The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone

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Submitted by Mariam from West Virginia USA
Date: Mon Oct 7 23:39:41 2002

im soo with christine!! u go gurl! ummm an whoeva said that should jus shut the hell up and that email really doesn't work!!

Submitted by christine from Oceanside Ca USA
Date: Mon Oct 7 23:23:50 2002

Obviously that girl who was talkin' shit doesn't have enogh guts.You didn't even put a real email address.How do i know? 'Cause i emailed you.You don't wanna get me started.Keep talkin trick

Submitted by holla from FUCKOFF! Laos
Date: Mon Oct 7 20:23:04 2002

The fagstreet boys fucking suck and have no talent what so ever! All bitches who give a fuck can write to me at

Backstreet fucking sucks ass!


Submitted by Cooked from BSB world AS Austria
Date: Mon Oct 7 17:45:30 2002

Guess who's on the SURVIVAL OF THE SEXIEST list?????


WHat HAppend to AJ Mclean??

I guess BSB fans didn;t nominated HIM!!! dang BSB fans ya better start working and voting your ass off for BSB this is them time for us to HELP THEM!!!!!

Nsync fans seems to be voting their asses off for Justin!! and BSB fans kinda getting LAZY!!

NOMINATE AJ on CG Survival more than 1000 if you can afford that!!

KTBPA!!!! for Fuck SAKE!!!!!

Submitted by Missy* from Chicopee MA USA
Date: Mon Oct 7 17:14:06 2002 / ----- click there and all u have to do is...... VOTE!! Remember.... you can vote as much as you want!!

From: Matt (male BSB fan)

Yo! Everyone I need your help to get Nick at #1 on my radio stations hot 9 @ 9! Basically this radio station airs from NC to SC and I just voted for 'Help Me' Again and Nick is in the lead as he has been in votes lately and he is never in the top 9 and Justin is still at #1 so if you all could vote like crazy and lets see if they play him tmr night! The link is - then scroll down to where it says 'click here to your favorite song on the hot 9 @ 9' and then look for Nick's song and check it and vote ^ _ ^! Oh and if one of you reporters or something would post this on the news board so more people will see it that'd be great because i'd love to see Nick hit #1 on one of the biggest radio stations down here! Well i'm out :)!

and vote for nick here

Feel happy!!


Submitted by christine from Oceanside CA USA
Date: Mon Oct 7 16:54:41 2002

It's BSB day! SO we as fans should be happy and let them know that we love them.Because they are the best no matter what.SO to all you losers who have nothing better to do than diss BSB get a life 'cause I'm pretty sure you REALLY don't wanna mess with a Backstreet fan today.Not on there day. This is a message to BSB If they read it:
" to make it stop
study your lessons
don't settle for less
even Genius' asks questions
be Gratifull for Blessins
Don't Ever Change
keep your Essense
tha power is in tha
People and tha Politics we address
Always do Your best
don't let this pressure make ya panic
and when ya get stranded
and things don't go tha way ya planed it
dreaming of richs
in a position of makin' a difference
polititions and hipocrites
they don't wanna listen
do what works for you
>a rock and a hard place
>stuck between the two
>Don't let nobody disrespect
you say what you want
and how you say it's true
it's ok 'cause your just being you" Christine

Love you BSB and I will Always KTBPA

Submitted by Rhaine from Philippines
Date: Mon Oct 7 10:11:29 2002

All I can say is that F*** to all the LOSERS out there who are definitely trying to break the BSB. No matter what happen BSB will still rule. Eventhough there are many new boybands that are coming, no matter what happen BSB will still be the BEST. And we the fans of BSB will still be here no matter what happen and we will support them till the end. And be afraid coz BSB is working on a new album and for sure they will be on the TOP again where they really belong. So for all the LOSERS there just SHUT UP and F*** to all of you. BSB will still be the GREATEST BOYBAND EVER. And to all the fans Keep the Backstreet's pride alive. I LOVE YOU BSB!!!!!!!

Submitted by Angela from NJ USA
Date: Mon Oct 7 00:18:26 2002

hello...i kno i just posted but i have been reading other postings and i just gotta bitch'd just like to say that nsync fans are so fucking immature...its fun to laugh at them...ya see...i luv bsb..but i like nsync too...i think justin's song is pretty hot and i think jc is pretty damn hot too. BSB are totally number 1 in my book, but i've always liked nsync too. Its the nsync fans that i can't stand. they are so hell bent on screwing with bsb fans...but what they don't see is...which fan base is strong? its totally backstreet. NSync was and still is a little more popular than bsb in america...not worldwide people...but this is because they have singles that appeal to more than just their fans...they appeal to lots of non--pop fans who like a little bit of it...but who gives a crap...the people that make nsync sell millions aren't all making fan sites and going out of their way for the group...they just like the music. Meanwhile...most people who like BSB don't just like one song...they like everything about bsb and all their music and they are hardcore fans...Nsync fans are so fickle...most of their popularity stems from people who like just their singles or an album, but they all aren't people who are going to be hardcore like bsb fans...and nsync fans are really fickle in the sense that u know ya'll were once bsb fans until nsync came thats just fucked to say u never liked bsb...but whatever...and another thing...I can't wait for the new bsb album to come out cuz no doubt it will be the shit and the army of bsb fans can show the world how much they still love the boys. everyone chill out...nsync fans get a damn life...yeah justins hot...but nick is too...and overall...BSB fans could beat the shit out of ya'll any day...we just don't waste our time on nsync fan pages cuz we have better things to do. Peace out everyone and KTBSPA! don't hate...appreciate!

Submitted by Angela from NJ USA
Date: Sun Oct 6 23:52:01 2002

Elgato, what did good charlotte say about BSB? i didnt' see it...and btw...BSB rule and when they finally come back with an album we gotta be there to show the world why we are the best friggin fans out there!!!

Submitted by Dave Hoppe from Willmar Minnesota USA
Date: Sun Oct 6 21:11:55 2002

I was sooo Happy to hear that they are finally coming out with number 6!!! All my friends kept telling me that they were breaking up!! NOT! I said! I am a true BSB fan!! I have stuck by them for many years, and get crap for loving a boy band!! Who the hell cares! They are the best group I have ever heard and I will stand by them for as long as they continue recording and beyond!!! I have all five albums and have made room now for number 6, sure to beat that "other" group out of the title that belongs to BSB! They are just wannabes! Get a life NSync! The backstreet boys will always rule! After all they gave the boy band image the best look and feel it could have ever deserved!!! BSB rocks!!!!

Submitted by elgato from USA
Date: Sun Oct 6 17:52:59 2002

On there's an article where System of a Down (one of Nick's favorite groups) praises BSB. So Good Charlotte can go fuck themselves (those of you who saw Friday's TRL no what I'm talkin' about).

Submitted by Rea Lorraine from Imus Cavite Philippines
Date: Sun Oct 6 02:27:24 2002

About the rumors that BSB are BREAKING UP i dont believe that and ive heard that BSB is making a new album with nick. I hate people that are telling that because nick is going solo it means breaking up for the BSB. They are 5 individuals and they have right to do whatever they want that can improve themselves. But it doesn't mean that they breaking up. It hurts me coz im a big BSB fan and some people are trying to make a big issue about Nick's new album. And they trying to make a war between nick and the rest of the BSB. For me BSB will still be The BEST BOYBAND IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I hope that all the BSB fan will keep their pride alive and keep supporting the BSB till the end. and of course let's support Nick's album. I LOVE YOU BSB!!!!!GOODLUCK AND ALWAYS KEEP THE BACKSTREET'S PRIDE ALIVE!!!!!

Submitted by christine from Oceanside CA USA
Date: Thu Oct 3 20:02:43 2002

Oh i know what you mean thanks Anna sorry i didn't say that, thank you though.YAYAYAYAYA I lOVE YOU KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a good year
P.S. Stay fine hehehe, oh yeah Kristin is 32 but i never said anything about her Sorry, you have a good year to Kris.Of course you will your with Kev. LOL

Submitted by christine from Oceanside CA USA
Date: Thu Oct 3 19:49:18 2002

Anna what did i write, do you mean that thing about Kev.? If it says Christine, Oceanside yeah it's me.

Submitted by anna from vancouver Canada
Date: Thu Oct 3 19:09:01 2002

hey christine, did u write that? thats really good. YOU GUYS PLEASE HELP ME...YOU HAVE 2 HOURS TO GO HERE AND VOTE FOR NICK FOR THE HOT 6 AT 6. IF YOU DONT MAKE IT BY THEN, YOU CAN VOTE 4 THE HOT 10 AT 10 WWW.Z95.COM please vote. oh i was in the audience of a canadian talk show today, vicki gabarough..its a crappy show but i went with my class for a feild trip for our media arts class...but the one sitting next to the old man that won at the wearing a blue sweater...for anyone who lives in canada and watches airs tomorrow.

Submitted by christine from Oceanside CA USA
Date: Thu Oct 3 14:57:44 2002

KEVVY is 31 YAYAYAYAYA I LLLLLOOOVVVEEE Kevin he's so gorgeous hehe but yeah I'm happy. Have a great day Kevin we LOVE YOU!
Christine Richardson

Submitted by kevy kev from Yemen
Date: Thu Oct 3 08:16:23 2002

Hey....just wanna wish Kevin a fantastic birthday for today....have fun man

Submitted by christine from Oceanside CA USA
Date: Thu Oct 3 01:13:23 2002

Thank you Anna.She's like the voice of reason hehe but anyway Rachel,some people will bitch at you but i've been called not a real fan myself by a few and i could name a some but i won't, yeah i know your probably sick of waiting but so are we just don't talk like that ok.

" To make it stop
study your lessons
don't settle for less
even Tha Genius asks questions
be Gratifull for Blessins
Don't Ever Change
keep your Essense
tha powers is in tha People and tha Politics we address
Always do Your best
>don't let this pressure make ya panic
>and when ya get stranded
>and things don't go tha way ya planed it
>dreaming of richs
>in a position of makin' a difference
>polititions and hipocrites
>they don't wanna listen
>So do what works for you
>a rock and a hard place
>stuck between the two
>Don't let nobody disrespect you say what you want
and how you say it's true
it's ok 'cause your just being you" -Christine

Submitted by ANNA from vancity Canada
Date: Wed Oct 2 23:36:26 2002

Hey guys 1st thing..bsb is NOT breaking up, i repeat..BSB IS NOT BREAKING now i sound like a dork. Um..Rachel? you call yourself a fan? You think that just cause bsb dont have as much fame as they did 2 years ago that they should break up? WHAT THE SHIT IS WRONGE WITH YOU? They have changed and evolved with the times, everyone has there ups and down and there specific time to isnt necesarily very long but it leaves an impact on people. and right now, bsb is on a small break, they deserve one. now they can change their style and do the music they want instead of pretending they are the sugar coated boy band. I think that the true fans will stick with them no matter what they do. i sure as hell will. and if youre saying you think they should break up, thats not right. they will break up when they are ready.that is not now, not yet. they arent finished yet. aniways ok WERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE, ARE YOU GUYS FRIGGEN SLEEPING THROUGH THIS? nicks song has been realesed, HAVE YOU NOTICED YET? justins song has hit the charts..but nicks still i the only one that spends 10 mintues everyday voting for him...i feel like im alone. can u guys please help me make nick happy...u guys he has done so much for us, spent 10 years of his life..affecting ours. cant we take 10 minutes out of our day to vote for his song. here. go here, click requests. pick nick carter, help me. for the hot 6 at 6, or hot 10 at 10. PLEASE. PLEASEPLEASE.
and dammit.. keep the backstreet friggen pride alive.

Submitted by Lorin from Fl USA USA
Date: Wed Oct 2 21:08:53 2002


Okay for those of you still worried about a Backstreet 'Break up' I have got a million things to say. For one, Kevin just said a few days ago that they are starting to record and that Nick will be recording with them as well. Howie just said how proud they are of Nick, and that they are still all 5 of them together. Nick just confirmed that the Backstreet Boys are still together, and I just got official word from the news letter and here's part of what it said....'Hey BSB fans! The Backstreet Boys are preparing for their next record scheduled for sometime next year.' How much more proof can you ask for?!

So just CHILL..... there are many rumors going around that Nick is quitting BSB, that BSB hasn't even started recording, or that Brian is not sure about BSB being a GROUP!!............... THAT'S ALL BULL SH*T, that's the media!! and all they want it's to devide the BSB FANS!! but if we listen to them!! then we all have problems!! just IGNORE THE MEDIA and BELIVE WHAT CAME OUT OF THE BOYS MOUTH!!

Remember this is just a "BREAK" so dont take it as BAD!! i sure know and bet that if you were in a GROUP for years you may wanna take a long break after all the Sucsses!! and all that stuff!!!

Another quick NOTE: i just went browsin on all the u.s's main radio stations, and nick is only on a couple of them, he's not even on jojo's top nine anymore, not on anything! i posted a lot of websites at this site in the point of view section in guestbook subsection, go and vote! i couldn't post them here, b/c it would be too long. nick's not doin too well on the radio. so we gotta change that. if u guyz can't find them, just ask...


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