The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone

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Submitted by Lorin from Fl USA USA
Date: Wed Oct 2 21:05:28 2002


Okay for those of you still worried about a Backstreet 'Break up' I have got a million things to say. For one, Kevin just said a few days ago that they are starting to record and that Nick will be recording with them as well. Howie just said how proud they are of Nick, and that they are still all 5 of them together. Nick just confirmed that the Backstreet Boys are still together, and I just got official word from the news letter and here's part of what it said....'Hey BSB fans! The Backstreet Boys are preparing for their next record scheduled for sometime next year.' How much more proof can you ask for?!

So just CHILL..... there are many rumors going around that Nick is quitting BSB, that BSB hasn't even started recording, or that Brian is not sure about BSB being a GROUP!!............... THAT'S ALL BULL SH*T, that's the media!! and all they want it's to devide the BSB FANS!! but if we listen to them!! then we all have problems!! just IGNORE THE MEDIA and BELIVE WHAT CAME OUT OF THE BOYS MOUTH!!

Remember this is just a "BREAK" so dont take it as BAD!! i sure know and bet that if you were in a GROUP for years you may wanna take a long break after all the Sucsses!! and all that stuff!!!

Another quick NOTE: i just went browsin on all the u.s's main radio stations, and nick is only on a couple of them, he's not even on jojo's top nine anymore, not on anything! i posted a lot of websites at this site in the point of view section in guestbook subsection, go and vote! i couldn't post them here, b/c it would be too long. nick's not doin too well on the radio. so we gotta change that. if u guyz can't find them, just ask...


Submitted by Rachel from None of ya business Look above France
Date: Wed Oct 2 17:12:57 2002

I knew this was going to happen. Nick staying with the firm is a bad idea. Thats how other groups have broken up. They all decide to split from a place, one decides to stay behind. I think BSB should just call it quits after this last cd. They are never going to have their "glory" days back. As for Nsync, I say the same for them. Know when to jump off the rollercoaster when your ride is officially done.
But atleast we have a Backstreet Baby on baord :D

Submitted by gilgamesh from USA
Date: Wed Oct 2 15:20:08 2002

Hey , U DONT HAVE 2 KNOW we're all bsb fans, specially nick, ( sept the ncrap fans hoo post crud on r site) and we R votn 4 nick, and he's number ! on TRL, but the song was just released, and we're votn so CHILL!!! Most of the charts r usually rigged anyway, but we all love BSB and most of us likes HELP ME ( like me - ive been a fanatic 4 5 and a half years and looooooooooooove help me!!! ) but we're votn!!!!!! CHILL!

Submitted by Kerri from NY NY USA
Date: Wed Oct 2 12:58:44 2002


well after reading that article, it made me somewhat sad. the boys are amazing, and i hope that they will all continue to make a record as 5, nick included of course. i think it's great that he's doing his solo thing, because atleast he's getting to live out one of his dreams while his bandmates are having some time off. i'm not really sure i understand the purpose of the article, because for some reason it just pissed me off.. I think nick's decision to stay w/ the firm was a good one because they know him, and it's what he feels comfortable with. i look forward to a new album in 2003.

xoxo- kerri

Submitted by U DON'T HAVE 2 KNOW from NOT IN USA
Date: Wed Oct 2 10:00:06 2002


Submitted by Rica from Pasig Philippines
Date: Sun Sep 29 06:28:31 2002

hey guys...i just started missing BSB! ive been a fan since forever but i have stopped being the obssesive type hehe...i think this article is way underestimating our boys...getting married and being themselves were not crimes...we all grow up and eventually seek out something, someone, someplace that will make us happy. it is unfair to BSB that some fans can appreciate them married or not...or having to be in a rehab. these five men gave themselves to us and made our young lives happier. i think its about time for us to return the favor...if we really call ourselves LOYAL fans then we shud appreciate and support them in any endeavor they make...anyway i think BSB still RULES!!!! =) rNbChIc

Submitted by anna from vancity Canada
Date: Sat Sep 28 16:36:18 2002

oh and ew justin is one of those guys who is like..anoroxic looking skinny, look at those nasty legs..ew. um you guys wanna do me a favor if you have time?
can u please go to and click requestz, and pick nick carter Help Me..for the Hot 6 at 6? thanx so much .

Submitted by anna from vancity Canada
Date: Sat Sep 28 16:33:59 2002

have you guys realized that nstink fans sa ysuch stupid things to make themselves look cool. ok BUDDY, nick could play the drums since...forever AND he can also play the guitar. what can justin do? wear the same clothes in every video and dance around looking like micheal jackson on crack, and trying his hardest to sound like britney spears.. he knew nssync was loosing it so he decided to go solo, cuz he needs the world to shove its head up his ass. aniways. nicks video and song kick ass, justin sounds like a friggen gurl, and hey u loser get the hell off this sight and get a life.

Submitted by Looney L from USA
Date: Thu Dec 13 03:11:42 2001

ya joojooba!
I LUV BSB YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by joojooba from USA
Date: Thu Dec 13 03:06:48 2001

ya looney - evry one needs to realixe how hard da bsb r werkn soooooooo hard on this cd for us - da fans and we shood sooooo appreciate that - backstreets back and will once again rule mtv ( they were never gone, just mtv dont no dat, they a lil slow) so ktbspa!!!!
*~an adoring backstreet fan*~

Submitted by Looney from USA
Date: Thu Dec 13 03:01:28 2001

bsb rules and anyone who doesnt think that stinks, face it nicks cd rox and their new cd will rock the world so b ready to get to the store and buy it
go bsb ~~~~~*****bsb fan******~~~~~~~~~~~ go bsb

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by JoJo from USA
Date: Fri Sep 27 17:27:58 2002

If you go to you can read two interviews done today, one with Howie and one with Kevin, talking about the new group album that they are currently working on.
Kev said he expects it might come out in early 2003. Howie said he thinks it will come out November/December of 2002.

They said they took a lot of time to work on this album so it would be PERFECT.

Submitted by julia_wahid from Singapore Singapore Singapore
Date: Thu Sep 26 06:32:27 2002

Hi to all BSB Fans!!
Hi... I'm from Singapore and I have been wif the Bsb for 6 years now! They did came to Singapore in 1996 when they promote theire 1st album! They haven been coming here since then AND I MISS THEM! I never get to meet them but I hope n wish they would come down here 1 more time...
Anyway I have a Bsb website and I hope u all will give me ur support and go visit my website. Even though it's not 100% complete, it can still be viewed... Please visit it and leave comments at message board or Guestbook... Thank you so much...
If u find any error there please feel free to email me and I will try to fix it....
Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive!
I luuurrrvvveee NICKY! :)
Don't worry Nicky, u are No. 1!

Submitted by reemdiaby from kuwait Kuwait
Date: Thu Sep 26 02:37:33 2002

hi all bsb fans.... ijust wana say that all that thing said about bsb its abig lie? bsb ar the bigget boy band not just in usa but in al over the world. most of all in our hearts. but to prove that to them how much we love them and support them,we shuld go now and voted for nick on trl to be no.1.

Submitted by joojooba from USA
Date: Wed Sep 25 15:09:33 2002

Date: Sun Sep 22 16:08:39 2002

Hey All u Nsync fans:
Question 4 U : Do u honestly not have enough life that all you can think of to do is post junk on our fan page? Thot so. You guys have got to admit that NSYNC doesnt rule the world, besides I haven't heard from them in a while either! Backstreet has always ruled over Nsync and always will, so face the facts : Backstreets back, Alright?
Hey All u Backstreet Fans:
WE rock! THe guys Rock sooooooo much, and they've gone through so much this past few years. They got their cd on the way, Brian's gonna be a daddy, (wow, where's the time gone?)Nick's got his new cd, and they r stil TOGETHER!!! Despite the rumors (gosh, r there enuf of them? or poor guys r getn swamped by them! they clear up one and another starts!) Backstreets back, and its all right w/ me. They were never gone, and they'll always be with us, and always in our hearts.
P.S. Sorry 4 disn nsync, B. but i judt really wanted to get my point across. ANyone aGree w/ wat i had to say?

Submitted by B. from NYC USA
Date: Wed Sep 25 14:35:36 2002

Hey hey hey... please stop the fights... that's nonsense... evry1 has his own preferences.. I don't like 2 judge but u people are very very immature..

Submitted by B. from NYC USA
Date: Wed Sep 25 14:34:42 2002

Hey hey hey... please stop the fights... that's nonsense... evry1 has his own preferences.. I don't like 2 judge but u people are very very immature..

Submitted by nsuck hater from Latvia
Date: Wed Sep 25 03:09:44 2002

i think justin is toooooooo fake.nick the way ...the "girlfriend" video sucked big time

Submitted by patricia from Makati City Silay CityNegros occidental Philippines
Date: Wed Sep 25 01:22:04 2002

Whatever happens I'll stick to BSb forever. To all the anti bsb,stop saying nonsense things about the group.If you don't like them,just zip your mouth ok!coz the way you freak proves how threaten are you with the bsb's success.Lets face it,bsb's in the history,so stop fussing.

Submitted by Ana from Mytown AZ USA
Date: Tue Sep 24 16:44:42 2002

Omg so whats up with "Jarome Timberlake??..he is sooooo trying to be someone hes not!
First off, He TRYS to be like Michael Jackson, Usher..etc... He just needs to find his own style already. His Video Sucks A55!! It looks just like that damn Girlfriend video. I dunno,..hes Pathetic! Find some freakin Originality already!! And i'm sorry...It is not cute when a GUY trys to talk all sexy like for that long in a song!! He sounds like stupid Britney!! All the radio DJs here Clown on that song, talkin bout how he sounds Gay when he talks!! Trying to act all Hard! Whatever..hes just making himself look stupid!!!

We All need to get off our asses and put Nick back at #1 where he belongs!!

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