Submitted by charlie from sussex england or we are crap at tennis land!
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:14:13 2000
Lorz,You know AJ was humping the stage? Well guess who was actually under him?
**O.k. so I am lying but hey a girl can certainly dream!**
Also my friend Sarah saw them years ago in Asia somewhere and she met Brian, and she was so in love with him. He said "Hi, what's your name?" and she replied, "Brian".
He apparently was in fits because she kept saying Brian, so AJ said for her to write it down, and she fainted. (I could never do that! I'd just laugh! She has a close up of AJ on this sofa/couch thing, and I don't wanna say where his left hand is ........ (strange guy alert!)
Anyway AJ is a weirdo, don't get me wrong, he is darn sexy, and has a funky voice, but ...... come on what is it with that guy huh? The hair, I think he's going bald, very quickly.
But anyway I hear that Victoria Beckham (or Muppet Skinny Ugly Face Spice as I like to call her!) is singing SOLO at PintheP. AHHHHHHH! I HATE THE FU-CKING SPICE GIRLS!
Yuck I watching some programme on bloody crabs! Yuck, yuck, yuck. Anyway I love the BsB and hate the annoying, ugly, Spice Girls, except Geri she's cool. Mainly cause she left. Sporty is also a lesbian, how can J from Five even look at that mutt?
Submitted by Charlie from sussex england
Date: Mon Jun 26 16:06:16 2000
OH MY GOD, GREG IS OUT! Oh BUT MY FRIEND MARTIN LEE, IS STILL IN! (YES I HAVE MET HIM, I LIVE NEAR HIS MUM AND DAD AND HIS SISTER!) BUT GREG, MY BABY, YOU'RE OUT!Anyway no I have never been to a BsB concert, bas-tards don't stay here long enough! I think everyone hates England! Yep Lorz I am going to PintheP. I am sooooooooooooooo excited, I was up at like 6:30am to get tickets! And they had sold out by like 1:00pm! I might kill Christina though! No I hate her, little pixie girl her.
Anyway come on people, the album should be called,
"A Big Happy Meal With A Small Tacky Toy"
thank you
Submitted by Lorz from London England
Date: Mon Jun 26 14:54:22 2000
Me is back. greg's not doing aswell as he should so I can't bear to watch.So...*dar de dum*...ermm, *not really got anything to say. can feel more meaningless babble coming on...*
So, Charlie you're going to Party In the Park? Cool, i thought I might go but the tickets sold SOOO fast, didn't they? You've not seen BSB live? Man, if you think you love Aj now, you wait till you see them live!!! This is how the last concert went:
"Don't Want You Back" is playing and they're all looknig and sounding particularly darn fine. Sunddenly AJ (who is perspiring fittness) jumps up onto this ladder-esque thing and starts to hang ffrom it into the crowd. as if that's not enough, he then starts to make sexual advances towards it (i.e. starts humping to god damn thing) just to raise the temperature of teh audience a tad bit more. oooh....soooo foilin! *song "memories" starts playing in my head*
oh, and the concert before that (erm,, might have been the one before the concert before that..sorry!) he's singing "lay Down Beside Me" for his solo: then when the "Hold me and don;t you let go!" bit (work it baby, work it!!) he jumps down front first onto the stage and starts humping that in time to the music!!!
..*realises have just gone on about AJ for an eternity and looks really obsessed. very sad for an almost 17 year old to be this obsessed....*
yeah, well I should be going......havne't mentioned the first BSB concert I went when he sang "Return Of The Mack" and was all done up in leather, but I think I'll spare you............
Submitted by Lorz from London England
Date: Mon Jun 26 14:43:08 2000
can i just comes Nick has suddenly turned into a very attractive, not to say irresitable, guy. I mean, me is loving AJ all the way, he is just getter finer with age and his voice really rocks. Must be Aj's influence.*Lorz realises how sad she sounded*
..ermm..just a ponder. Sorry.
It gets boring over here when the sun's not shining and Greg is seriously losing the tennis- the only sport we have any remote chance of doing well in this summer.
Hmmmm *thinking continues...brain happy to finally become of some use* comes England aren't doing the whole BSB and Burger King thingy? I mean, I personally don't eat Burger King 'cos they throw too much mayonnaise in it for my liking (and if you ask them to leave it out, they put even more in just to bug you) but I'd be willing to buy the litle backstreet bears..*ooh, possible name for the new album: Backstreet Bears? Hmm...think not*...
okay, enough meaningless babble. until next time my fellow BSB-ers.
Submitted by Lauren from Chicago IL USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 14:18:35 2000
Love always ....... signed Backstreet BoysIllusions
Submitted by charlie from sussex england
Date: Mon Jun 26 13:57:24 2000
Look this site is where fans should be friends, so children stop arguing and just call the album, "Charlie".thank you
Submitted by Kari J from Indianapolis IN USA
Date: Mon Jun 26 12:41:48 2000
Stop reading this and vote for BSB on TRL.
Submitted by Alicia Dorough from Purcell Oklahoma USA - go red white and blue ha ha ha
Date: Mon Jun 26 12:21:07 2000
Okay, I heard it was gonna be called Standing Room Only, sorry boys but that is really stupid to me. I was thinking more along the lines of something different. Like, I don't know, just not Standing Room Only. Maybe, Return of BSB, kinda like Return of the Jedi maybe. Well consider it.
Submitted by Amy from Indianapolis IN USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 22:59:59 2000
I think a good title for the next album would be "In Perfect Harmony." I don't know if it has been suggested yet. i think it would be neat to see titles of write-ups about the album say something like BSB's In Perfect Harmony. Just think, each time the title is mentioned or written it would also be a compliment to the boys. I don't know, I thought it was cute but I know the title the boys come up with will be great. Who knows, maybe we will know something in a couple of weeks since they go to Sweden July 1st to begin recording the album. I am sure after that trip they will have a good idea of what songs will be on the album and what the title will be. Anyway, I am already eager with anticipation!!BSB 4-ever
Submitted by Natalie from MIAMI Florida USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 22:55:49 2000
How about Backstreet Boys: We Done and Done It Againor Backstreet Boys: Against All Odds ...or Backstreet Boys: How Do You Like Us Now?
Submitted by JQ from Eastern Passage N.S. Canada
Date: Sun Jun 25 22:55:24 2000
Backstreet Boys: Now and 4ever
Submitted by Andie from Mtl Canada
Date: Sun Jun 25 22:21:55 2000
I think it should be named: "Album 4. Yup, we made it!!"Hahahaha... J/k. As long as it's not something like
"Backstreet's Back; part deux" I'm cool with whatever they chose.
Submitted by Cherisse from Brooklyn NY USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 22:07:49 2000
I heard a rumor that the new album might be called "Jive"...but like I said its just a rumor.How about "At it again" for an album title?
Cut that "rainbow" crap...this aint mariah carey!!!
Submitted by Jennifer from In Jersey New Jersey U.S.A.
Date: Sun Jun 25 22:06:09 2000
This one girl had a really good idea to call the new cd "Now and Forever". I think this would be really good. I also made up "A New Beginning" or "Changes" because I think the guys have changed a lot from their last album and plus those sound really cool! Thanks! K.T.B.S.P.A.!
Submitted by Shirin from Baltimore Maryland U.S.A.
Date: Sun Jun 25 21:05:00 2000
I think (Backstreet IN2 future ) will be cool.
Submitted by Katy from Cocoa Florida USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 20:54:42 2000
i am really sorry to the person who made the "rainbow" suggestions but last time i checked BSB isn't gay and since the rainbow is a symbol of gay pride it might not exactly be a good title may i suggest "Standing Room Only"
Submitted by Cassio Mathias from Quad Cities area IL America
Date: Sun Jun 25 20:03:13 2000
well, I'd have to hear the album, or know more bout it to really give it a great name but... I can try my best1. At a second glance
2. Reality
3. A look into a musical Rainbow
or a look into the soul of a musical rainbow
Submitted by Kelly *aka* Kitty Wild Free-stylin from columbus ohio usa
Date: Sun Jun 25 19:31:21 2000
1) Poetic Justic2)Evloution
3) The formula to music
4)Were music not pop sh*t
5)Vision of notes
Submitted by FrAcKs_LiL_BuBbLe from My Backstreet Town USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 19:28:22 2000
hey ppl lovinfrick r u still on here??? plez be!!!~~**ME!!**~~
Submitted by Amanda from Dallas Texas United States
Date: Sun Jun 25 18:00:29 2000
Sure i loved their album Millenium but the name was not that original alot of people had the millenium theme so now i think thier new album (im soo excited to get) should be something new and orginal but all at the same time short and sweet! some of the names i think sound kewl are:1) Stayin Alive (because people are saying they are old-which is mean- and that they have been here since the early nintys and before)
2) Stronger (because they have been here for awhile but now they are stronger than ever)
Im not very good at making up titles and mine are pretty corny but you get my drift!! KTBSPA!!!! :)
Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 16:56:14 2000
Charlie, You amuse me! lolYou are so hilarious!!!!!!
I've been bored all day too so don't feel too bad!!!!
Hey Fracks Lil Bubble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LovinFrick (Did you know that I want to taste the Rainbow?)
Submitted by Becky from Groton, New Hampshire USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 16:36:15 2000
Well I'm going to keep it simple and sweet....i think it should be called "Never say we're gone" because there have been rumors that BsB has broken up and for all the skeptics out there that would be a good name.....I think "Even when your sleeping" would be a good name cause its saying there gonna be here forever! and "BsB....Feelin da Heat!"
thanks e-mail me and tell me what you think...i'll take all criticism!
Submitted by p from Citrus Heights California U.S.A.
Date: Sun Jun 25 16:31:21 2000
i think it should be called :"the best"that's all i could think at the moment.
Submitted by Julie from Youngstown Ohio USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 16:19:06 2000
Another Suggestion... Heavenly Harmony
Submitted by Julie from Youngstown Ohio USA
Date: Sun Jun 25 16:04:57 2000
Album Names...Keepin it Real
Reachin The Top
For The Fans (hehe)
Livin In The Backstreet World
Endless Kaos (lol)
Givin It Our All
Let The Music Play
So Kewl
Promise (I like this one bc it describes their promise to keep the music going and the fans promise to support them!)
Livin on Back-Street (lol I luv this 1 too)!!