The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone
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Submitted by christina from ny USA
Leighanne sucks!!!!!
Submitted by Shawna from USA
I read a few days ago on that it was brian and not the rest of the backstreet boys who made that ultimatum to nick about him dropping his solo album or be out of the group. It kind of implied that it was in the heat of the moment and wasn't something brian meant after thinking about it. I still think it was a mean thing to say. Plus someone on here said that the guys didn't know about nick's solo cd till recently. that's a lie. He's had the record deal for years and we have all known for probably a year if not more, so why didn't they tell him they had a problem with it when he got his solo deal? I think they have just started to realize that they are starting to lose momentum cuz they have been gone so long and need to make up for black and blue not being as good as the other cds and all of a sudden they don't want nick to have a solo cd cuz it will make them have to wait that much longer.
Submitted by Amanda from USA
Read the Billboard article on this website it clearly says that Black and Blue sold 5.4 million copies not 8 million, but all of you still don't get the difference between sales and what's stocked in stores. What we should focus on is that the media shouldn't be making that out to be a failure. Yeah it's way less than Millenium and their other records but most artists still don't sell that many copies. Nsync, also has two lead singers JC and Justin. JC I think has an amazing voice (way better than Justin)- just like Brian and AJ have way better voices than Nick (no offence to Nick fans). But having great voices isn't all that it's about in the music industry anymore. Charisma and popularity matteras much, if not more than actual singing ability. I know I'm probably gonna piss people off by saying this but I really don't think Nick's solo album is going to be a big hit. He may be kinda like Aaron, but he just doesn't have the appeal or hype that Justin seems to have. For whatever reason the music industry insiders, the media and mainstream audiences (men &women of all ages and races) seem to have caught on to Nsync and Justin. While Nick and BSB are still trying to get beyond teen girls and mature women- Nsync has gained acceptance among men, non-pre-teen women and urban audiences. When we read about BSB, you can bet that a mention of NSYNC is sure to follow. It used to be true that in reverse if someone mentioned Nsync, you would hear about BSB. But not anymore. The media reports, jokes and mentions Nsync almost entirely w/out talking about BSB. That's scary b-cuz it means BSB isn't in theirminds anymore. And for the last time-nobody said Kevin and Brian shouldn't have got married-we all just said that it didn't mean they should 1.) Take over two years off for extended honeymoons (none of us leave are jobs to do that) and 2.) They (Brian) shouldn't let their wives be involved in business desicions that are none of their business. And NO! it isn't a wife's right to get into her husbands business. None of our boyfiends/spouses come down to our jobs and tell us how to do them so why should leighanne!
Submitted by Tanya from South Brunswick NJ USA
As upset as I was after reading the artice, I really think that it made everyone, BSB fans and other people alike, really stop and think about what this article was trying to say. The reporter may have been trying to show people some reasons why BSB wasnt as popular as "other groups" *cough*Nsync*cough*, but i really think that the person could have found a better way to put his thoughts. I bet any money that if the article was about Nsync and their struggles it would NOT have been written the same way; they would probably find any way that they could to sugar coat the problems or have nothing be Nsyncs fault.
Submitted by Carla Burgara from Los Angeles California USA
Hey! all bsb fans I think that the songs of nick are better then justin because he can not rap and nick can sing rock why justin what to copy nick he can not sing i don't what to get nsync fans mad i'm just telling the truth that's all sorry if i did't spell something right that's all i can say bye! KTBSPA!
Submitted by Fan4Life from USA
What makes me upset is how a lot of BSB fans get so caught up in the nsync/bsb battle that i feel like no one respects the music anymore. People are saying "Buy Nick's album so it beats Justin's..even if you don't support him going solo" Um...hello? Am I the only one who sees something wrong in that statement? I mean yea, I can bet that Nick would LOVE to see him outsell Justin, but hell, i know that i wouldn't be satisfied if i knew that my fans were only buying my record to make justin look bad.
Submitted by Jessica from Kissimmee FL USA
I think that Nick's going solo is a good thing because, as much as we love the BSB, we all know that inevitably, they will leave. Granted, it may not be for a long time yet, but they're getting on in years, and they probably want to start slowing down, start a family, all that stuff. I love them more than anything(you have NO idea) and I really wish that they could stay around forever. But untill we realize that they can't dance and sing like that when they reach 40 or so, they won't ever be more than what they are. I'm sure that their music will stick around, but if we don't let them be more than 5 talented guys that DANCE, they won't ever be more. We all know they have talent either way, so let them do what they want, as long as they keep putting out good music, because that's what all of this is about. And if you're not liking what I'm saying, just remember that this is an opinion and think about yourself in their position. Just think about it all for a second,.....
Submitted by Emma from Tampa MD USA
You know what??? Nsync can kiss my ass! They SUK!!! They're such a BSB rip-off that sounds like road kill. I'm all for Nick's solo and the boy's new CD. And no matter what, we should all know and recognize how great Backstreet is, and the attention and respect they each deserve!! Rock on boys!! Keep doin your thing~we LOVE it!!
Submitted by JoJo from USA
Vote for Nick at The poll's about which pop album coming out in the upcoming weeks are u most looking forward to.
Submitted by Aliyya from Wash, D.C. USA
U know what? I am SO sick and tired of Nstynk ripping off BSB left and right. EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING BSB does, they gotta try to do. It's undeniable. Just look now...BSB have been quiet, working on their new album, and now u know who has been quiet too, just waiting for BSB's next move. And just because BSB's blonde one goes solo, Nstynk's fake blonde one just has to do it too. And Pustin has to bring the whole music industry along with him, because he is so unprepared and has no idea what he's doing. So he needs PLENTY of help. On the other hand, Nick's REFUSAL to take collaborations shows his courage and creative ability. I think it just goes to show just how good Nick is at what he does, and how fake Nstynk and their members are. KTBSPA all the way!
Submitted by Maria from Pittsburgh PA USA
The article made me really sad, but more determined than ever in my love and admiration for BSB. I'll be glad to support Nick's efforts, though I think he's hurting the schedule for the next BSB album. I can't wait for new music from BSB. Keep the faith.
Submitted by Jessica from USA
Don't worry about Justin, even my nsync-likeing friends thinks his britney rip off song sucks. And he's number one on like all the countdowns in New York.
Submitted by L from San Francisco CA USA
Hey BSB Fans!! Please Please Please... if you guys are true fans, you would support Nick on his solo project no matter what!! MY BIGGEST CONCERN is that Justin Timberlake is gonna steal Nick's spotlight with his solo lp!! SO ALLL BSB FANS... KTBPA AND VOTE FOR NICK'S VIDEO ON TRL WHEN IT COMES OUT, BUY THE ALBUM, REQUEST HIM ON RADIO STATIONS... SUPPORT HIM IN EVERY WAY YOU CAN!!
Submitted by H from LoLa fl USA
Ignore the drama & support the boys! And check this out:
Submitted by BSB Fan $eva from United Kingdom
Hey everyone!This has nothing to do with the article but I thought y'all might like to know that one of the radio stations here in London did a contest between Nicks new single and Justins new single and the listeners had to vote 4 which one they wanted to hear.NICK WON!!!!!Looks like he's gona do really well here in the UK 2!
Submitted by Colleen from harrisburg PA USA
To Theresa from shawnee,
Submitted by BSB FAN'S MOM from Massachusetts USA
My daughter us 15 and a huge BSB fan. I am also a huge fan. I think that the boys are great. As far as the boys alienating their fans by getting married, I don't tnink that is true. My daughter's favorite is Brian, and she was happy for him when he got married. I think most teens are intelligent enough to realize that they are real people who want the things that everyone else does. Marriage, a family the house and white picket fence. As far as AJ admitting he has a alcohol and depression problem. I think that he is a wonderful special person for having the courage to admit to the world that he needed some help. I think he is a great role model to the fans. He showed them that no matter who you are, or what is expected from you, that if you need help you should ask for it. I think the Backstreet Boys are the best. They got the shaft from their label when their label signed Nsync. The label and Mr. Perlman made millions off the boys in the first couple years but the boys only got thousands. I think they got the shaft because they had the courage to speak up and say "We are not being treated fairly." I think that is was the label's fault for not promoting them as much as they did Nsync.
Submitted by Lorin from USA
I just thought I'd warn "the clueless," that anyone can write anything! Half the interviews that we read online I am getting the feeling they are being made up. And anyone can say that they know anyone, that they are friends with this one or that one, just because they write it, doesn't make it truth. You, the fans, have to realize fiction vs Nonfiction because obviously you don't know it! Why are we still chatting about a NY Times article? Who the hell cares? I bet you sit worrying more about worthless crap than listening to your Backstreet Boys CDs. is loosing its fans to backstreet sites like DLS (Which by the way rocks!) because all anyone does on is worry and talk about rumors like there's no tomorrow. GROW UP, support Brian, Kevin, Nick, Howie, and AJ. Just try and KTBSPA!!!!
Submitted by Dina from Port Monmouth NJ USA
I think the whole article is a bit dramatic. They've had their ups and downs on personal and professional levels and they still have their fan base. Maybe right now they're physically and emotionally exhausted from all the excitement of the past year. Although they are a group, they are still entitled to have their own private lives (as private as they can be) and try out solo projects or whatever chances they may have to take for their personal happiness. I love BSB and have found their music to be continually enjoyable. I wish them all luck on their future endeavors.
Submitted by Amanda from USA
I didn't think that it was a bad article. It atleast told the truth. I hate it when people interview them and make their life style out to be perfect. Like when AJ went into rehab, he kept getting asked why he was so depressed b/c he had fame and fortune. I honestly don't think that Nick having a solo career will hurt the band's success. AJ went on his own tour for a while and then came back and the band was fine. There will always be rumors and gossip going on about them, nothing to worry about. Kev seems to be the most outspoken about how he feels, but he didn't say anything too outlanish. He just has concern and why shouldn't he? It has to do with his life and career. All in all, I think they'll get through whatever they're going through right now. No matter what they decide to do I will support them, but I'm not going to worry myself over any of this.
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