Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Destiny from Highland Arkansas USA
I was shoked when I found out that Brian and Kevin where getting married, but I fell that if they are happy then we should be happy for them. It's not like we can make there choices for them.The guys have good heads on there sholders and if they love these girls more power to them. I wont say that I'm not a little dissapointed but, Girls Grow Up, thay still are going to Love there Fans!
Submitted by BSBfan from somewhere somewhere
Remember, its their MUSIC that we loved first & lets keep it that way.
Submitted by Whitney from Juniata NE USA
Ok, ya'll listen and listen closely. For all of you who have decided that you are going to HATE the Backstreet Boys because they are getting married I have two words for you Grow-Up!! The way you are acting its like you own them, which you certainly do not. You should be happy for Brian and Kevin and wishing them all of the happiness in the world and hope that they will enjoy their marriages. Instead you are saying that they arn't a good band or that their future wives are... well I'm not going to get into that. I have a 6-year old brother who is more mature than you! And he is a HUGE fan, for a 6-year old I consider it quite an accomplishment to have memorized every single one of their songs and to be able to defend them no matter what the issue. If this is what the future of our world is going to be like I am truly appalled and scared. Would you like it if your friends or family said you couldn't marry or date anyone but the one person they have chosen for you? If you do then you are with the 1% of the population that does. I plead with you to be happy for them and congratulate them. It took a lot of guts for them to tell all of their 30+ million fans and it shows that they trust us so live up to that trust! Oh and by the way, if you think this is just some old hick farm person that lives in the middle of nowhere I would like to add that I'm 13, in the 8th grade, and I recently moved from a city of over 100,000 people about an hour from Chicago so wise up!!
Submitted by Anya from Miri Sarawak Malaysia
O wow! Kev and Brian getting married. First off, congratulations on that and good for them! I feel quite okay about it. It's not a big deal (even though it is) cuz they're not like my ex boyfriends or anything, and what's the point of being all broken hearted over it? Face reality people, they don't belong to you at all. Who are you to judge who they date or get married to? And who are you to say the things about their girlfriends (or I should say fiances)? The boys have the right to date, to get married, to have kids. They have the right to live their own lives privately. I can understand why some of you feel the way you do, but honestly, the boys will never know you or met you. Even if they did, it's a fleeting moment. You ae just one face in a thousand. Accept reality and move on. But one thing's for sure, be happy for them. So to Kevin and Brian, Congrats! For the fans, there's still the other three.... :))
Submitted by Melissa from Carlstadt New Jersey USA
To start, "there's a right time for everything", that's what Brain says. And if that's what he says then I feel that's what we, as the fans and frineds, should say. We can't stop them from being who they are and doing what they wanna do. To me, this is another step in the right direction for backstreet "man" kind. It's only gonna throw things down if we throw out now! We've seen and done so many things for the Backstreet Boys; just because 2 of them are getting married doesn't mean we can't stay dedicated! I have always been and will always be a "die hard" fan and possibly one day friend. A quote out of my Chicken Soup Journal, "It's not what you make of the situation, but its how you learn that life goes on", and its true. Although some of us maybe upset that our favorite BSB is moving on with his life, doesn't mean that we can't move on with ours. We are still fans and I know I will continue to be a fan no matter what. How we place ourselves with them and how we live our own lives are 2 different things. When I'm in the "Backstreet mood", its all I talk about with my friends and all we do is watch them and listen to them and love them, but when I'm in "this is my life mood" I think of how unhappy I would be if I didn't have the chance to know them and relize who they are as human beings. To me, a new piece of the puzzle has just been built, and the pieces will only keep building on. Life is a never-ending journey and they are just exploring the boundries, seeing what is out there and trying to live normal lives. So, in conclusion, If this is what they want and if this is how they will be happy then this is how I will be happy.
Submitted by Candice from Burnaby B.c Canada
I think Its great that bnoth of them are happy.... I must admit iv'e never been that great of a backstreet boys fan but I want to say I love aj He is the hottest thing that ever walked that face of the earth.............I'm very happy for him!
Submitted by Alice from Euclid Ohio USA
I think it is wonderful, and I am very happy for them both. They have the right to be happy, and its good that they told the fans. They are adorable couples anyway.
Submitted by Agnes R. from Des Plaines IL USA
I am so very happy for Kevin and his very talented girlfriend. I will not say that I’m happy that Brian is getting married to that 30 year old "Pamela Anderson" wanna-be Leighanne Wallace. IN MY OPINION she just made him propose or he just did it because she is so old and it is the time for her to get married. I think that B-Rok can do so much better, and his ex-girlfriend "Samantha StoneBraker" is so sweet, nice and all that Brian needs. Leighanne Wallace is nothing but a b**** that went for the money and the fact that the relation ship with Brian would make her famous too and she could become a movie star. And all I say is a fact!!! She has a movie coming up in which Brian may appear "what a coincidence" that she go the part when she was with Brian. That 30 I say 30 year old woman will not give any happiness to Brian!!! He didn’t look so happy himself when he was talking about it on MTV. Some of you people may not know that Leighanne Wallace before she and Brian got together had a part in the movie "My fallow Americans" which was PROSTITUDE. Her part was having sex with some old men in the movie and that someone would point a gun to her head and she would have to ran NAKED out of the bed. Than she did some show "I don’t remember the name" in which she had a porn part!!! Naked again. One more thing on Leighanne I don’t know if her breasts are real "they don’t look real to me but she is living in LA and she is an actress wanna-be so they are implants probably" but they are huge and she should cover up more because small girls come to the concerts and see her huge thing hanging everywhere for everyone to look at that is sick. In my opinion Brian would not want someone like that as a wife or someone who would bring his beautiful kids to this world. Now I just feel sorry for the kids. I love Brian and I hope that he will find someone better in the future because people do that even if they are married.
Submitted by Shar-Lyn from - -
Helloooo fellow Backstreet fans....OK, I was kinda surprised when I saw the no. of ppl dissing the gals a few pages back.....that was not very kind of ya...We should be happy 4 them, i mean C'MON!!how childish can u get?! actually i'm only 12(yes, 12)and still a hard core Brian fan 4 ever and ever...ok, there is a solution to this. If u are afraid Brian is going to have an early divorce, bla bla bla, just like leighanne now, ok? And when they really break up, then u can start to hate her(if she broke Bri's heart)of coz i hope it won't happen. Does any1 agree? Plz email me (i don't mind hatemail 2)KTBSPA!
Submitted by Cadie Williams from Glens Falls New York USA
I admit that I am extremely heartbroken that Brian and, especially, Kevin are both engaged. I know that I should be happy for both, but it's hard to accept it. I want both to be happy, but "Why Kevin?" This will not change how I feel about the group or their music. I don't want to hurt there feelings, if they read this, but I needed to let them both know the truth. Congratulations, to both. I hope that you will both be happy.
Submitted by Megan from Corning NY USA
I think that it is ok that they get married as long as AJ don't right away!!!!!!!
Submitted by Christyna from York PA USA
I think it's wonderful that Kevin and Brian are getting married. They shouldn't have to hold off on it just because fans might get mad or it might damage their career. I think some things, such as marriage, are more important than pleasing fans. I hope they have a beautiful wedding and that when they say "I DO" they mean it forever.
Submitted by Leila from Stockholm Sweden
I got a chock when I first heard that Kevin (my fav) is getting married. But I've been thinking about it for day now, and I'm happy if he's happy. But it would be nice if I was the one he married! =)
Submitted by Lana from Oslo Norway
Hi all of you!
Submitted by Renae from Waterloo, NY USA
I want to cry, But I can't, I just can't!.....My heart is soooooooo broken!......I let myself, to believe that I was going to marry Kevin!.....I love kevin too much!.....I am very happy for both kevin and brian! but forever I will cry myself to sleep!.....*tears rolling down my face*......Bah-Bye, Kevin and Brian! I will still be a Backstreet Fan, But I need a break! forever KTBSPA!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Moe from think think
My heart is broken, tears falling from my face, yet he, (Brian) is happy, so I'm gonna smile, cause I know it makes him happy, and I would give up everything just to see him smile.
Submitted by Music17725 from WPB FL USA
Well when I heard about the news this was my reaction "something new happened!" most of us knew it was coming but if it was me he should've proposed at the grammys which would be somewhat cute but if he did at the beginning of the new year that would be somewhat sweet too. The girl's have been pretty much on the spot now but I doubt they care at all! Maybe they're checking if their name fits with the last name...Well isn't it ironic that the 2 family members are the first to see marriage *warning warning...I hate the word marraige to me it means being tied down forever but what do I know right?* Well there's 3 to go let's hope all of them get married before they're 60 so they can enjoy it kay? Atleast they didn't hide their marraige like others pop people. I think I'm writting too much just to rub it in but...they'd be pretty mad if you bother with their soon to be wife...I'd probably be mad too. So it's their lives let them do what they want to...though thinking of me being married makes me squirm And how stressing is that?? Well I better go now before my fingers get cramped.
Submitted by Valerie from - Singapore
Hey peeps (bsb fans) out there,
Submitted by Liseta Medeiros from St.Georges Hamilton Bermuda
O.k. the first thing i would like to say is:
Submitted by Leah from Yorktown Virginia United States
Hey all you BSB lovers out there,
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