Being A Backstreet Boy

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Submitted by Becky Coyle from zanesville Ohio USA
Date: Sun Jan 16 16:24:28 2000

All I can say is AMEN to your article!!!I feel exactly the same way.I Love the guys dearly,but as a 42 yr old married woman with no kids that got me hooked on the BSB,I feel like they do the best job with the fans that they can and we as TRUE fans need to show them the same respect that we would want for ourselves or our families also.Can you imagine being hounded like they are day after day after day?????I honestly don't know how they do it-but I am glad they do.I have never met them personally-yet-but I hope that if the time comes and I would ever get to meet them,that I would behave and not carry on and be disrespectful.I guess fans can get caught up in the moment and get a little out of hand and I understand why,being the BSB and all,but I believe they would appreciate us fans not going a little crazy and being nice to getting out of hand and someone maybe getting hurt.I also think as fans we should pray,if you are a praying person-for their safety and health,as I am sure they get run down and worn out after all the touring they do.Thanks for listening!!!

Submitted by AJ Mclean from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Sun Jan 16 15:26:23 2000

Ya, right b#@*%!!!!!!!!

Life's tough when you have a $60 million contract, and all you do is what you love...sing and dance. They don't realize how lucky they have it. Most families don't see as much money in a life time, as the boys do in a year!!!!!! I think they are making way to much money for their own good, although I wouldn't mind having it as hard as they do!!!!!!!!!!! They have so much money, but do they ever use it for good reasons?? If you ask me, the charity list on their official site is looking a little short for people who make millions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Nix from Toronto Canada
Date: Sun Jan 16 00:48:24 2000

see, i've always felt this way, it's just so hard to express. See, you think that if you do get the chance to meet them, then you wouldn't wanna just say hi and then leave, you would want proof, but really as long as you know you met them and they know they met you, it's not a problem. i don't think it's right for people to invade their personal space and time, i mean they're people too, just think of them as real people, we can't really expext anything more, just because they're pop stars, we put them on pedestals and think they're so much different and better than us, but they're the same as. They have the same (relatively) problems, and it doesn't help that the media splashes all of their problems across the front page. They deserve respect, because they're pop stars, we should thank them for giving us a part of them, so thanks so much guys, for letting the world see and hear and feel a part of you.

Peace and Love to All

Nix @--}---


Submitted by Whitney from Springfield MO USA
Date: Sat Jan 15 22:08:54 2000

I totally agree with you! When I went to their concert in KC Nick got clawed by a girl and he had to be helped out because she scratched his eye, people were throwing things on the stage while they were dancing, and when they ran threw the croud people threw all sorts of stuff at them. No, I don't believe the fans were trying to hurt the BSB, but they should have had more common since than that. I don't think anybody would enjoy having things thrown at them or people clawing at them, so why do you think the BSB would? We need to remember that they are doing all of this stuff for the fans, if some thing happens to them they might stop. They are real people too, they do get hurt, they miss things that are stolen from them, and they have feelings just like all of us.

Submitted by Julie from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Sat Jan 15 18:55:59 2000

Thank you soooo much!!!!! That is my feelings but in words. I have a friend who was obsessed with Michael Flately (I know, but try not to laugh at her). She was always thinking about how she was soooooo going to marry him and move to Hawaii and have three kids. Then her dream cam etrue, she got to meet him!!!!! Instead of saying what she really felt, she blurted out: "I watch your video all the time!!!" And his response was "Thanks sweetie." I'll bet he was sick of all that crap that he normally heard. I fshe had just said "Thank you" like you said, he would probably remember that little girl who thanked him and look back with a smile. The Backstreet Boys get too much of those comments, like "I love you!!!" and "I am sooo going to marry you!!!" I'll bet deep down they are sick of it, although they still put on a cute little smile and keep telling us how "Larger Than Life" we are. But do we deserve it??? Some of us. But I just wanted to thank you for what you said, how you made the true bsb fans aware of what we were really making them feel. Thank you!!!!!

Submitted by Michele Odom from Summerville SC 29483
Date: Sat Jan 15 15:00:05 2000


That was very well said...Those same exact thoughts have croseed my mind on several occasions..I do think we should respect them and THANK them for all their hardwork, dedication and love for both music and charities..I think everything they do comes from the heart and they are trying to do whatever they can to help others...They are 5 very talented gentleman but they are also very human and deserve the same courtesy and respect you would give any other human...Again, very nicely said...


(A new member of the MFC)

Submitted by Katie from Pembroke USA
Date: Sat Jan 15 13:21:07 2000

This was a good article that really made me think about how wonderful the Boys.I love them and I hope they are successful and happy for years to come!!!KTBSPA

Submitted by Valeska from Paterson NJ USA
Date: Sat Jan 15 11:49:28 2000

Before reading that article i was the same way any other bsb fan would be(I lovE AJ)but while i was reading it it really hit not that it hasn't before but it would be better if you wrote"thanx bsb" than"brian has a nice butt"(just an example).They would actually read it and put a smile on thier face cuz it's something new,good,nice?It's not gonna make em' think"oh brother''cuz they do have a life.So yeah u can say i agree.

Submitted by Erin R from DeSoto MO USA
Date: Sat Jan 15 10:47:30 2000

I think that this article is right. We need to treat them with respect. They do a lot for us so we need to give back to them. If we do that maybe they will be around longer.

Submitted by Erynne Williams from Mississauga Ontario Canada
Date: Fri Jan 14 23:18:43 2000

when I first started reading the article Being A Backstreet Boy I didn't expect it to be so... harsh.

I know that harsh is not the right word.

But after reading this I now know that there is so much that goes on in the boys lives,not that i didn't already know it's just

now it seems like it has all been put into perspective. I can honestly say that i am a calm fan. I love the boys dearly but

I don't make huge signs i don't follow them everywhere they go, i don't know absolutely everything there is to know about them.

because you're a fan that dosen't mean that you have to know

the boys inside out. We as regular people don't like to have people know our secrets, everything about us or our privacy

violated. So what makes certain fans think that the bsb would mind any of this. Being a fan, then reading this article

nearly made me cry because there are people out there who only think of them selves. The boys can quit doing what they're

doing when they want especially if the fans don't truly respect them, we should show them our respect everywhere that we go

and continue to let them know that we appreciate everything that they do for us even when they have other things that

need to be done. I know for shure that if i ever get a chance to meet the Backstreet Boys that the first thing I will do

is thank them.

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