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Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:29:42 2000

I can't wait until the beach either. I gotta go soon. The email thingy makes me mad too.

Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:28:11 2000

ok i am mad now a/b the email thingy!!!!!!!!! i can't wait till we go 2 the beach!!! i want the album to be called "Kickin It Into 4th Gear"

Submitted by Fraky from Fraky Fraky
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:26:40 2000


Submitted by I is hyper 2 from I is hyper 2 I is hyper 2
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:25:49 2000

I is hyper 2

I is hyper 2

I is hyper 2

I is hyper 2

I is hyper 2

I is hyper 2

Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:24:54 2000

ok i sent u a letter @ lovinfrick and then the 1 from the 'contact us' link and i got a message back a/b both of them saying they were not able to send the message to those addresses

Submitted by LovinFrick from ladsj alkdjal
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:24:43 2000

You did that? WoW!!!!!! I only thought about it! lol hehe

"He's so cute though."


LovinFrick now not the only one in here (yAy!)

Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:22:57 2000



Submitted by LovinFrick from Gee? I wonder?! I'm wondering again!
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:22:23 2000

Ok, It feels like I'm the only one on here again, It's freakin' me out!!!!!!!!! Geez man, why does this have to happen' to me?

If you know the answer, tell me on here. Thanx so very muchly!


Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:20:46 2000

i contacted them i'm a/b to see if they have written back

Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:20:34 2000

Hey y'll!!!!

Listen, there's something I haven't said before...

Did y'll know that Fracks Lil Bubble and I are in the video for "The One"?

I just had to spread that little bit of knowledge to you!

"Wild Thang, You make my heart sang! You make everything, Groovy!"



Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:13:40 2000

Has anyone heard anything about Brian? I've heard that he broke his engagement and that he got married. Which is true or are these both just rumors? Please email me or better yet, just tell me on here.



Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:10:48 2000

R U still having problems with your mail? I'm thinking about clicking that thing at the bottom that says contact us.

Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:09:51 2000

hehe hey i'm here now too!!!

ok these are the three titles i like the most

~"Kickin It Into 4th Gear"

~"It's A Backstreet Thing"

~"Oh My God, We're Back Again"


Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:07:34 2000

I'm here now, I don't know how long ago this was though.

Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 19:02:14 2000

hey Lovinfrick...r u still here?

Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 18:32:28 2000

I know Fracks Lil Bubble already mentioned this, but is anyone who has a email address having trouble besides us? Email me if you are at the address below puhleeze!!!!!


Submitted by Cindy from Montreal Québec Canada
Date: Mon Jun 26 18:24:00 2000

I'm not great in findings titles but I've read 3 that I liked alot

-Ladies and gentleman...the Backstreet Boys

-Now and Forever

-Never say we're gone

Just wanted to say my for the people who found those, good job! I vote for them!!


Submitted by Erin McLean....really it is!!! totally a coinsedence!!! from Detroit Alaska U.S
Date: Mon Jun 26 18:10:05 2000

hey yall wassup!!! im so bored right now....but i love BSB!! THEY ARE SO HOT!! Their album should be called "We love Erin Mclean" which really is my last huh?

i wanna marry every backstreet boy and im gonna 2 well g2g now see ya!!

Submitted by rachel from jackson U.S.
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:54:29 2000

I like "It's that time again". I know it's not great, but it's all I came up with. I like "Aftermath" though.

Submitted by Fracks_lil_bubble from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 17:05:16 2000

ok i have a question: this is to anyone who has a email address...can u get into your account?? neither of mine will let me. plez email me @ and tell me ThAnKs!!!!!

Submitted by Kathryn from Belle Mead NJ USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:51:50 2000

I think they should name it:

~And The Beat Goes On...

~Number 4


~or one of the song titles

Submitted by charlie from sussex england
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:43:32 2000

O.k. people I am off to bed, it is very late here, I am very tired, also I have had 7 hours of exams today! I hate being so old. O.k. so 17/18 is not old, and I can drink and drive etc. (NOT TOGETHER!), but man I hate exams! In fact I hate the following things:

TONY BLAIR (even his baby hates him!) No he does he told me!

POSH SPICE (or the ugly mutt married a gorgeous footballer)

BABY SPICE - oh I hate all the bloody spices.

AJ - fooled you there didn't I? **grow up charlie, o.k.**

BEETROOT - I hate that stuff, why mum why?

EXAMS - 'A' levels, what the fu-ck? Leave me alone, god damn you I have done my GCSE's isn't that enough?!

Anyway I also hate hating things, that one annoys me as well

**At this point a little innocent yawn leaves the fabulous Charlie's mouth and so she has to go to bed, as it is late and she is very very very very very tired, and has another god-damn bloody exam tomorrow!**

Only a few days until Christina Aguleria (whatever!) dies, when I shoot her poxy little arse off the stage at Hyde Park with a water gun.

Good night, little bunnies, sleep tight and don't let AJ bite, **ooooh lovely thought there, getting aroused**

Anyway night night people.

love always, and keep that Backstreet Gay Pride going (joke I couldn't resist winding my fellows fans up before I left this room!)


Submitted by charlie from sussex england
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:32:15 2000

Oh baby, I have the funniest thing ..................EVER!

"A black round table in a white square room filled with wee!"

Submitted by meshawn Wright from roswell nm usa
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:24:05 2000

i think it should be called Ladies and gentlemen... The backstreet Boys!

Submitted by charlie from sussex england is the best we are better than germany anyway!
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:19:42 2000

I have it:

**the people are waiting with baited breath**

Ladies and gentlemen (if there are any on this site?), I have the title of all titles. A title so good, it'll make you wanna pee your pants. A title so funny, it'll make you wanna buy the album. (Hang did I get that lot the wrong way round?) Anyway people of the Backstreet Nation, here is the title:

"Bunnies play games, and puppies have tails"

Thank you, I am so impressed.



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