Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Marie richardson from sacramento CA USA
I am letting everyone know now kevin and the whore will not be wed I will not let it happen. I will go to the wedding myself and basically object to it. If I am going down shes coming down with me!!!
Submitted by Brittany from Tallassee Al America
I am a little upset,well... alot upset.I love kevin so much and it hurt so bad when I found out that he was ingaged.But I hope him,B-rok, and their future wives the best of luck!
Submitted by VAL from Griffith U.S.
I really am happy for them because they deserve to have a happy life with people they love.It is really nice to see good things happen to good and precious people such as them.I hope that the group won't break up for this,but if they do I will always love each of them forever and ever for who they are.
Submitted by Maggie from Houston TX USA
I can't believe what I'm reading from BSB fans! We're dedicated to this group because of the hard work and the great music that they produce. How superficial can you be to think only about their looks? Yes, they are good looking (okay, REALLY good looking) but this shouldn't discourage fans from listening to their music. If that's what they want to do and if that's what makes them happy, we should be happy for them because that's what life's about. Being happy and going after the goals that you want in life. I think it's great that for once they finally put themselves before their work (which is what they've been doing since they've entered this business).
Submitted by PK from BOSTON MASS USA
Submitted by monica bing* from new yourk usa
Submitted by Amy from Edmonton Alberta Canada
Okay I personally think that it is great that they are engaged. I have no grudges against any of the Backstreet Girlfriends. They are normal people the only difference is they have a really classy job and alot of teen girls after them. Now I hate to say this but did any of you actually think that you were going to marry one of them. I though that when they first came out but now I'm past aht stage and hopefully you will pass that soo too (only to those who think they were going to marry them). If you are mad about it keep it yourself. Do you think the BSB want to hear that you hate their girlfriends.. umm I don't think so. That's just like some one goin up to your boyfriend and saying I hate you. Well i'm not going to complain anymore about this but the least you could do is say that you are happy for them... I"M HAPPY FOR YOUR GUYS!!! CONGRATULATIONS AND ALL THE BEST IN THE FUTURE!!! If I sound really mean ... I'm sorry I'm just trying to get my opinioin across. If you disagree/agree with what I said feel free to e-mail me THANKS
Submitted by Kip from Omaha USA
Ok now this is gonna sound werid but lets think about this. Brian gets married to his girl. Then Kevin sonner or later AJ and Nick and Howie will al realize what there missing out on. Propose and before you know there won't be a BSB anymore. I mean come one how many of you would want to be on the road w/ you husband ALL the time. Not have a job, have girls screaming over them. i just think that they'll break up after this.
Submitted by Amy from New Jersey USA
I think it is absolutely wonderful that Brian and Kevin are getting married. I think (and I bet you guys will agree with me) that they, more than anyone else, deserve to be happy. If this is their way of finding happiness, then it is my job as a fan to be happy for them. And one other thing. Just because Brian and Kevin are getting married doesn't mean they're going to die or something. They will still be around working their tails off the way they always do (which they do for us i might add). They just won't be single anymore that's all. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I still love 'em! KTBSPA!
Submitted by Sameera Qureshi from Calgary Alberta Canada
If there's anyone who is angry or jealous that Kevin and Brian and getting married, then you are not a BSB fan. They are human beings who deserve to be happy, and I cannot say how much I am happy for them. They deserve the world for what they do for their fans, and I'm SO glad they will finally get to live somewhat of a normal life. Good luck Kevin and Brian!
Submitted by Mandy from R'ville MD U.S.A
My Babies!!!!! I love them soooooooo much! But I thank god that they found the right girl for them! oops! I 4got! They haven't met ME... YET!
Submitted by Amanda from PTBO ON Canda
i just wanna say that i am truly happy for Kevin and Brian...yes, i was shocked when i heard the news but after it sank in i realized that Kevin and Brian deserve as much happiness as the next person...yes, i agree this is going to be a true test to see how many loyal BSB fans there are out there because there are so many fans out there who only like the guys for their looks not the music...i'm glad that they decided to tell us, the fans, this wonderful news because they didn't have to tell us but they chose to and they have gained so much more respect from me by being honest. i've read some of the comments and there have been mixed reactions...i read somewhere that this one person thought that this was one of the biggest mistake the guys had made by announcing that they were engaged...all i have to say to that is: what is worse? not being told and then finding out after it's already happend or being told the truth? both Kevin and Brian didn't have to tell us now, they could have waited until after they said their "i do's" to tell us but they didn't... that would have been a slap across the face...instead they told us the truth...yes, sometimes the truth hurts at times but it's not the worse thing they could have do to you...this doesn't change my perspective on Kevin and Brian or the group...i will still love them whether they're married or not...when i first became a fan i only liked the BSB for their looks that was it, the music came second but as i grew older and i matured i started to love the BSB for their music because their music brings me so much joy and happiness and i hope that doesn't stop anytime me, now their looks came second...if i was still that person who only like the BSB for their looks i think i would have been crushed and i doubt i would like them anymore...but i'm not that person anymore and if Kristin and Leighanne make Kevin and Brian happy then they have my blessings...for those of you who were like me two years ago, i think you really need to re-evaluate why you are a fan of the BSB because if you can't be happy for Kevin and Brian then you really weren't a true fan at all.
Submitted by Rachel from Never Never Land MD USA
Okay, I know people have said this before and will say this again, but I'm truly happy for them. I mean, people have to be realistic, and if they are truly a fan, they are willing to realize that they should be happy for them.
Submitted by Callie from Cleveland Ohio United States
Good for them! I'm so glad that these guys are fessing up and telling the world they're about to be married! I mean, I can think of other groups *cough cough* that refuse to admit they even have g/fs! Kevin, you and Kristen make the most beautiful couple alive, that girl is gorgeous! I wanna see baby pictures, good lookin kids i'm tellin ya! LOL. Brian and Leighanne are cute too, but Brian's my boy and even though he's held a special place in my heart (so I'm corny, what can u do? LOL) hey, he's 25 and deserves to marry who ever makes him happy. Besides, these guys are all about music and entertaining people, they aren't their fans' love slaves. (I wish!) Now I don't have to worry about impressing the guys by looking so nice so that they notice me at the March 9th concert...LOL. But a big congrats to them both!
Submitted by Selena D from Minneapolis Minnesota U.S.A
After reading a few entries I thought I'd add little something else to represent all my fellow BSB fan over the age of 18. I was so surprised at all the positive attitudes of all the BSB fan 18 and under. I give you MAD PROPS! My friends and I thought when the word about KEV & B-Rok getting married would cause a straight hissy fit to some of ya'll younger BSB fans, but it's so cool how ya'll represent ya'll selves & us older fans too! It shows how us true BSB fans are all the same despite AGE, RACE, or RELIGIOUS back grounds! And for all those so called fake A*& BSB fans who are doing some MAD HATING on KEVi & B-ROK's soon to be wives can go jump off a bridge, because ya'll don't reprsent us in a positive way! Even though that my FAVORITE BSB is A.J. Mclean who I've met a few times and chilled out wit when he was in Minnesota & in Orlando. I'd never ever in my life disrespect his girl! Which a couple times she was wit him, and I never talked to her in a disrespectful manner! And know why Kiddies? Cause I'm way to mature for that, I already have a boyfriend who is totally cool wit my BSB PRIDE 4 A.J. which not too many dudes would be cool wit, and for the fact that I have way too much BSB PRIDE & RESPECT for them to ever disrecpect their WOMEN! So for those BSB fans who just want the boys to be happy, YOU ROCK! For those who aren't happy for them, QUIET BEING A HATER!!!!!
Submitted by Pam from B ?? ???
This is perfectly fine with me. I mean Im really upset but then again im happy for the guys so thats all that matters. GOOD LUCK BRIAN AND KEVIN!!! I just hope thwy arent gonna leave the group for this.
Submitted by Katie from Seaside Oregon USA
I think its really cool. im really happy for them. its their lives and what they do is there choice and this is a good thing that they can do. and whoever has a problem with it just think about if u were them and u wouldnt want fans to hate u because u loves someone and was going to marry them. its their lives and i wish them good luck!!
Submitted by Mer from St. Paul USA
Why are you all getting so mad? They deserve to have a life too!! They are obviously in love. If you are so shallow that you won't still enjoy their music then you never were truly a fan at all. They are real people in case you didn't know! They have as much right to get married as anyone else. Getting married shouldn't effect you at all except that maybe you would be happy for them. The whole group has gone through so much crap the last year or two, let them have a little happiness! Leave the poor guys alone! They are just getting married, not leaving the group or anything. Just because they are pop stars doesn't mean they can't get married!
Submitted by ???? from Longmont CO USA
I am so happy for them( kevin and brian)! But to all you people that are mad need to think about how you would feel if other people didn't want YOU to get married. What if someone didn't like you anymore just because you were getting married. I just think you need think about that.
Submitted by Emiy from Kingston Canada
I think that Kevin and Brian getting engaged to women they love is great! I feel that the fact that they want to finally
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