Name The New Album

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Submitted by Daniela from somewhere in Ohio USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 21:38:27 2000

I think that the new album should be called "Chaos" i just think thats a cool name don't you?! tell me what you think guys feel free to e-mail me!!!

Submitted by Monica+ from Chicago USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 21:28:54 2000

Okay here's a idea...... Revenge

Submitted by Christina from Lantana Florida USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 21:19:59 2000

Trilogy.........Revenge of the Boys..........Backstreets Back........i cant think of anymore. what do you think?

Submitted by megan mclean from forest va usa
Date: Thu Jun 22 21:13:35 2000

i think that the new album should be called "riden train,sweet talken D, fricken and fracken and bonen bone! dont u all agree. it uses all of their nick names

Submitted by phoebe from oxford NC usa
Date: Thu Jun 22 20:25:59 2000

I think all the ideas are good. You BSB lovers Keep The PRIDE,and you Haters get a life you shoulden't be here anyway this is for the "FANS"!!!!!!!!

Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 19:51:10 2000

That "Tasting The Rainbow" thing was just a joke. Don't ask how it got started puhleeze. It's a long story! I can tell you that it deals with Brian and something I put not thinking. That's all I'm saying right now. If you email me I might tell you, but not on here!


Submitted by Nikki from Toms River New Jersey USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 19:05:57 2000

i think that the name of the new album should be "universal". that sounds like a really cool name. and bsb's new album is gonna beat nsync record!!!!

Submitted by ally g from Londinium nope sorry luv dont have them in england Ukay
Date: Thu Jun 22 18:57:50 2000

hmmm...maybe it's irony broksgirl35....u know the 'no strings attatched' u want a definition of that word or are you alright?

hugs and kisses


Submitted by Valerie from Grand Rapids USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 18:51:16 2000

Backstreet Paradise


Submitted by Laura from Wind Ridge PA USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 18:14:32 2000

one more

8) These Strings Are Attatched (hehe)

Submitted by Laura from Wind Ridge PA USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 18:13:01 2000

1) Backstreet's Back.....again

2) Final Fantasy XVI (for Nick lol)

3) Exploring a new Millennium

4) My pants are ripped

5) Popcorn

6) We're going to beat nsync's record

7) A Lil' Taste Of Insanity

that's my input.

Submitted by broksgirl35 from winnepeg Canada
Date: Thu Jun 22 18:03:49 2000

how about 'forever'? I don't know......... and could someone please explain why n'syncs album is called 'no strings attached' and yet they have strings attached to them?

Submitted by lefty from ny ny mine
Date: Thu Jun 22 17:12:42 2000

immmmmmmmmm backkkkk ok so some more lame suggestions:







OMG!!! i am so bored that i came up wit these corny things--forgive me

Submitted by Wendy from Hickory US
Date: Thu Jun 22 16:48:00 2000

Universal is awesome! Go for Universal

Submitted by Frick Littrell from London England
Date: Thu Jun 22 16:00:50 2000

This site is the best bsb site ever! Ne way, I'm not sure, but here are a few suggestions;

The Third Step to Success,

Making Changes,

Livin life 2 the fullest,

Checking in, Checking out,

Keep the Pride Alive,

The greatest yet.

Well, I admit they r pretty lame, but I just love to be a part of anything Backstreet orientated!

Submitted by sydney from lakewood CA USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 15:50:52 2000

i like "beyond backstreet" or how about "no the backdoor boys"! tell me if u like it!

Submitted by Heather from S-Town America
Date: Thu Jun 22 15:42:49 2000

Keepin it real or Boys II Backsreet

Submitted by Amy from Pic River Ontario Canada
Date: Thu Jun 22 14:55:50 2000

Simply "Backstreet In Paradise", come on! They're making this next album in....well Paradise! I've heard this name come out before. And I think it's a great name. And self explainatory! *~*Amy*~*

Submitted by Kari J from Indianapolis IN USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 14:20:38 2000

Stop reading this and vote for BSB on TRL and Teen Choice Awards.

Submitted by anonymous backstreet fan from backstreet vill backstreet land
Date: Thu Jun 22 13:54:17 2000

how about "SMELL the rain bow" because it has nothing to do with anything. don't listen to me. it should be "the men know as boys" "utopia" "universal" or "with love"


Submitted by Carmen Carter from MY TOWN BSA
Date: Thu Jun 22 13:43:14 2000

I found some more!





i like these ones that people put:





Submitted by charlie from sussex england
Date: Thu Jun 22 13:06:34 2000

The album may not be out this year! They reckoned September, but they are so busy and want it to be so good that it might be released universally next year.



still think that UNIVERSAL is a great title!

Submitted by charlie from Sussex Cakedom (o.k. England!)
Date: Thu Jun 22 13:00:26 2000

Well AJ was recently spotted in good ol' London with TWO VANS FULL OF LUAGGE! Howie was also there, but I did not hear as much about him, but two whole vans, what does that guy have in his suitcases? Sinks? Anyway call the album


Submitted by Michelle McLean from Chandler AZ USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 12:52:36 2000

I think that the new album should be called "Breaking Boundaries" or something like that. Actually who cares what it's called, our Boys made it for us to enjoy the music not look at the title:) I also agree with you Angie on the Backstreet Project idea. KTBSPA!!!!!!

Submitted by LovinFrick from Backstreet World USA
Date: Thu Jun 22 12:07:40 2000

I think they should call it...


hehe It's an inside joke, but other than the joke part it could fit if you sit and think about it for a minute. I know that they can get sued by Skittles, but they can also get permission from them first, but like they would name their album that.

LovinFrick wants to taste the rainbow.

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