Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Kadie from Rockford IL USA
First~CONGRADULATIONS TO KEVIN & BRIAN!!!! I think that it is wonderful and I wish them happiness in their life. Second~I think that all the fans that now "hate BSB" because of this deserve NOT to like BSB. I think that this really seperates the TRUE fans, from the fans (the ones that love them for their looks, and the ones that love them for their music and talent). The only thing that I am a little worried about is maybe them wanting to concentrate on their family and leaving the group, which would be upsetting cause it would NEVER be the same. But for now all we can do is be happy for them, they are NORMAL people and the do have lives outside of what they do and they have every right to get married and be happy. I would be sad at first if AJ was to get married(but that WOULD NOT stop me from loving BSB),c'mon, just be happy for them. We knew that this day was to come, we just didn't know when and some people are reacting TOTALLY wrong!! Just BE HAPPY FOR THEM! Don't hate them because they want to be happy, and give them the respect of making it public and letting everyone know about it instead of keeping it a secert.
Submitted by Katja from Philly PA USA
I admit that because Brian is my favorite Backstreet Boy I was kinda hoping that all the wedding talk was false and none of them were getting married. But I'm 14, and my chances of getting with Brian are about the same as winning the Publisher's Clearing House 11 million dollar prize. So now my thoughts on the fans and the weddings is, if you really love the Backstreet Boys and would want them to be happy, then you would have no problem with them getting married. Think about it, Brian isn't going to just fall in love with you when he winks at you at his concert and Kevin isn't going to wisk you off to the prom because you wrote him a 13-page love letter. They're adults (they may be the Boys, but they're all 20+) and they can date, get engaged to, and marry who they please, and they will, whether us teenage fans like it or not. And if you claim you will never listen to the Boys again or all your posters are at this moment being carted away in the trash truck or you're already put your tickets to a BSB concert up for auction on E-Bay, then I think you should think twice about having ever called yourself a true fan. If we like the Boys, we are forced to take the female entourage that comes with it. So to Brian and Kevin, I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world, and God bless.
Submitted by Brittany(NicksChick118) from St. Louis Missouri USA
I think that they should be happy. If they're not happy, then you can be upset about it. If they're happy, be happy for them. There is nothing we can do except support them in their decision. Congratulations B-Rok and Kevy-Kev!!!
Submitted by Laia from Barcelona Spain
I really wish the best to Brian and Kevin and I think it's so immature that some fans are mad at them. It's all about their music, isn't it? Even tough I love Brian (and I actually wanna marry him) I'm happy he has found love! KTBPA!
Submitted by Kerri from Odenton Md 21113
OMG, I'm gonna cry, not because of them getting married, but because of the fans. First I'm happy sad, because some fans write things that are so touching. Then I'm sad sad because some fans are so immature and can't be happy for the Boys. I love the Boys and am so happy for them. I am such a huge fan and everyone at my school knows. I had a bunch of people running up to me, hugging me, saying things like are you okay or you must be devistated. I would just laugh, shrug them off, and tell them I was happy for Kev and Bri. If anyone has some POSITIVE, HAPPY, messages about the engagments, please email me. I want to put them on my web page to show that most fans really are happy for them. By the way, I am 15, and I'm fine w/ all this. I know it is mostly the younger fans who freaked and I'm sad to say that people around my age would act that way. Look at how how people who are in love are, don't you want bri and kev to be that happy?
Submitted by doreen from brooklyn new york usa
ok i was reading the newspaper this morning and there was an article about brian and kevin saying they were getting married and how there fans felt about it. one girl said that bsb were gonna lose a lot of fans, another girl said she ripped down all her posters off her wall... ok listen if you are a true bsb fan u would be happy for brian and kevin. it's about time there getting married they deserve all the happiness. you shouldn't stop being there fan and listening to there music just because 2 members are getting married...all i gotta say is that whoever stops being a bsb fan is very stupid cause bsb are the best even better than nsync.....well i gotta go now but i'm very happy for brian and kevin..........bye
Submitted by Hilary from Columbus USA
i think it is so cool that kevin and brian have both found someone to love. i wish them all the best and all the happiness in the world.
Submitted by chrissy from yonkers new york usa
i think its time for kevin to settle down with kristin im very happy for him and i think it's time for brian n leighann to settle down also i knew those two were going to marry first and im very happy for them but as much of a die hard fn i am of them i hate to say it but i think bsb has got about 1 more year in teh spot light i think b/c of this marriage thing there gonna lose alot of fans b/c of stupid immature reason and they are going to find out who there true fans are not just for them but also for their music. im very happy for the two of them but i seriously think bsb isnt going to last that long
Submitted by Lisa from Waterford USA
I'm very happy for Brian and Kevin. They really deserve this. I don't see how this can be a bad thing to us fans. They just signed a new contract for 5 new albums. So come on, their career isn't going to end just like that because when they were sigining that contract, they must have had their "new lives" in mind because you don't just wake up one day and say, "why not get married?" so they must have had this whole marriage thing in mind. I just wanted to let you know, Brian and Kevin, that i'm happy for you and I hope this works out for you. Good luck!! KTBPA!!!!!
Submitted by Courtney from Ottawa Ontario Canada
Submitted by Jeannie from Whitesburg United States
Congrats Brian and Kevin! First of all backstreet fans you have to calm down. I don't understand why alot of fans are sure this is going to break them up. How does their marital status have anything to do with their ability to make the music we all love? We should all be happy that they trusted us enough to come forward with this information. They could have easily withheld their private plans until after the I do's... Imagine that! This is a happy time for them and I hope that all Backstreet fans will be respectful to the guys as well as their future brides.
Submitted by Corine from Lochem The Netherlands
I'm just very happy for Brian and Kevin!!
Submitted by Molly from DuBois PA USA
Hey all, this is my 4th entree :) btu I just HAD to say more stuff about this. So bear w/ me while I dis 'Liseta' and 'Agnes'...CHILL OUT & GROW don't know Brian or Leighanne and you probably NEVER WILL. And keep in mind that Leighanne is an ACTRESS....!!! nuff said....ANYWAY SOME peeps out there should stop feeling selfish and all that and realize that they are all adults.. NOT PUPPETS..They cannot do what we want them to...Oh, and by the way I just wanna say CONGRATS to all of them...and would you people stop dissing Leighanne? I mean if you know her personally, go right ahead...but if you have never had a real conversation w/ her, most of us REALLY don't want to hear what you have to say if you don't like her...Oh, and I don't care if you email me & yell at me so go right ahead
Submitted by Candace Nelson from Manchester NH USA
OK, Let me start by saying that I am one of BSB's older fans (I am 21) but, I am one of their biggest fans. I just want to give a shout out to all of the younger fans who are being really mature about this. I admit that I was crushed by the news cuz Kevvy-Kev is my fave but you know what? I have a boyfriend who I have been with for 7 years so I know how Kristen must have felt. I will probably be getting engaged myself within the next year and I should wish Kev and Bri the same happiness. Remember, we love BSB for their music! If you are going to love N'Stink now than you don't care about the music at all cuz they can't sing! Show your support, make them #1 on TRL! Show those critics what BSB fans are all about! I am going to start a campaign championing BSB. We can show the world that BSB is here to stay. E-mail me for more information. CONGRATS KEVIN AND BRIAN! KTBSPA!!
Submitted by Molly from DuBois PA USA
Hey all, this is my 4th entree :) btu I just HAD to say more stuff about this. So bear w/ me while I dis 'Liseta' and 'Agnes'...CHILL OUT & GROW don't know Brian or Leighanne and you probably NEVER WILL. And keep in mind that Leighanne is an ACTRESS....!!! nuff said....ANYWAY SOME peeps out there should stop feeling selfish and all that and realize that they are all adults.. NOT PUPPETS..They cannot do what we want them to...Oh, and by the way I just wanna say CONGRATS to all of them...and would you people stop dissing Leighanne? I mean if you know her personally, go right ahead...but if you have never had a real conversation w/ her, most of us REALLY don't want to hear what you have to say if you don't like her...Oh, and I don't care if you email me & yell at me so go right ahead
Submitted by jenny from hartland wi u.s.a
i think it's great that they're getting married! they have every reason to be happy in their personal lives! i do feel bad for them and their fiancee's because some fan's are taking this pretty hard and are saying some pretty nasty things about the engagements. they didn't have to go public with this information, but they did! i think everyone should understand that the great music they do isn't going to stop just cuz they're getting married! overall, i think it's a good thing and a mature step on their part! so, congratulations to kevin & kristin and brian & leighanne!!
Submitted by xcrazeeex from New York NY USA
Ok, first off... I wanted to congratulate Brian and Kevin for choosing what they think is best for them. I'm very happy for both of them although I'm not that big of a fan anymore (this has nothing to do with them getting married). I think it's time for them to get really "involved" with someone they love. I mean, they're getting older and stuff. Well, peace out people!!!
Submitted by Lisy from Montreal Qubec Canada
There is something I forgot to say in my other message that I think is truly the most important part!!!! I'm not one of those superficial freaks who likes that Backstreet Boys because they're really sexy babes!! I truly love their music!!! I can sit back and listen to them all day and all night and never get bored of them. And unless Brian and Kevin getting married CHANGES the quality of their music I have nothing against it. I have a message for both of them if ever they read this
Submitted by Ciara and Gemma from London England
Congrats to y'all for plannin to get hitched but you are breaking millions of hearts including my best friend and although we are kinda happy for you, we are still hoping that it won't last sorry!
Submitted by lisy from Montreal quebec Canada
What can I say? oh my God!!! I've had a crush on Kevin ever since I disovered the Backstreet Boys and now I learn that my Love is getting married!!!! I knew it was bound to happen some day, but never did I think it would be so soon. I guess it's good. I mean if it makes Kevin happy, then go for it!!!! and I think that I'm still in shock so I won't say to much, but I beleive that if it truly makes him happy, then it makes me happy too.
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