Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin
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Submitted by ana from nashville tennessee usa
i cant believe it!!!! what the !@#$ are they doing!! it wont last, no pop star has ever had amarriage last more thatn a few years!! even amy grant got a divorce!!!! i mean, its sweet that kevin is settling down, he would make a great family man, but brian is insane!! i never did like whatever her name is!! grrrrrr............... i am so mad!!! and how do they expect to hold their heads up now! i am a faithful fan, even if i do disagreee with them sometimes, but i know many people who wont but any more stuff cuz bri is married!!! what were they thinking!
Submitted by Sara from Toronto Canada
First of all, I want to say congrats to Brian and Kevin. God Bless you in the near future. I think it's great that they both found someone to spend the rest of their lives with. Everyone will eventually get married and the chances of marrying of favorite celebrity are pretty slim. If you are real BSB fans you would be happy for those two. Anyways, I'm glad that Kevin and Brian found their future wives. For all you girlfriend haters, get over it.
Submitted by Kelsey from Mobile Alabama USA
I dont c anything wrong with brian and kevin getting married cuz as fans its our job to support them and i support them(brian and kevin) in any decisions they make. even though if i disagree with what they decide it wont make a difference. but like i said i think its great they r gettin married becuz if it makes them happy then it makes me happy.
Submitted by Eliza from O'Fallon IL USA
Can you all even possibly comprehend how hard and unbearably lonely it has to be for these amazing men to have been working their tails of for SEVEN YEARS, out on the road and away from home for almost the MAJORITY OF THE TIME? How can we possibly even think that we have the right to deny the love and companionship that comes from having a soul mate THAT ALL HUMAN BEINGS NEED TO SURVIVE from these boys? Why are we even making such a big deal about this? We are fans of their MUSIC, we're not crazy obsessive stalkers! We have no right to criticize or even KNOW what goes on in their personal lives. Let's all be grateful for the fact that they have opened up their lives and their hearts to the public to scrutinize, criticize, and disect. How is the fact of being married to someone going to change the quality of their music, which is what us true fans are supposed to be fans of, correct? And just because someone is married DOES NOT make them a dirty old man, to respond to the girl that said that. Marrige is one of the most holy, sacred, and most important relationships that a person can be in. Are we going to deny that beautiful thing to these men, who we supposedly love so much, just so we can be greedy and selfish? I certainly hope not, because if we are, then we are one sad, pitiful society. And, yes, I admit that I once dreamed of marrying Kevin myself, but knowing that he is not alone and is happy is enough to keep me happy. I once read the following quote, which is my personal favorite and describes my feelings for Kevin perfectly: "Loving someone forever means loving them, even if it means you have to let them love someone else." So, please, let's continue to love and support the band and not desert them just because Kevin and Brian are in love. KTBSPA!!
Submitted by GrlBackst2000 from Macclesfield NC USA
I am happy for them both. Yes, its a disappointment, but they have lives, too. I appreciate them for their musical and choreographical (is that a word?) talentsand their looks. But that doesn't mean that they can't have lives.
Submitted by kel from livingston ca usa
to all the bsb fans around, i know the following that im bout to say no one would like it. some may agree some may not. but if ur such a so called " hardcore bsb fan" u would be glad for the fact that kevin and brian are happy. i dont think that if they hear whats going on with fans saying that they dont like them getting married, well to bad. their human beings. sooner or later they will have to get married either they say it public or not. i for one am happy for kevin and his cousin, yes i know im might not like their girlfriends, but have u ever thought, that if any of u were their girlfriends would u like fans calling u names? no , but if kevin or any of the guys see this i just want u to know that im happy for u, turely i am. i wish bsb they happest in their future. and for all of u who didnt like this to BAD!!!!! that's how i feel
Submitted by Leah from Locust Grove Virginia U.S
you are all insane. crying and getting upset b/cuz they're getting married? thye have thier own lives and you all just need to accept that. let go of that crazy delusional teeny bopper dream that you are the one that they should be with. i'm not trying to be mean or anything but being jealous? i mean c'mon you should be really happy that they have found someone that really makes them happy and if you were all true fans you wouldn't care if they were getting married or not b/cuz they are still the backstreet boys. KTBPA4ever!!!
Submitted by NEDA from DETROIT MI USA
Submitted by Linda from Philadelphia PA USA
Want to support them? Well, If anyone of you guys are going to their concert bring a sign that said 'Congrats on the engagements, I'm happy for you guys!' Maybe when they read that...they will be happy...Get the point?
Submitted by Laura from Hilliard Ohio USA
I was extremely shocked when I read something a few days ago on this. I heard it earlier from someplace else. At first I was extremely mad, learning that Brian, my fav BSB was getting married. I still kind of am, but I know there is nothing I can do about it. Being 13, My dream is to just meet one of them, because I know dating would be out of the question. Now it is even more! It is quite true that BSB will lose a bunch of fans. I know this is a strange comparison(I have been watching too many behind the musics!), but when Donny Osmond got married he lost a bunch of fans. I hope not to be one of the fans they lose. I am pretty sure I wont be, because I can always still dream!
Submitted by katherine from hutchinson U.S.A.
I have three words:
Submitted by Kristen Thomas from Scotsdale Arizona usa
i Am totally crushed by the news that the most goregous guy in the world is now engaged.... this is not fair ,,,,,,
Submitted by Jenn Walker from Keene NH USA
Hey guys! I just want to say congratulations to Brian and Kevin. I am really happy for them and their significant others and I wish them the best of luck! I really hope that you people dont like flip out and I know some of you have already, but this is a good reminder that the BSB are people too. They have a life to live other then touring, recording and publicity stints. A lot of what has been said by fans publicicly has been pretty negative and I think that is really upsetting. I Can tell you one thing they will NOT lose fans over this....Sure they may lose some whiny awe struck teeny boppers, but real fans will understand they could not possibly marry all 11 million of us:) Remember we all here for a purpose... and ours is to keep the Backstreet Pride alive:)... regardless of the marital status!! Best wishes to everyone...but homework calls! Thanks for reading this guys...ttyl!
Submitted by Samantha from Elkton VA USA
Ok I am toataly happy for Kev andBrian.But I love Brain even know I never met him It brook my heart when I read Wedding bells.
Submitted by BSB#1always from here here
Did it ever occur to u that if the BSB ever do come online and they read all of
Submitted by monica bing* from New York USA
Submitted by BSB#1always from here here
Did it ever occur to u that if the BSB ever do come online and they read all of
Submitted by A Loyal Backstreet Boy Fan from Where this all took place NY U.S.A.
Hello, I first wanted to say that I think that it was awsome for the guys to get engaged on Valentines Day and especially revealing it in good old Albany, NY. I was there for the concerts on February 14th and 15th. I am very happy for Brian and Kevin. The Backstreet Boys have been around for 7 years now. They started off little and made themselves a huge success through time, patience, giving up a lot of things to pursue their career. Everyone in this world has a soul mate and Brian and Kevin have found theirs. Fans have known about the 2 ladies so it should not be a surprise or a shock to anyone. The guys have to have lives and a personal life outside of singing. You must be in denial if you do not think that these guys have girlfriends. Everyone has a personal life so please mind your own business and worry about yourselves. They are honest and I give them credit for coming out and letting it be known instead of hiding it. If Brian and Kevin were not serious, we all would not know. I am not trying to offend anyone but I think some of you girls need to grow up and deal with reality. I honestly do not think that the boys like or care for signs by younger females saying "I love you will you marry me?" and the way they act by thinking they are their personal property. Come on now, give me a break. No one can really say you know these guys. Yeah you see them in concerts, tv shows, and read articles about them and u learn different things about them and some are just lies. You have to be family or real friends to know them. Yes the guys care about their fans but honestly they really do not care who sits in the front rows at concerts and dont be mad if they kick a stuff animal off the stage. Do you know how many things these guys receive in a day. These guys are real human beings not sex idols. They get paid lots of money to go from place to place and make screaming girls happy by their love from singing. Someday there is not going to be a group anymore and what do u want the guys to do sit around and be lonely? I think if you are truly a Backstreet Boy fan you would accept this and be happy for Brian and Kevin. I would be happy too if Nick, Howie, and A.J. have girlfriends too. Remember that the group is going to take some time off after the remains of the extended tour. Who honestly knows what is gonna happen. If they continue singing and performing, I will be right in the audience singing along to the music. If they do their own things I think they deserve it because they worked their asses off for years making everyone happy and its about time for all of them to be happy and do whatever they want to do. Whatever they do they will always be the Backstreet Boys to me and I will keep everything that I have of them as a momento on how they brought a smile and a love for music in my heart. Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive and look forward to the next time I see the Backstreet Boys.
Submitted by Samantha from Elkton VA USA
Ok I am toataly happy for Kev andBrian.But I love Brain even know I never met him It brook my heart when I read Wedding bells.
Submitted by Mallory from SSI GEORGIA USA
ok... i am sorry if i offend any of you out there. don't get me wrong i love the backstreet boys to death! but, the youngest backstreet boy is now 20. two are getting married. think about it. their whole fan base is based on girls thinking they are hot. you all say it is about the music, but you know you love their hottness. i think carson was partially right when he said on wednesday's TRL, that the bsb's fan base will slide over to NSYNC. you all think that you are going to be the next mrs. litterel, that's why you bought the CD. you bought the poster b/c you like to look at them. am i making any sense? well never the less. i got to go. KTBSPA
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