Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Bria from Columbus GA USA
This kind of news makes me pissed off. Not at the boys, but at the fans. I don't believe the fans have a right to sit there and go, "Brian can't marry Leighanne because he's going to marry me." Not all fans, but a good number of them are under the age of 18 (ie: teenyboppers). The boys [probably] don't want to date someone under the age of 18. If the fan was about 17, then she might have a SLIM chance with Nick, but it wouldn't be likely for anyone of the other boys to pay attention to her. Also, I believe that fans should respect the boy's provate lifes. For a minute, they should put themselfes in the BSB's shoes. I highly doubt that they would like people mad at them because they were seeing somebody or engaged to them. Fans can and will dream about possibly marring one of the BSB, but they've got to face the facts. Would Kevin want to marry a 14 year old fan? I admit, it came as a shock to me to find out that Brian AND Kevin were engaged. But then I realized that they don't even know I exist. Yeah, I attended three of their concerts and I've vote all the time form them on TRL, but basically, they just see me as another face in the crowd. I started out as a teenybopper, and I use to believe that the BSB loved me and all that stuff. But since then, I've grown up and I've realized the truth. Yes, they appreciate my support but they will never know me personally, and vice versa. But here is where you find the REAL fans: the ones that can support Kevin and Brian in their marriages are the ones that will stick with them forever.
Submitted by Sunny from Downey USA
i'm a huge backstreet boy fan, and an even bigger fan of kevin. kevin is such a hottie and i'm happy that he found true love. kevin and brian deserve all the happiness in the world. i pray both couples share a long and happy life together!
Submitted by Valerie from LA USA
I am really happy for Brian and Kevin. They deserve to be happy, especially because they've
Submitted by moninca bing* from new york usa
Submitted by Valerie from LA USA
I am really happy for Brian and Kevin. They deserve to be happy, especially because they've
Submitted by Mew (not my real name) from Aurora US of A
I was surprised once I heard it, but I fell...well, happy for them! They'd probably be married at one point or another. They'll still be number 1 and will still be Backstreet Boys. Congrats!
Submitted by Sahar from Boca Raton FL USA
To start with, I really didn't know how to feel when I first heard this. But, now I do. I am very happy for Brian and Kevin as they have finally found the one. They have found the one person who they know will love them for as long as they love. They have finally realized that this girl is the only girl that they are supposed to love for the rest of their lives. I know for sure, that they will make incredible husbands.
Submitted by Delores from hager hill Ky U.S.A
I am happy for both of them.I still love the backstreet boy's and alway's will.They have to have a personal life.We the fan's don't own them.My favorite backstreet boy is brian and i am very happy for him that he met a wounderful women like her to marry.I will alway's love brian. And i will alway's buy backstreet boy's stuff. And go to there concert's.And one day all of the backstreet boy's will be married.I just hope they never give up music.Because i love the song's and the video's.And they all have a wounderful voise.I wish them the best in the world....backstreet boy's rule and all way's will....
Submitted by Danielle from Miami FL United States
I think it's great, it shows that they are no longer a little boy band. They have truly proved themselves as being men. Besides, its okay with me as long as I get my invitation. HA HA :)
Submitted by Sahar from Boca Raton FL USA
To start with, I really didn't know how to feel when I first heard this. But, now I do. I am very happy for Brian and Kevin as they have finally found the one. They have found the one person who they know will love them for as long as they love. They have finally realized that this girl is the only girl that they are supposed to love for the rest of their lives. I know for sure, that they will make incredible husbands.
Submitted by Shayne from Tucson AZ USA
I just want to say is Congratulations to Brian and Kevin and their fiances. Both couples deserve love and happiness.
Submitted by Erin from Toronto Canada
I think that as sad as it may seem, it is the start to the finish of the Backstreet Empire. Yeah, it happened with the spice girls too!
Submitted by brittany aka nick's girl from the beach florida us
ok i think that it was very rude of kevin and brian to announce their wedding palns. i think that any personal relationships of theirs should not be public at all. i can't imagine how many crying girls there were yesterday. i mean don't they know that they broke so many hearts by answering mtv's questions? i can understand them being normal and wanting to get married becuz they r normal people but their girlfriends should not be publicly known. i can just imagine girls running from church to church around the country trying to crash the wedding and leanne i know is hated.(i don't know anything about kevin's fiance) i think it was a big mistake for them to announce it on tv and there is no way that brians wedding won't be crashed by someone. i mean the only choice they've got is to alope but i know that brian wants a big wedding. i don't understand it but nick's my guy so i hope leanne and brian breakup and good luck to kevin.
Submitted by ~*JeN*~ from Houston TX BaBy!!! USA
Well, along with everyone else, I just have to say...
Submitted by Becky from Montgomery AL USA
It sickens me to read some of the stuff you kids have written. How can you call yourself fans? You don't know the meaning of the word.
Submitted by Tracy from St.Paul USA
I forgot 1 thing the 1st time i wrote. ALL of them have a right to have a normal life. There hot and all but they can do whatever they want to do w/their lives. Im happy for both of them and wish them nothing but the best of luck.
Submitted by MISTYJ from Rochester/Burlington Wisconsin U.S.A
One more thing!
Submitted by Saturn_Bsbgirl from - usa
I'm very happy for Brian and Kevin!! I was a tiny bit mad at first but hey i knew they would get married sometime!
Submitted by Nik from Chicago U.S.A.
After I added my first comment, I went back to read some other people's, and I am really disappointed in all of you people putting down Leighann. You really put the BSB fans to shame. Most of you probably don't even know her. We all know how Brian is like, he is such a sweet guy who is very intelligent, and I know he wouldn't just pick anybody. He obviously loves her, and we should respect that. For those of you "fans" who are putting her down, just stop. That is not fair to her or Brian. Just be happy for them. I can't believe how rude some of you people can be. I love BSB, and I wish them nothing but happiness, and you have these other people out disrespecting them. You aren't real fans. I am just glad that Brian has found someone (Kevin too) that they are in love with. I can't tell you all how much they deserve it. Once again, if you agree or disagree, e-mail me. =0)
Submitted by Erin from Chicago IL United States
I am very happy for them and I think everyone else should be too. I think it's really stupid when I hear girls who are like "Im never listning to BSB again!" I mean come one! If you are a real fan then you would be happy for them. There still the Backstreet Boys and they still love ther fans! Its not like any of us really had a chance with them anyways. So I wish them all the best of luck in ther marriges!
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