Name The New Album
Submitted by Jen Carter from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
I think the Boys should name the album "Forever" or something like that cause it symbolizes that they will always be here to make the best music for us.
Submitted by jenn from north reading ma USA
Submitted by Noemi Quiroz from Austin TX USA
YOU BETTER READ THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER READ THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Jennifer from Alexandria, Virginia, United States of America
I think the new album should be called Backstreet Boys Peace and Love Cd
Submitted by Alina from St.Albans WV USA
Ok I know that they most likely have a name but ijust thought I'd give some ideas. Actually I like Trials and Tribulations and Our Future is Yours. But I thought of one: From our Heart and Soul or just Heart and Soul. And if anyone has a link to hear the new single (one that works cuz the one I tried didn't) pleeeeease e-mail me!
Submitted by Jen from Wexford PA USA
Backstreet Boys: The New Era
Submitted by gabby from laredo texas u.s.
please email me and tell me where i can listen to the new bsb single!!!!
Submitted by Fran from Calgary Alberta Canada
I think the Boys have already picked the name for the new album but I think it would be cool if they named it "Screw Nsync" lol or "Hail to Backstreet" lmao......nah, anyway something like "Back To Stay" or "Built To Last" or "Voices In The Wind"..... I'm not good at this as u can see :)
Submitted by Marc Jon Samardzija from Portage Indiana U.S.A
Hey, the single sounds great. Has anyone seen or heard anything from BK yet. I borrowed (actually just yanked) a poster that was in my area BK today. (HEHE) Anyways, do they have a new video coming out. Let me know. If you havent signed the petition, check out and go under teh petition for Jive. read it all of u and sign it, its very important. Email if u have any info.
Submitted by Ashley from atlanta usa
Damn, i spelled my own name wrong. And yes, i'm a blond.
Submitted by Ashley (again) from Atlanta look below
Ok, i was reading the rest of the entries and I think its really dumb to have their album the same of one of their tacks. I dont think it shows that they put much thought into their album title and were like "oh just call it what one of the songs were". so bsb, if u read this, dont make it one of your tracks names. PeAzE oUt- ~*~*Ashly*~*~
Submitted by Ashley from Atlanta USA
I know this has been said b4 but i really think they should think about "often immitated never duplicated!" Sarah aka frackschica4lfe, u cried??? hahhahahaha. just kinddin.
Submitted by Ashley from Pipestone Mn United States
Mine are really dumb but oh ideas are..."Got Backstreet?" and "Backtreet=Hot Butts!" if you wanna know what a hot butt is just e-mail me and ask and I'm pretty sure I'll tell ya... Mine are dumb I know.
Submitted by FracksChica4lfe from Tampa Fl USA
Hey ya'll! A couple things:
Submitted by Christina from Alliston ON Canada
Submitted by Veronica M. from darwin MN U.S.
I think the next album should be like "COPYRIGHT:BACKSTREET BOYS" or something like "STANDING ROOM ONLY". Not something lame like Now and Forever or Changes. Or "THE BACKSTREET PROJECT" would be an awesome name.
Submitted by Veronica from Darwin MN UNITED STATES
I think the new album should be called either:
Submitted by Britt from Columbia New Jersey United States
I know this sounds stupid but I think the new album should be called Backstreet Boys Larger Than Life!!
Submitted by Alexandria Haynes from Kansas City Missouri USA
This might be stupid but I think that BSB should name the album after their first single " It's True". So the album should be called "It's True".
Submitted by aimee from wayne new jersey usa
i think that the new bsb album should be titled somethin original and rememorable, and i think that only the boys themselves will be able to name it! i like the suggestions so far though!
Submitted by Arianna from Columbia MD US of A
I think the new album should be called Infinity or Backstreet and Beyond i know it sounds stupid but its kinda cute! Thx!
Submitted by Debby from Brookeville MD USA
The titles suggested are great. Even though they probably have a title by now, here are my picks...
Submitted by Melanie from Somewhere Ohio USA
I have to agree w/ the Standing Room Only! I love that name! Or, the other one that I liked on here was Until Next Time. Later Tators!
Submitted by pat from sterling heights mi usa
i think the new album should be called "white guys" cause they are all white! go BSB! NSync sucks!
Submitted by Marisa from Lincroft USA
OK this may sound stupid but i think it should be Backstreet Boys: The Next Level cuz they are taking their music to the next next level beyond all other boy bands!!!
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