Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Katie from Auburn WA USA
When I first heard the news, I was so excited for them!! It's great that they've found someone to spend the rest of their lives with. I think that's a little immature for some BSB fans to get all upset because their favorite BSB isn't "available" anymore. They have lives, let them live them! Congrats Kev and Brian!
Submitted by got. a lovebite from nip yer breasts boobsville roodypoocandyassmuthafawkah
as someone whos actually slept with a backstreet boy(im friends with bj,and have had a romp in the bush with the little wee white boy from kentucky)i feel as i have some right to comment.first of all.....dont do it!!!kevs willy size has a lot left to be desired,and all bsb backstagers know,brians "other woman" arora is gonna do some damage to those fake plastic puppies.did you know that leighanne and britney share the same plastic surgeon.and when is nick gonna admit his feelings about kevin to more than just his sister(and,of course,her buddeeezz)
Submitted by -- from -- --
Good job least you aren't gay....
Submitted by Katy Wilson from Shreveport louisiana USA
First off I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin and Kristen and Brian and Leighanne. Ok. Now that I have said that let me say whats on my mind. I think that the people who are mad about them getting married arnt true fans. True fans would be happy for them. Not mad at them. There is no reason in the world for you to be mad. They are human just like you and me. I think they should have there own lives. If they want to get married LET THEM!! BE HAPPY FOR THEM!! I have liked BSB since I first heard the song "Quit Playing Games With My Heart". I will always like them. I cant wait untill there next cd comes out to go get it. I cant tell you people how happy I am for them. I wish that Brian and Kevin would read this so they will know how happy I am for them. To tell you people the truth I wish I could go to the wedding. Because I like them for who they are. Not there looks and there music. They seem like they would be cool to hang out with. I wish I could tell them and there fiance's in person how happy I am for them. Well I think I have said enough now. E-mail me if you think what I said is true!!!
Submitted by Kelsey from Edmonton AB Canada
First of all I would like to say that it is extreamly immature for the BSB fans to be insulting Brian and Kev on their choices in their PERSONAL LIFE!! We as fans can only see their girlfriends (well I guess finace's) physical appearance, sure leighanne may look absoulutly fake but maybe shes the nicest person. I am a BSB fan and I can honestly say that I am happy for them, I think everyone needs to grow up and claiming the BSB for themselves, they are just like us and have lives and let them live them!! We can't expect them not to ever date! They a grown men they can do whatever they want!!
Submitted by Gina from burbank USA
they are extremely talented and good-looking, but deep down inside they are like any other average human being and if they want to get married, let them. If we fans really love them, we should want them to be happy. So . . . if this is what they want, give it to them. Afterall they have been giving us the best music, this is a little price we have to pay. there's more, but . . .they'll always be loved by me.
Submitted by Jayna from Lloyd SK Canada
I think it's really great that they are engaged. I'm glad that they are going on with their lives in the midst of their career.
Submitted by we hate skanky manduh and leeeeeeeannnnnn from gonnoroeah Skankkillers
Okay i know i should be all Hap Hap Happy Joy Joy for this little annoumcement...But im NOT, because leighanne - cosmetic surgery barbie - is trying to take over the world with her spinning mesmerising plastic boobies...brian is under the spell and the world will soon be hers....Dear god the INSANITY!!!!!
Submitted by Jane from asdf asdf
Cheer up guys! Kevin and Brian are the two ugliest ones anywayz....At least we still have Nick :)
Submitted by Frances from Philadelphia pa US
Brian and Kevin, you are sooooo dumb. You must really love those skanks if you're willing to completely ruin your entire career over them. Good job, boys. Nice. Well at least now Nick can finally go solo.
Submitted by Vanessa wishicouldbe Littrell from danville ca usa
I think that its great that Kevin found someone he cares about that he has been with for a long time, and I wish them a happy long life together, however, I think that Brian is too young to make such a huge committement, at only 24, (25 in a couple weeks!!)he still has SO much living, looking, and loving to do before he can make this life long committement. He needs to think about what he was doing 2 and a half years ago, how much he has changed since then, and think how different he will be in another two and a half years. He still has growing and changing to do, it would be a shame to see him has problems with such an early marriage, leading to a young divorce, or heartbreak for the sweetie. =) What do you guys think? email me!!
Submitted by Jenn from NY USA
This is career-suicide. I can't believe married men are going to be dancing around onstage for 14 year old girls. That is so disturbing *shudder*
Submitted by monica from Las Cruces New Mexico USA
i think it is great that kev and bri are getting married!! fans shouldn't be all pissed of because they are getting married, it is their life and i'm sure they don't want to be single all their lives! when i heard this i was sad, but happy! i love the backstreet boys and i always will, no matter what happens! they all could get married and i would still love them!!K.T.B.S.P.A.!!!
Submitted by Alyssa from Aurora IA USA
I just want to say that it's great to see how things have improved on this board! When I posted on here last night there were all sorts of girls boo-hooing about how the group was going to die out! Now it seems like the more mature and realistic fans have spoken up. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks it's about time the boys got to make lives for themselves! Best of luck to both of the couples and I'm looking forward to supporting BSB to the end!
Submitted by gen from flower mound texas usa
Please don't diss me for my opinions. Try to be mature and realize that we are all entitled to our own... thanks!
Submitted by Dionne from Cedar Falls IA USA
I've been quietly sitting back and reading what others have to say about this whole thing, and getting more
Submitted by Jules from Hobart Indiana United States
Okay...First I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Brian and Leighanne & Kevin and Kristen!!!!
Submitted by Alexis from Peachtree City Georgia USA
I am happy for the engaged Backstreet Boys...if they are truly happy at the position that they are at. Being a true, loyal fan involves supporting them, even when they make long-term decisions, and you should not be mad at their fiancees or Brian or Kevin. Of course it's natural to be jealous, but you should not be that self-centered! Good luck to both of them.
Submitted by Gen from Flower Mound Texas usa
Fasten your seatbelts ladies.... the end of the Backstreet Boys is flying at us and we can't stop it!!! If you can honestly tell me that the Brian and Kevin are gonna want to leave their new wives and go on tour, you are sadly mistaken! First, it's Brian and Kevin, then some of the N'Sync guys, then 98 Degrees... it's a vicious cycle. The end of the Boy Bands is here!
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