Gina from Boston USA
Date: Wed Jan 19 17:31:11 2000

I completely agree with the article. I, myself, am a BIG Backstreet Boys fan, and although I am not (completely) obsessed, I do love and respect them dearly. But I have to say that screaming isn't always at fault of the fan. Think about it. If you ever met the BSB, what would you do? Some people might stay calm and polite, while others might hyperventilate. They can't help it. Sometimes screaming is a natural reation to anything that surprises us. I'm not saying that screaming is good, I'm only saying that sometimes it's not the fan's fault. Plus, wouldn't the screaming fan feel completely humiliated after her encounter? Think about it.

Submitted by Elaine from Santo Domingo X Rep. Dom.
Date: Wed Jan 19 16:52:19 2000

First, I love the guys, all of them and specially Kev... but since this is not about what I love, here are my toughts...

I totally agree with you and I was just thinking about that the other day as I red an article on the boys about how some "sick" people threw mayo bottles at them when they where filming SMTM.They DO have to take a lot of crap (sorry)... stuff from way to many people that want to hurt them, so the last thing they need is for their fans to make their lifes a living hell.

They put a lot of work in to what they do, -FOR US-. So much work that they hardly have 15 minutes a day for themselves.They do it because they love it, but like you said, there is a line to be drawn and nothing is so wonderful that you would keep on doing it forever even if it hurts you and you have to take a beat from it; so -WE- as fans should trie to make their lifes as easy and pleasant as possible so that they don't have some kind of a nervous brakedown and stop doing it( cause I know many of us would die without them even tough life goes on).

Besides, they totally deserve a private life: family and girlfriends (to hold them when they are sad and need to be heald or someone to bring them a pill when they have a headacke), friends to go out... just time to experience the freedom that most of us have, the freedom to just have those little experiences of our own that will last us for a life time.

I'm 19 and they are so wonderfull that they deserve all the best... They deserve to be treated like normal humanbeings. We (not me... but most) are always screamming at them and that only scares them off (they laugh all rigth, but c'm on, woulden't you if someone you didn't know starts screaming at you in the middle of the street, LOL...) and it is not as if they where aliens or something, they are just way tallented guys who happen to be to cut.

So YES, we should all give them a BIG, BIG THANK YOU, cause that is just what they deserve and that is the only thing that will really, really makes us "larger than life", true BSB fans!!! .

Submitted by Kat from Brisbane Australia
Date: Wed Jan 19 04:14:34 2000

I totally agree with you. If I ever have the pleasure of meeting Even just one or the whole group, god knows,

I won't be screaming and jumping around like a fool because besides me looking like one I don't think I would like a

person screaming at me even if it was just to say thank-you or along the lines.

Just thought I would add my two-cents

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