Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Tracy from St.Paul USA
I'm Happy for both of them. I wish them the best of luck. I hope none of the fans go crazy or something. I admitt I wish it was me getting married to Brian but I mean come on what r the chances of that happening. I guess it was true what they said about Brian, He is the first to get married
Submitted by Alice S. from Vancouver BC Canada
I think that it is great that Brian and Kevin are engaged. I am very happy for both of them. Others should be happy with them too. Just because we're their fans, it doesn't mean we own them. They have a right to be happy. If you are glad that they have found someone to share their life with, then you are a true fan. As for the person who wrote that they should out it off until their "later", why would you say something like that? They shouldn't put off their personal lives, worrying about what everyone will think. I think this is a test. If you can be happy for them and continue to support the BSB, then YOU ARE A DIE-HARD FAN. YOU WILL HAVE PROVED THAT YOU WILL STICK BY THEM NO MATTER WHAT.
Submitted by Ola from Toronto Ontario Canada
Ya know what?? I'm EXTREMELY happy for the two of them. I mean, who didn't see it coming? They both have the right to move on with their lives, being Backstreet Boys is only a part of their life and they only get to experience so much being BSB's. They deserve the opportunity to find the loves of the their lives and have a family. And both of their girlfriends are really nice and pretty so I'm genuinely happy for them.
Submitted by Courtney from phoenix AZ USA
WOW!! bsb getting married?? i never thought this would happen, none the less, i want to wish B-rok, Leighanne, kev and kristen happy lives 2gether. i dont know either of them but im sure if bsb love them then the fans should too. besides, they seem like nice girls. sorry to all brian and kev fans out there, im a nick fan so im not so sad. but remember, thers so many hot guys out there, you'll find another!! love, COURTNEY*
Submitted by Emily from Long island ny usa
Be happy be happy dont give up on BSB because of their marriages thats not right do you honestly think if tommarrow every one of their fans got engaged they would hate us? I think not be mature and if your gonna be true be true all the way BSB is about the music ,the music thats what made them famous not the looks all though the looks help remember you started liking them for the music not for the fact o they are hot and they are single give me a break and fine if you dont like idea fine if you dont like the girlfriends fine but respect it and their desicions. I believe some of you are being selfish and unrealistic Backstreet Boys were not put on this earth for our enjoyment only when you think about this this whole thing has gotten way out of control and I believe we should get over it move on and forget about this! KTBSBPA!!
Submitted by Brittany from Tallassee Alabama America
I'm back to clear up any miss understandings.I AM NOT MAD AT THEM!I AM VERY HAPPY FOR THEM!If you really loved them all the other "fans" out there that are mad then you'd be happy that they would be getting on with their lives and i do love them so for their sakes i have to get over it.Yes i know it hurts like crazy but this is our chance to give something back to them after all they've done for us.
Submitted by MISTYJ from Rochester/Burlington Wisconsin U.S.A
One more thing!
Submitted by had from detroit area michigan usa
i am sooo happy to see that the fans except it... i am truley extreamly happy that Kevin and Brian have found someone they wish to grow old with... i was afraid some of the little teeny-boopers wouldnt approve, but who cares what they think..TO BRIAN AND KEVIN, IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE FANS THINK, ITS WHAT YOU WANT.
Submitted by JESS from CAPE CORAL FL USA
Submitted by Jessi from Tarrytown USA
I'm very happy for Kevin getting married! Just because he's a BSB doesn't mean he should put his life on hold forever! Go Kevin! But, Brian...well, I try to be happy for him but...Why her! Leigh-Ann! She's such a slut! No, I shouldn't say that...But, I really don't like her. But, since I've never met her I guess I can't judge her. And, we've all just gotta trust Brian's jugement...I believe in him to make the right decisions. And, I will still go on being a die-hard BSB fan, this won't affect...much. I'll still love 'em just the same, even though a lot of shallow ppl won't. But the real fans will stick by them, just like we have been through the years. BSB aren't gonna break up...I believe in them, and this is still only the beging of all the great things they'll do. If you're a real BSB fan, have faith, they'll come through for us. I hope Kevin, Brian, Leigh-Ann and Kevin's future wife will all be very happy together!!:o)
Submitted by Nik from Chicago U.S.A.
I want to start off by saying that I think that it is great that Kevin and Brian are engaged. And I hope that all of you think so too. They have done so much for us, the fans, and they deserve our support. So I wish Kevin and Brian the best!! Feel free to e-mail or im me, I would love to chat about BSB.
Submitted by lucy from union city new jersey usa
I am very happy for both of them but I am scared that the group would break up. They are in the best part of their careers. Now most people are giving them respect and they decide to get marry. I know they are normal people but lots of the little fans would be very disappointed. Hope they have little kevins and brians to make a new Backstreet Boys for my children! Also I hope that this decision does not affect their careers! But anyway I love you guys and I will always be your devoted fan, no matter what.
Submitted by Cristy from Miami, FL FL USA
the first thing that hit me when i heard it was "whoa". i mean, i knew it was coming, i knew it was official even before they announced it on trl but i dunno, i guess i didnt wanna believe it. inside i'm REALLY happy for them, i'm soo glad that they found someone they love and i wish them nothing but happiness for as long as they're together (which will probably be a while). kev and kris have been together since practically birth and they're still going strong so i give them props. bri and leigh are too cute together, and that dog! omg, that family is gonna be nothing BUT cuteness. but then again, wats gonna happen to bsb? they're gonna have to break up eventually, and i've heard alot of bsb fans have moved to nsync so what's gonna happen to them? they are gonna put their lives on hold for a while since they obviously wanna start a family, and now all these rumors are gonna start about nick and aj and howie being married so all this is pretty much gonna kind of start a controversy, but hopefully bsb will always be there. now, i've heard that girls have committed suicide and locked themselves in their rooms "for life". lemme just ask u one simple question, how pathetic can u get?! no offense, but shouldnt u be happy for them?!! i mean, they found someone they love, and out of all the fans that love and adore them they HAVE to pick one. doesnt that just suck? i mean, i know i'm NEVER gonna get nick, and dont even compare to the girls he's gone out with cuz i'm nothing compared to them. just let them live, u'll get over them dont worry, look wat happened with david cassidy and those other peeps, i dont see my mom liking him anymore. and NKOTB, another perfect example. it doesnt last forever hun so get over it. don't worry, u'll live. well gtg now, email me by yelling at me of giving me props, i dont care. that was just MY PERSONAL OPINION so if u hav a problem with it deal with it. gtg, hope to hear from you, bye! (btw, for those of u wondering, i'm 13! hard to believe huh? yea i know)
Submitted by Mandie from Dallas Tx. United States
To all you Fans,
Submitted by Sheils from Potomac MS USA
Well...I'm happy for 'em.....they have the right to love...of course.... but all I really gotta say is....
Submitted by MistyJ from Rochester/Burlington Wisconsin U.S.A
I think it is great! Happy people make Happy music.
Submitted by Lisa from San Francisco CA USA
OK I know everyone is like really happy 4 Kev and Brian, and I am to. But, Leighanne!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HER!!!!!!!!! She, for some reason, Bothers me more than the other's girlfirends. Funny thing is, Brians not my Fave, Nick is. But I didn't mind his girlfriend. Something about leighanne makes my Butt cringe though. Trust me, she is gonna take him for his money and divorce him. She is so Fake, from her personality to her boobs. I'm happy for Brian cause he loves her, but she is such a slut I don't know what he see's in her.
Submitted by Christina from Cerritos CA USA
Wow.. Brian and Kevin engaged!! Im really happy for them that they found their love and Kevin is finally married!! I told my Dad this but he told me about what happened to the Beetles but I said it won't happen to them! THEY WILL still be a band and won't break up no matter what! I have always knew that Brian and Kevin were planning to ask their significant other to get married but I guess I just didn't want to believe it. Im really happy for them, seriously.. but it just sorta takes away the dream we all had of marrying Brian or Kevin..LoL (well Nick is my fav so its ok) Im really happy for Kev but im a little skeptical of Brian getting engaged. Im not jealous well.. yes well are-but don't think hate I Leighanne because I don't or anything. Its just that i feel that their too old too fast. He's already getting married!! Its just weird for me to imagine Brian in the altar saying "I do". Even though he's like gonna turn 25 it just feels to soon. Not so long ago I was jumping up and down screaming my loudest for Brian "i Love you!".. and then probably the next concert Brian is a married man and it would be the same i guess but it wouldn't be the same "love" i felt moths before... When he gets married it means that he is committed to that one person and to love her the rest of his life. So it seems odd now to like scream "I Love You Brian" and daydreaming of that one day he would fall in love with you... i know that would never happen! But it just takes away the dreams a fan of the Backstreet Boys would have. What about those little girls who say their gonna marry Brian? They would be heartbroken... for little bit..and probably move on to another Backstreet Boy. I guess in a way its like I feel like Brian's mom and Brian's gonna get married and I just don't want to let him go. Wow time goes by fast! well I have to go but if you would like to e-mail me or IM me at
Submitted by AshCarter from East Greenwich USA
I was sooo suprised that Kevy said he was getting married, even though I heard rumors before and I already knew about Brian. I guess I'm OK with it, but I'm really happy for them! Congrats guys! And Happy early 25th Bri! Love you guys!
Submitted by Kerri from ny ny USA
ok, well i am totally crushed. I disagree w/ all of u who say this is great and u r happy. How can u b a fan and b happy and dont give me this crap ur a true fan. you all have seen the spice girls story and look at how that ended.. Im very disappointed in Kev and Brian for not having atleast put it off till they did everything they said they would do.. like make 6 more albums. Im the biggest fan, but it just feels like some1 took my heart out and danced all over it and than gave it back. Personally, I'm a Nick fan but when i heard this news i was astonished and crying. Marriage is a HUGE commitment that comes w/ responsibility, commitment, and most of all, dedication. What kind of husbands will they be if they are always on the road? and what kind of lives will the wives lead if they go w/ them on the road.. I wish Brian and Kev would have actually thought this through.. they obviously didnt cause if they did this wouldnt be happening and dont yall think Brian is rushin it a lil.. theres something fishy he must be engaged a while 2 b getting married this year..If they have kids thats not gunna b cool.. Picture it, The Backstreet Daddies? how about no..I feel so sorry 4 all u Kev and Bri fans out there.. I'm stayin on the Backstreet but im truly disappointed in our guys 4 the 1st time.. see u later
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