Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by Whitney from Richmond VA USA
Ok, I didn't want to comment again, but after reading some of this stuff, I just have to. Read this very carefully- Yes, I am an obsessed fan of the Backstreet Boys, but girls, there is a difference between the fantasy world we all love where the Backstreet Boys are hopelessy devoted to us and the world where they work their butts off to keep us happy. And they deserve happiness as well. I hate myself for sounding preachy, but if the Backstreet Boys are gonna make it through this bombshell they dropped, they're gonna need all our support. I don't wanna see the end of the Backstreet Boys. Do you? I didn't think so.
Submitted by kayce from madison USA
i think it is awesome!! i am so happy for brian, leighane, kevin, and kristen!! i wish them the best of luck and many years of happiness....but we have a prob. if aj gets married! i am very happy for them!
Submitted by ???? from Longmont CO USA
I am so happy for them( kevin and brian)! But to all you people that are mad need to think about how you would feel if other people didn't want YOU to get married. What if someone didn't like you anymore just because you were getting married. I just think you need think about that.
Submitted by Guillermina from Montevideo Montevideo Uruguay
Ok, I personally don´t know how I feel right now. I mean, in one hand I´m soooo happy for both of them, I even started thinking about Brian and Kev JR...and how cute this would be.,but on the other hand I say...Gosh, it hurt..Brian (Which is the one that affects me cause I love him with all my soul) getting married, he is in love..a he is giving to Leighanne what I always wished he could give to me and I knew he would never ever give some day. And I say to myself, she better take care of him and love him back the way he love her!!!! But, I´m really happy cause he is Happy!!! I always knew that I would never get to be beside him, so this help me to prove that,and go on wiht my life and stop living in a dream that would never come true. I know that dreaming is good...but in this cases is not healthy...believe me that is not healthy at all. I used to suffer a lot..I cried when I saw him, I cried when I heard him..I cried of everything related to himbut this now changed...And believe me when I say that my friends are thanking God I through it now.
Submitted by Alex from Ontario Canada
I am absolutely enthralled!!!! I am SOOOO happy! Imagine how happy they are... I bet they walk around with big smiles on their faces knowing that they have someone who will love them unconditionally for the rest of their lives!!! Regardless if their looks fade or their voices die... It must be wonderful and I hope they live long and happy lives together!!!
Submitted by Batgirl from Gotham NY USA
Wow. I'm so glad that Brian and Kevin are happy enough to have someone to spend the rest of their life with; they deserve it. I also give em props for having courage for going out in public and letting their Fans know instead of trying to keep it silent. I think any Fan who isn't happy for them being happy is selfish and really isn't a Fan to begin with. The only dissapointment is that Kev once said that if he settles down with a family he's probably going to quit, which I don't want to happy b/c I love BSB with all my heart. But I wouldn't want them in this business, making US happy, if they weren't happy themselves.
Submitted by Lisa from N/a Pennsylvania USA
I feel that it is their life so let them live it. If these girls make them happy all the more power to them! I mean it was bound to happen sooner or later, it just happened sooner. Who's to say what they should do with their lives? It is their life so let them live it. If you are a true fan you will accept the fact that they have lives just like you and me. I am glad that they announced it. It will show who the "true" fans are and who the "teeny bopper" fans are. I'm just happy they're happy.
Submitted by Deanna from Blackwood NJ USA
Ok i have to say this before you jump to conclusions about me. I am very happy that they found someone and they deserve to be happy. Now here is the catch ...........LEIGHANN IS THE BIGGEST FAKE I HAVE EVER SEEN! I had no clue Brian could be so blind to not notice that. I mean COME ON! Kevin's girl is awesome from what i heard, but Brian could do so much better than a big nose dumb blonde Valley Girl that in my opinion she is using him is using him.
Submitted by monica bing* from new york usa
to ANA, Heather, Lacey and all those bsb fans......
Submitted by Mer from St.Paul USA
Good for them! They don't need to put there lives on hold for the public. I don't want anyone to be upset with them for there engagment. I'm really happy for them and wish them all the best!
Submitted by Faith Trinity from ***** Alberta Canada
I'm so happy for Brian and Kevin. They deserve this. I wish them nothing but the best.
Submitted by ana from nn bsb bsb
one last thing im not a teeny bopper im one of the only bsb fans that likes other music like limp, greend day, orgy, STW, korn, etc. so you dont call me that!! and i am writing this cuz i care an i dont want them to mess up their lives
Submitted by Faith Trinity from ***** Alberta Canada
I'm so happy for Brian and Kevin. They deserve this. I wish them nothing but the best.
Submitted by Mer from St.Paul USA
Good for them! They don't need to put there lives on hold for the public. I don't want anyone to be upset with them for there engagment. I'm really happy for them and wish them all the best!
Submitted by newsdiva from lalalala anywhere
ANYONE GOING TO THE SPRING TOUR. Can you please show your
Submitted by ana from you know guess whatever
another thing- how do you know that the gf's are cool?!? mandy (nick's ex) was abusive, and yall were all for supporting her! and they will almost never get to see their wives when they are on tour. i am not crying i am just saying wait till its all over and you arent selling #1 cds to do something like this.
Submitted by heather from north tx usa
OMG!! I could not believe it when I heard Brian and Kevin were getting married! it totally broke my heart(not like I had a chance with them though!)! All I'm gonna say, is now they are gonna lose some of there fans, because girls my age don't wanna drool over guys who are married! I'm serious though, cause half the girls that love BSB, hated the idea of them even having girlfriends. Sorry, but all you people say its gonna work out, sorry, but i think not.
Submitted by Jenny from Ahoskie NC USA
well this is nice....i guess my hearts in my stomach but oh well life goes would have happened soonor or not upset on them getin married its just the thought of bsb not goin anymore thats what im scared of what if Leighanne doesnt want brok doin tourin and music huh anyone ever think of that huh but all in all more power to em they well go some time i just wished i hadnt read this article b4 the Raleigh concert...ahhh
Submitted by Denise from Tampa FL USA
I was not surprised. Brian has said he'd like to marry her and Kevin and K have been on and off before there were even BSB. I'm just happy that they're happy and we should only care about the music the guys make and not who they're walking down the aisle with. It's their personal lives and if they weren't in the spot light they'd be getting engaged and no one would go completely whacko!! And if you're still bumming, there's the other 3 (just kidding)
Submitted by SOMEONE from somwhere out there
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