Name The New Album
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Submitted by Lorz from London England
Charlie- you ARE joking- Aj and Howie are in London already? That's so crap! We spent ages loking for BSB (okay, there's a story behind that- I'm not a pathetic stalker type.....almost) and some woman told us that they (all BSB) weren't coming over till tomorrow morning. *sigh*.. ARGH!
Submitted by ***BSB's #1 fan*** RoWeNA*** from san jose ca. usa
I think the title 4 our boyz's new album should be:
Submitted by ***RoWeNa*** from san jose ca. usa
2: dj echo
Submitted by DJ Echo from Boston MA USA
thank you, christina. and rowena, i respect that you don't seem to want to forgive me, okay? maybe we can all live in peace now.
Submitted by Christina from Franklin USA
hey, can somebody clue me in here? what's all this stuff going on between dj echo and rowena and renee? the way i see it, dj echo and renee both apologized and people don't seem to be forgiving them...
Submitted by Dolphin Girl from *fish USA
I think a neat name for the new album is "Crossroads." It sounds cool to me.
Submitted by DIE HARD BSB FAN!!!!! from * **BACKSTREET'S WORLD** *
Submitted by Deborah Barber from Berwyn Heights Maryland U.S.A
Backstreet Boys kills Nsync!I thing BSB is so cool.
Submitted by Crazy from BSB City ???
I HAVE AN IDEA. Album should be called
Submitted by Lysette from WR USA
Hey BSB fans!! I wanted to come apologize cuz I did my fair share of insult tossing while those NSync fans were here. I know it was immature but I got caught up in the moment. anyways, my idea for album name....."New Beginnings".
Submitted by Elizabeth Valencia from San Diego California USA
I think that it doesn't matter what the BSB's new album is called and if they wanted they could name it "Another Decade" or name it "Backstreet Till The End" or "Backstreet Memories" or anything would be fine, because I still know that they will pick a great one and they will have great music. I'll be by their side 100%. I love them, and I'll be one of the first people to buy their cd at any price. I love them very much, and their cd's are always cool!!! Thank you BSB for all the great music that we all love!!!!
Submitted by Elizabeth Valencia from San Diego California USA
I think that it doesn't matter what the BSB's new album is called and if they wanted they could name it "Another Decade" or name it "Backstreet Till The End" anything would be fine, because I still know that they will pick a great one and they will have great music. I'll be by their side 100%. I love them, and I'll be one of the first people to buy their cd at any price. I love them very much, and their cd's are always cool!!! Thank you BSB for all the great music that we all love!!!!
Submitted by Lilly Littrell from São Paulo Brazil
Look, guys, for real, to keep fighting to see which one is better is kinda of a huge waste of time. THERE'S NO DOUBT BSB ARE THE ONES. They rule, they came to stay! I do find N'Sync sort of cute (but only Justin and JC), but, c'mon, their voices sound like crows comparing to Brian's or Aj's or any of the BSB. So, stop fighting, you NSYNC fans get real you know our BSB is so much better, you'll never convince us that your group is as good as ours, and least of all better!
Submitted by ***RoWeNa*** from san jose ca. usa
2: dj echo
Submitted by nicks skittle chica from My Backstreet Town USA
i mean but* not bur spelling error lol!!!
Submitted by nicks skittle chica from My Backstreet Town USA
WoW We'Re GeTtInG AlOnG!!!! something new!!!! YAY bur it is getting kinda annoying because you can't go anywhere anymore without seeing BSB vs. N Sync. I admit i'm not an Nsync fan i'm a 100% BSB fan (great that statement should be changed to "bring on the hatemail") but I am not gonna go trashing N Sync just because I like someone else better. It gets kinda old after a while, and i'm sure people agree with me, that you can't either like both bands or respect the one you DON'T like. I hope you don't hate me for proving my point...i'm not trying to start anything!!!! buh bye!
Submitted by DJ Echo from Boston MA USA
i wanna say thanks to *amber*. and to ROWENA, let me say this. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I'M SORRY TO MAKE Y'ALL STOP HATING ME?! maybe i DO like backstreet. in fact, you guys who keep dissing me should be proud. i mean, you're turning haters into lovers (if that makes any sense). and ROWENA, apologizing and saying you're SORRY (not SORRIE, at least i can spell) is not called scared, it's called being mature and respectful. hey, on a side note, i think it's great that you guys are so loyal, though you seem to let little things really get to you. they should call the album "Sticking to it" or "Changing Minds". i know, it doesn't sound good at all, but think about it for awhile, maybe it'll make sense...
Submitted by me! from Somewhere TN US
hey! i like the idea of the "memories" thing. i think its almost perfect, but, it makes it sound like thats their last cd..and we know its not..right? well at least we hope its not! anyway!i havent really thought of a title but i just wanted to say that! ktbspa!!!!!haha!BYE:)
Submitted by Maggie Sokolowska from Hamtramck Michigan U.S.A
I think the new album cover should be filled with old baby pic's of bsb and the back should be filled with todays pics. And the name of the album should be something like "memories".
Submitted by Patricia from Huntington Beach, California USA
I think that the new album should be called To Catch a Falling Star. I just hope that we as fans can get along with those Nsync fans. Some of you might hate this but I happen to like both groups the same. I just can't see why you guys are always fighting with each other. I just hope that most people will like the title of the new album. When it comes out.
Submitted by **~RoWeNa~** from san jose ca. usa
2: dj echo & renee
Submitted by A (more) mature fan. from Rehovot Israel
Ok, 1st of all, I want to say how rude y'all are. I mean, Come on! They asked for a title for the new album and here you are talkin' about Nsync (I prefer Nstink, but if I call 'em that, then that ruins the whole point of this message doesn't it?) and Nsyncs fans. This is a Bsb fansite k? and if you must swear at nsync, then This is not really the place.
Submitted by Felicia from Virginia Beach Virginia United States
I think the name of their new album should be either "Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive" or the initials "KTBSPA" That is what we (the fans) would be doing everytime one us buys their new album. We are showing our pride for our boys.
Submitted by Anonymous Backstreet fan from Backstreet vill Backstreet land
My favorite titles of the day:
Submitted by ~***RoWeNa***~ from san jose ca. usa
2: all tha BACKSTREET FANZ :)
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