The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone

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Submitted by JoJo from USA
Date: Sat Aug 31 14:04:48 2002

Request Nick Carter's "Help Me" on B96 by clicking on the link. Right now Justin is number one there. Let's change that.

This is also the station that helped Willa spread her rumors about Nick. We need to get Nick on that countdown.

Vote for his song at

Submitted by Ana from Tucson AZ USA
Date: Fri Aug 30 23:45:52 2002

Omg guys!! this is totally off subject...But i just heard Justins single for the first time on radio...And it is soo gay! I honestly was afraid that he was gonna have like this kick ass song..but i'm so relieved it Honestly sucks!! Its #2 on the damn radio countdown though. Oh well anyway..
I was laughing so hard when i heard it..Hes trying to be Britney!! Lol...i was like..omg was he really trying to talk all sexy in his song!?!? I think its lame when Britney does her breathy sexy talking songs..But when a guy does it..Its just not cute!! Lol..sorry just had to get that off my chest. Nicks song is way better!!! KTBPA!!

Submitted by anna from Canada
Date: Thu Aug 29 17:11:42 2002

Ok guys I dunno about you but I am soo FU*KIN scared right now its not even funny. Im actualy scared. I am NOT ever gonna say that I think that bsb is over because I dont want to even think of that...and i dont belive it. I totally think that they can recover and get all the love back, i mean...WE ARE HERE ARENT WE? we're here for them...and they are here for us. OMG i love them so much and some of you may just think..oh its just a really good band. But I have grown up with bsb ever since i was 9 (almost 15 now) and they have seriously become this huge part of my life...honestly it would be just as bad as losing a person to me. But these days Ive been hearing so much shit and it seriously freaks the shit out of me that i wanna cry. And yeah you can say Im scared of facing the facts n crap, and yeah i guess i sorta am. But NO MATTER WHAT, i will be I always have.. ever since i saw them dancing in the rain. From that moment on I was in love. But anyways, I just wanted to ask you guys to PLEASE just KTBSPA cause they need us. and i need i never knew I could be so dam mushy..WHILE LISTENING TO had to get that off my chest though. And please also...dont listen to the media..they have mostly been wronge from day 1. Who cares. Ok im gonna go watch some bsb now..ciao
bsb n shady 4 life
xoxo anna

Submitted by Kristin from Minnesota USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 13:38:56 2002

I am totally supportive of nick's cd. I think he sounds great and he has a right to go outside the BSB realm and do his thing while he has time. However, it will make me extremely sad if he is not part of the next bsb album. Each member is a crucial part of the group, and it just wouldn't be the same if one of them left, or was replaced.
I also want to take a second and remind everyone why we love the boys. Like others have said, it is for their music. Honestly, who cares if NSYNC get more publicity and kiss the media's ass? Let them have more fans, that just means more BSB for those of us who are true fans. Just be cool and keep it real. BSB are obviously here because of us and we are here for them. KTBSPA
Good luck Nick in all you do, and we have our hearts set on a great album. Also good luck to BSB and come back with a bang. Show them who's boss!

Submitted by Yzzy from Madrid Spain
Date: Thu Aug 29 13:36:02 2002

Well, after having read this thing about the 'lost boys' I must say there are enough things that make sense now to me but I must say I'm also quite angry because of the title 'the lost boys' yes in the last two years we've heared less of the bsb but I think in this article anyone can say that bsb have worked very hard along the way, N*sinc had it much easier I don#t say that that's bad but I think we should keep on supporting bsb and in the end what counts is the music, and really Bsb have done a lot for their fans maybe even more than N+sinc have done. I think Nick is doing alright by going solo but I thing it's hard to compare bsb with the eagles, why should Nick quit the bsb just because of his solo career? I support the five of them and I confide that they know what they do and that they love their fans and they will be there for us!!!
KTBSPA!!! Yzzy

Submitted by Debbie Hawkins from Dover Delaware USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 13:23:03 2002

I kinda feel like BSB are gonna be over. It's sad to say, but they've just made so many mistakes, and they never got to do things the way they wanted. If they can recover that would be great, but Nick really screwed up. I know he wants to do his own thing, but staying with the Firm when everyone else left is just plain selfish, especially to release his album before the group album. He doesn't even know how good his album will do. People will only buy it initially because it's Nick, but that's all unless it's really worth it. I just really hope that Backstreet Boys aren't going under.

Submitted by Kelly from Ontario Canada
Date: Thu Aug 29 11:52:45 2002

Uh, I don't really have a comment about this Lost Boys thing.....I just didn't know how to contact you any other way....I just read on that Brian and Leigh Anne are expecting a baby boy by the end of this year..congrats to them and God bless! (hope the baby gets his daddy's looks)

Submitted by Fan4Life from USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 10:45:35 2002

thank you karly for agreeing with me! i sometimes feel i am the only one with this idea that the music is what counts and that the boys deserve to do what they want with no further drama created by the fans when they already have enough by the media! so, thank you!

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Submitted by Fran from DEER PARK NY USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 09:24:55 2002

according to accounting departments of jive and the firm, nsync may have made more money, but they have never been on top of the backstreet boys. a band that clearly cares about their fans, has more talent, blends harmonies, writing their music and they all sing. not just two of them. they all have beautiful voices. after being together for such a long time everyone needs a break. there is nothing wrong with nick trying to do something on his own. i can't imagine the boys without him. i met them. my kids look up to them. they don't just look out for themselves. nick will kick ass on justin's new album. i hope everyone can work out their differences. i'm looking forward to hearing the boys as a group on their new album. maybe if we could hear from the boys, we would all feel a little better.

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Submitted by KiKi from Melbourne Australia
Date: Thu Aug 29 09:06:40 2002

Oh my God, Brian's gonna be a dad. That's so cute!
Congrats to both Leighanne and Brian.
They are going to have a Backstreet Baby!!

Submitted by marie from France
Date: Thu Aug 29 08:16:15 2002

yes it's true the first baby backstreet is coming.It's a boy.You can check it on the Leighanne and Brian sites.Leigh sent emails.I'm soooo happy for them

Submitted by from France
Date: Thu Aug 29 08:11:10 2002

I have one thing to say:ktbpa
Ok,Nsync sucks:Justin(i think his fans are taking more care about his look than about anyting else,but ok)and JC are talented but they are the only ones singing!The rest of the group only dance around and don't have solo parts.Can you call that a group?i think bsb make real music.Nsync are only famous in the States but not many people likes or even knows them in Europe.
Some fans are judjing the boys but I think none of us(or most of us) do not realize how hard the music industry can be;I think a lot of people wants as much money as possible and that sometimes includes lying and stealing(like Pearlman did)You have to take care who you are hanging with,who you trust and you have to fight for your rights and I think bsb are trying their best.OK,they made mistakes but who doesn't?True fans support them.They are there for us and we are there for them.

Submitted by Ana from Romania
Date: Thu Aug 29 07:19:24 2002

Shauna where did you read that? are you sure? cause it just sounds a little out of the blue. I haven't heard it anywhere, so I suggest you check your sources. If it is true well congrats Brian! the first Backstreet baby MIGHT be on the way.

Submitted by Ana from Romania
Date: Thu Aug 29 07:16:10 2002

It's nice to see that someone shares the feelings I had last week when I first read this article. But read the interview with Nick,guys, nothing's gonna happen. I hope. And that ultimatum that Brian supposedly gave Nick just doesn't sound like something he would do.
Anyway, I think tings are gonna be fine eventually.In the future it wouldn't be such a good idea for them to hide the truth from their fans because later on we might read another article like this and rumours will start again.And I have to ask this question again: is it me or are there more rumours about them than about any other artist?
Bye for now! Keep the Backstyret Pride Alive, everybody!

Submitted by Shauna from Canada
Date: Thu Aug 29 02:33:55 2002

guess what everyone!!!!!!!! brian is going to be a daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Submitted by Karly from Los Angeles Ca USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 02:14:28 2002

Cool, cool, reading all these opinions makes me proud...1. BSB fans are smart and articulate. and 2. You guys still care. This summer, we can say was the Return of the Rock summer. Boy bands in general were out. No doubt Nsync is the media's baby. Face it they're more,I don't know, more camera friendly I guess. (Also Britney Spears has helped Justin's popularity a whole lot) Alas, I decided to drop any beefs and drop the drama of being a fan caught up in the gossip. We need to get our intelligent minds out the internet and chill. To resist, I took my BSB posters down. (I still love them though)
I believe in my heart the boys are having problems but are forging on with them. Nick was on Rick Dees yesterday and was so amazing. He seemed to just be himself and praised Justin for his efforts as a solo artist. I think the Justin song is great. I also adore the Nick song. Support whomever you chose. just please make it about the music this time.
Where exactly am I going with this? the NSYNC ROX fan was more than right. BSB have tried really hard to keep us happy however they have had a lot of reasons to make us turn away. Some of us have (a lot haven't!) and that's what is fuel to the break up fire. Who knows where they are or what they are doing. I'm prepared for the worse hoping for the best.
What should we do? Chill out! And heres food for thought, if Nick does well it's promising for the band press for now. Even if he might leave in the end. I will buy Now or Never because I've always wanted to hear what he sounds like and if Help Me is any indication count me in! So be cool you guys, and PLEASE stick around to see how this boy band soap opera ends! HA!

Submitted by perin from long island ny USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 01:20:24 2002

i'm glad that this article was written; i'm tired of being left in the dust on what's happening with the boys.

possibly the most disturbing part of that article, at least in my eyes, was the fact that the boys are recording demos WITHOUT NICK. this kind of hurts me, and it brings into light the possible problems that may arise (and most likely already have arisen) as a result of nick's solo career. i read the z100 interview with nick (i was sadly out of town and could not hear it for myself ::weeps::), and i noticed nick refering to the other guys as "them" (most notably when he said, "i mean, it's just taking a lot longer to work on an album for THEM, so right now i'm going to be releasing some stuff for myself"). wait a minute, what happened to "us," nick? it seems to me that the lines have been clearly drawn. nick, while technically still a member of the backstreet boys, does not feel as if he is one with the guys anymore, whether this is conscious or subconscious.

while the backstreet boys may or may not break up over nick's solo career, i don't think it's good for the guys for nick to be doing this. i think it's great that he wants to do things himself for a change, you know, but i'm finding _that the way he's doing it_ is detrimental to the backstreet boys as a group. he's constantly not being seen with the guys...something's up, people. whatever it is, i don't quite like it. i, therefore, am NOT supporting nick's solo carrer. "help me" is a great song, and i wish him luck and hope he kicks justin timberlake's bleachblonde ass, but i will NOT be feeding into the frenzy and buying his cd. i may download it, but i will not give my parents' hard-earned money for something that could ruin the boys as a group.

my biggest fear right now is that the group won't last through this. my second biggest fear is that they'll wind up having to replace nick (i never DREAMED that this may happen until it was mentioned in the article). they either go on as the backstreet boys, retire from the music industry, or go on without nick. if they replace nick, i'll never forgive them. you can't replace ten years. if nick really is hurting the guys, then hell, he should try to work it out with the other four or just leave the group. what must be considered is what's best for the GROUP. if the other guys decide to proceed as a group of four, then i'll support them all the way. as long as they don't REPLACE nick, then i'll continue to support them. this isn't menudo, people! you can't go around replacing group members!

i'll be their fan until the day i drop dead, be that tomorrow or 70 years from now...but there are some things that i will not support. i have faith that the boys will make it through this whole mess and make it through stronger than ever, but i'm not getting my hopes up. i've been crushed so many times by so many people by putting too much faith into things. with backstreet, my lifeline and one of the only things keeping me alive, it's just too risky to be optimistic.

ermm...well...that's my two cents.

Submitted by Stephanie from Canada
Date: Thu Aug 29 00:43:38 2002

As far as that article goes, the BSB are leaders. They lead the pop revoloution back into North America. Leaders go through all the trials and tribulations, the stereo-typing, and get all the shit. They have to smooth out all the wrinkles and creases, so of course they are gonna have problems, and make
mistakes. Maybe if they hadn't of been so eager to jump ship from Wright Stuff and distinguish them selves from nsync they would find themselves in an entirely new situation.

You know what, they probably have changed or come undone. They were just boys when they started in the industry, they had other people, older,
wiser, and probably much more experienced then they (BSB) are today, calling all the shots. But boys turn into men and like everybody they wanna stretch their wings
and try it on their own, making a lot of mistakes along the way. Nsync doesn't have that problem because BSB did it for them. Although, a lot has to be said that of
the two bands, at least BSB has maintained their integrity, we don't see BSB dolls,lip gloss, beanie bears and a lot of other crap. They are not mass produced and will probably be like the Rolling Stones and Aerosmith, around until the end of time!
That is, unless they let their wives, families, egos and personal problems control their destiny, and not the love of the music, because i promise that the very second their
love of music goes out of it, the whole world will know and react accordingly.

Submitted by christina from ny USA
Date: Thu Aug 29 00:16:30 2002

Leighanne sucks!!!!!

Submitted by Shawna from USA
Date: Wed Aug 28 23:51:52 2002

I read a few days ago on that it was brian and not the rest of the backstreet boys who made that ultimatum to nick about him dropping his solo album or be out of the group. It kind of implied that it was in the heat of the moment and wasn't something brian meant after thinking about it. I still think it was a mean thing to say. Plus someone on here said that the guys didn't know about nick's solo cd till recently. that's a lie. He's had the record deal for years and we have all known for probably a year if not more, so why didn't they tell him they had a problem with it when he got his solo deal? I think they have just started to realize that they are starting to lose momentum cuz they have been gone so long and need to make up for black and blue not being as good as the other cds and all of a sudden they don't want nick to have a solo cd cuz it will make them have to wait that much longer.

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