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Submitted by Amy from Roselle IL USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 22:09:36 2000

Five Fave:

1) Backstreet Boys

2) LFO

3) Matchbox 20

4) Barenaked Ladies

5) 98*

Submitted by Jessica from Rome GA USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 22:08:15 2000

First of all I just want to say that BSB is the greatest band of ALL time!!Second of all, all those ppl who say N'suck isn't trying to copy BSB need to compare the two groups.Justin- He is trying to be like Nick for all the blind ppl who can't tell that already. He tries to talk ,act,dance like him. Instead he looks like a Afro haired duck with a whiny voice. JC- He's trying to be like Brian.He tries to dress like him and act like him. Lance- I don't know who hes trying to be like but he needs to get a life. Chris- He's trying to be like Kevin. I mean look at how he cut his hair, trying to make it look like Kevin's..I don't think so! He looks AWFUL. Joey- He's trying to be like AJ dying his hair, getting all these tatoos and diff hairstyles? Whats up with that..

My point is that N'sync is just a bunch of BSB wannabes that have no lives.

BSB Rockz 4 Life!! KTBPA!!!!

P.S. Email me if u have any comments.

Submitted by Kari J from Indianapolis IN USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 20:43:25 2000

I agree with BSBgirl.

Anyway, have the guys already filmed the video for "The One"?

If they haven't, then they need to do it on "Making The Video."

If they have already filmed it, then there's always the next video.

I think it would be great if they did a "Making The Video."

Bye, Kari J

Submitted by BSBgirl from Backstreet Land
Date: Thu Apr 6 20:18:02 2000

I must admit, I don't like N'Sync the smallest bit. But, is it fair to be dissing them? This is a BSB site. Not a bash N'Sync site. I remember, about 6 mo. ago, you would read/hear many things about how N'sync fans were always dissing BSB fans on their site. Do we want to sink 2 that level? I know it hurt mine, and many other people to read what nsync fans had to say. Do we want to hurt anyone? Please stop the bashing. I you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Submitted by Shan from Van City Canada
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:24:38 2000

So... just because I like 'N Sync, I shouldn't come on here? Is that what you're saying? Did I EVER say anything BAD about BSB? No, I didn't. Because I like BSB a lot, I think they're absolutely awesome. I came on here hoping to read you guy's messages, hoping to meet people that like the same bands as me. But instead what I got was a whole lot of just plain unfair messages about 'N Sync sucking! I didn't come here originally to talk about 'N Sync at all, I came to talk about BSB. Don't think I came here to tell everyone that 'N Sync's better, coz I didn't. But I felt I had to stick up for them because they deserve better than all that crap you people are saying about them. They DO NOT try to copy BSB. Have you heard their new album? Obviously not, because then you'd know that it doesn't sound even remotely like anything BSB would do. So why don't you stop being so damn close minded and listen to other bands other than the Backstreet Boys? You're missing lots of great stuph by bands like 'N Sync and 98 Degrees just because you want to be "true fans" to BSB. But there's room for everyone!

Submitted by Marissa from Queenz NY Same country as BSB
Date: Thu Apr 6 19:04:32 2000

good one! how 'bout this:

but it ain't no lie N Suck die,die,die

die,die do you really have to make it tough?

i just want to tell you that I had enough

it's not crazy but it ain't no lie

N suck die,die,die


Submitted by bsb FAN from OTTAWA ONT CAN
Date: Thu Apr 6 18:06:46 2000

Here is a new song I made up.N'SYNC SUCKS SO BAD, SUCKS SO BAD, SUCKS SO BAD, N'SYNC SUCKS SO BAD,N'SYNC SUCKS THE BIG ONE!!!!!!!!! I just made that up, I'm so proud of myself. I CAN'T explain HOW MUCH I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE DAY N'SUCK IS GOING TO CRASH AND BURN AND I, ALONG WITH THE REST OF US BSB FANS WILL BE THERE LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crash,burn and DIE

Submitted by BSB Lover from BSB Town Mars
Date: Thu Apr 6 17:24:29 2000

Okay, now that you're here: At gurl.com there is this thing called the gurl connection. At the gurl connection, please sign up. If you click on Media Shoutout, you'll be led to a message board. On the message board, there are seperate catagorises in a scroll down menu. Click on the menu and choose 'N Suck (I mean, 'N Sync) vs./ BSB. There are actually 'N Suck fans there! (I know, surprise, surprise) Well, look out for these following girls: crunkypoofoolover and JGirl249. They (and tons more) love that pathetic band (so called, anyway). Post a cruel message to them, please. In fact, please keep posting! So far, there are 2/20 BSB fans there, me (nickluver6), and nickysgirl00. We must show those slimebags what we're made of!

Submitted by Layla from Chicago IL USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 16:49:33 2000

Even I know it means Keep the Backstreet Pride Forever!

Submitted by Romy from FairFax DC
Date: Thu Apr 6 15:44:53 2000

Hi! Well, I LOVE BACKSTREET BOYS! and I hate n'sync, I really hate them.

I also have a question, can somebody tell what KTBSPA mean? I read it a lot but I don't know what does that mean.

And, I wanna say "hi" to Isabel Novo who write a messaje from Spain and tell her that I'm from Spain too (BARCELONA)

and I know that the girls from Spain love them too, well, of course, THE WHOLE WORLD LOVE THEM!

Submitted by Claudia from Potomac Maryland USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 15:28:22 2000

NSYNC SUCK HORSE COCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! BSB 4-EVER!!!!!!

Submitted by Stefanie from Shepherdsville USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 13:17:44 2000

My all time fave group is BSB. Millennium is the best cd I own, and their live performances blow me away. They are so talented. I also like Limp Bizkit, Eminem, and Mandy Moore. I do admitt to having the Nsuck cd, but I kinda let my little brother play frisbee with it, and that Bye, Bye, Bye song..... ever heard of a little ditty called Don't Want You Back! Sorry, but BSB is the best group of all time! KTBPA!!!!

Submitted by ??? from Middle of Nowhere USA!
Date: Thu Apr 6 12:34:18 2000

The Backstreet Boys are my favorite group because they are really talented and their music is great. I also listen to 98 Degrees, though I do so very rarely. And I have to admit, I do have the NSYNC CD, and, oh, I regret ever having it! It sucks! Anyway, the only group I really like is the Backstreet Boys, but I also like some other (pop) rock groups like Stroke 9 and Vertical Horizon. Millenium is a great album and I don't think that I've ever owned such a great CD before. And I will never, ever buy that new "No Strings Attached" crap album by NSync.

Submitted by Amanda from Newnan Georgia USA
Date: Thu Apr 6 11:16:20 2000

I love The Backstreet Boys. (Mainly Howie.) I have a lot of their pictures on my computer from different web sites.

I also listen to N'Sync's CD's, but I don't have any of their picture on my computer.

And sort of kind of listen to 98 degrees.

Submitted by Kia from Atlanta Georgia United States
Date: Thu Apr 6 09:26:48 2000

Look all of you Nsync fans need to take that "BSB sux" crap elsewhere. And you wonder why we call every last one of you Nsync fans immature. In case you cannot read lemme break it down to you in standard form

Listen carefully so you will understand:

No Nsync board only BSB board, go to own board and cuss about the BSB.

There I hope you understood that, and I hope that it wasnt to hard to understand. As for the record sales, how stuck-up and conceited can ya'll be (Nsync fans). The numbers don't matter. Its the music that counts. Honestly I believe that most BSB fans could give a rat's ass about Nsync breaking that record. We know in our hearts that the BSB earned their record honestly. So did Garth Brooks. I know for a fact that some fans bought more than 1 copy. I witnessed it myself!

I think its sad and pathetic, Nsync's fans obviously knew that they couldnt break that record without begging the fans to purchase more than one copy. Now I'm not gonna wish death upon them, however I do pity them. And I feel that they didnt deserve that record and that selling 2.4mill in 1 day is mighty suspicious. And noone would have suspected the fake record breaker if they hadnt publicly asked their fans to buy more than one. I think that soon peeps are gonna find out. And they will become the laughing stocks of the music industry.

BSB fans I advise you to not go out in October and purchase more than one copy to break a record. We are bigger than that! Don't make the same stupid mistake that the other groups fans did.

Oh and one more thing ....always remember to KTBSPA!!!! No matter what!

Date: Thu Apr 6 09:20:22 2000


Date: Thu Apr 6 09:04:08 2000

We love the Backstreet Boys. Esspecially AJ and B-ROK.

And we are happy that they get married. And everyone who is jaelous. F*CK OFF!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Annemette Birk from Tranbjerg J. Aarhus Denmark
Date: Thu Apr 6 08:24:52 2000

Hi, I can tell that I like all the boys I don't have any favorit, I don't love them....cause I can I love somebody I never meet...? And I never will meet

I think there are very good the best in the world.

I only love my boyfriend and my family

Lots of love




Submitted by Leah from Detroit USA
Date: Wed Apr 5 23:55:01 2000

"Hi I'm Joey and I like porno"...who the hell cares, anywayz? I bet Nick does too! Dont make such a big deal out of it!

Submitted by Laura from Lexington Ky. USA
Date: Wed Apr 5 23:51:25 2000

Ok...what is up with everybody hatin on others that aren't BSB. I mean, I love Backstreet, but I dont hate N SYNC b/c theyre a boy band too. plus, I love Eminem more than Backstreet so f*ck off.

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