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Submitted by Erin from Canada
Date: Tue Aug 27 20:23:26 2002

meghan I think you should get a life. if u hate the message boards then why do u even come here? no1 says you hafta read what other people say. u hate the message boards thats your problem. so wut if Justine's name keeps comin' up alot..HELLO..SHE'S TRYING TO REMIND PEOPLE TO KTBSPA..DO U KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?? It means KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE...obviously I dont think you do that....

Submitted by Ashley from CA USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 19:25:25 2002

U know BSB have been around for 10 years, they are closer thaen they have ever been!!!!!! Just cause they maybe disagree with some things doesn't mean they're gonna break up, i mean come on even we get into fights with our best friends, and family! They're just being humans and fights happen!!!! Some of u need to stop believing these rumors, i refuse to believe any of them until i hear it out of our boys mouths! And have they said they were breaking up? NO for like what the millonth time? honestly. BSB will be around forever,and i am right behind them 100%!! As for Nick's solo CD i'm excited, there's some really good songs on it, and Nick is completly happy, so come lets support Nick and BSB!!! KTBSPA baby!! =D

Submitted by Lorin from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 17:40:24 2002

I must disagree with whom ever said that the Backstreet Boys may not be like brothers anymore. They are and always will be like brothers, that doesn't just change. Jive can't change the closeness they have, nobody can. You all are making a bigger deal out of this than it is.

I just read an interview that Nick had yesterday (I think) and here's what he had to say about the Internet-the source for almost all the Backstreet rumors...

"The Internet is the best gossip in the world. You can believe some of them, and you cant believe some of them."
Than the DJ asked him which should they believe?
And Nick said....
"Believe what comes out of my mouth."

So As to the rumors...
-Did Nick tell you that Backstreet will be back with a new album? Yes
-Did Nick tell you that his solo effort will not effect the guys? Yes
-Did Nick tell you that the Backstreet Boys are NOT breaking up, and that he just wanted to do something on his own? Again it's a yes.

So what are you people worrying for?

Further more he's happy--this will be good for the NEW Backstreet CD. Making the solo album before the next Backstreet album was a great idea. And you wanna know why? Because it all gave everyone a chance to be on their own-to be by themselves. Everyone needs a little along time. This will not only help themselves as individuals but as a group. Now I don't know about all of you guys but I think I am going to relax listen to my Backstreet CDs, watch them in concert, and support all of their dreams ... including Nick's solo album and the Backstreet Boys as a whole.

For those true fans don't ever forget that the guys will always, always need you, so don't give up on them. KTBSPA

Submitted by Cori from Philadelphia PA USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 16:50:11 2002

Well...I haven't read the whole thread, but my basic opinion is is that #1 - Kevin isn't making many friends in the Industry, regardless of him saying everyone was nice *personally*, and #2 - Nick needs to do what Nick needs to do; otherwise it'll only get more resentful later on down the road. The "boys" are settling down now and they've been working their tails off for *years* -- they deserve a break. I think we all know their personalities well enough to know that none of them would ever publically air their differences. It's not professional and they have always, if nothing else, been professional. Perhaps they're not "like brothers" anymore, but things change. More than anything, I think the *industry* is getting between them and Jive is doing everything in its power to make some kind of rivalry between Justin and Nick to boost sales. As far as the Firm is concerned...yeah, *personally* I think Nick should have walked for my own moral reasons, but we're not (all) in the indusrty and there's a line between friendship and business. The boys are professionals and I truly believe they understand that.

Again, my own two cents...Not claiming to be an authority or anything. I just think the industry is getting to them more than Nick's extra curricular activities and everyone's (read: the media) making an issue more than the group is.


Submitted by Mandy from FL. USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 16:13:12 2002

It's me again anyway, I can't believe some people are critizing the backstreet boys for just trying to take a needed break!!!! They have been working very hard since the word go. And i think they deserve a break!!!! It's not like they haven't said they were gonna take a while off! They've been saying they were gonna do there own stuff then come back together and make their album!!!!!!!!! So what if brian and nick argued??? they are BEST friends and the backstreet boys will always be together!!! Just because Nick's doing something he's been wanting to do!!! i don't neccessarily agree with Nick on staying with the firm but that's the choice he made so i will SUPPORT HIM!!! when any bsb or Nick Carter songs (albums)and stuff come out let's ALL buy it and promote it!!!!! I'm making all my friends and family buy Nick's new CD i might even buy more than one!!!!!Heck, i'm even making posters advertising Nick's album and single!! spread the word and remember Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Jessica from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 15:06:33 2002

There was an interview with Howie I think last year and he said the new bsb album will be released this September, but obviously it got delayed or something but now I'm hearing the new bsb will be out at the beginning of next year, Jan or Feb maybe (although it'll probably get delayed too) so I don't think we have to wait that long!

Submitted by anna banana from COWTOWN USA USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 15:01:02 2002

i've heard all this tuff before and i just think that the Boys need to get some music out cuz i'm missing em real bad right now.

Submitted by Daisy from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 14:54:33 2002

Hey Mia, I don't think they meant that when they said bsb sold 5 million worldwide, they meant the preorders of the stores. Because for the first week sales in America (or is it canada/ america combined?) was 1.5 million (I think, right? or more than that) and I had heard that preordering from the stores for it was much more than that, like 3 million or more? If they had meant for the worldwide sales to be the preordering than that 3 million would be included, meaning that all of the stores in the world except for northamerica preordered only 2 million conbined. It can't be only that little, can it, because BSB is really big (I think bigger) in south america, australia, and japan and europe, if you watch the Around the World Documentary which took place right before the release of Black and Blue. I mean, the majority of Backstreet fans aren't just in the US. But I get what you mean about preordering for Black and Blue backfiring because I was going to buy Millennium the first week out but a lot of stores were sold out of it, and for Black and Blue there were like shelves and shelves of it everywhere.

Submitted by Lorin from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 14:48:37 2002

For any of you who have friends (Which I hope would be all of you) you know that sometimes you have fall outs with your friends. Are the guys NOT aloud to do the same? Are they not human? Because from the looks of them they look 100% human, and like all humans they have their good and their bad days. It's not a big deal when they do. It doesn't mean the end of a group, it doesn't mean the end of a friendship, it's just a fall out ... in the end everything gets fixed and everything is okay. So what if Brian and Nick fought, Bri may not agree with Nick releasing a solo album 100% but if I know anything about Brian I know that he will support Nick, and I know that he does. They are best friends, and a fight is not going to change that. Not only that, The Backstreet Boys and the *N'Sync fans need to stop worrying about the groups breaking up--listen to Brian, Kevin, Nick, Howie, and AJ (BSB- obviously) and Justin, Chris, Lance, JC, and Joey, they are the source, they know the real deal. And according to both groups they are here to stay, so why are you worrying? You are listening to the media and it saddens me to know that they are stopping you from listening to the guys. Let go of what you hear and support your favorite guys. Be there for them like they are for you. If they didn't care about music, about each other, and about us the new Backstreet album would not be in the working process.


Submitted by Jessica from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 14:38:28 2002

Hey don't insult blonde haired people (although i'm not blonde myself) As for the tension between Brian and Nick, I thought Nick was Brian's best friend, and Brian Nick's out of all the BSB. And they've been friends for like 10 years, so what if they have a fight or something sooner or later? And we don't even know it's true. I think it's nice that Nick's doing his solo rock/pop thing (even nicer that help me's creaming justin on radio stations) As for nobody saying that nsync is breaking up, I don't think that's true. I have friends who are nsync fans and they're worried about them breaking up just as much as I am about bsb. Personally I think (not that i care about justin or nsync or anything) Justin shouldn't have gone solo- I mean he's nsync's lead singer and his new hiphop like single is basically the same sound as nsync's and it's not like he's expressing a part of him that he doesn't get to with nsync.

Submitted by ajshoney from Chicagp Illinois USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 13:29:41 2002

All I really want to say is DAMN! I really didn't think there would be so much tension between our boys. In a way, I think Nicky was wrong in staying with The Firm. If he noticed that they screwed everyone else over, what makes him think the would treat him any better. I love Nicky to death, but possibly the blonde hair is gettin to him. All of us as fans, the only thing we can really do is hope and pray the BSB stay as one. Keep your heads up guys, all will be well.

"No on can ever compare to what we are as five..."

Submitted by anna from london United Kingdom
Date: Tue Aug 27 13:02:04 2002

that article really opened my eyes. i mean i knew that the industry was ruthless but i didn't know that they would care more about the money than the artist's welfare. i mean come on if it wasn't FOR them then they wouldn't HAVE any money!!! what a bunch of DICKS!!! also when i heard about brian giving nick an ultimatum i thought yeah whatever as if they're BEST FRIENDS FOR GOD SAKE!! but now that i've read that i think that he did say that but in the heat of the moment kinda thing, i don't think he meant it. ok last thing then, i'll shut up. the fellas have always said that they would eventually go off and do their own solo thing and they would surpport each other and then they would re-group. now that it looks like that's happeneing it'll be intreasting to see if they'll keep that promiss. you can agree with me or not but that's my opinion

Submitted by Jamie-Lyn from Canada
Date: Tue Aug 27 11:50:31 2002

'Ya know, Mia, the only reason there is hard feelings between the guys and Nick is because Nick decided to be managed by BSB's old managment, whom the guys felt were treating them unfairly. By agreeing to stay with them for the solo album, Nick really hurt the point his bandmates were trying to make. None of the guys have anything against Nick making a solo album.

And BSB are obiously a bit more popular than the media is saying, because just look at all the suportive posts on here! I was here just two days ago and already there is at least 3 new pages of posts. I know that a lot of them are the same people, but still...I'm thinkin that us BSB fans are just too quiet!!!!! Come on BSB, fans, MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the whole world know that BSB is here to stay!

Submitted by Mia from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 11:25:02 2002

OK. I'm going to explain to all of you how sales are tallied. Soundscan and the RIIA (recording industry association) are independant organizations that track record sales. But you all have to understand the difference between sales and shipments. An example: Black and Blue shipped 8 million units to record stores and chains, making it 8 times platinum. It did not sell 8 million copies though. It sold almost 5 million. When a big album comes out stores request higher amounts (like B&B) but sometimes it backfires and they end up with too many copies that aren't selling like they thought it would. This is what happened with Black and Blue and why the media and music industry consider it a dissapointment. Most groups would kill to sell five million records, but in comparison to Millenium, B&B lost about 50 percent of sales. As for Nsync bribing Soundscan-that's a stupid lie. Everytime a cashier swipes a record it's registered. Now for the rest of the world their is no Sounscan system, so when the BSB claimed to sell 5 million copies of B&B the first week, they really meant they shipped 5 million to record stores. They did not SELL five million copies. They later clarified this. I hate when a lot of you are dishonest about the record sales just to try and have BSB "beat" NSYNC. BSB need to focus on how to improve their own music and record sales. Nsync has nothing to do with them. They have pursued a hip-hop/R&B sound to great success. Now BSB need to find a new sound. Max Martin is pretty much over. As for them being so "classy"- is that really a good thing? There is nothing wrong with being edgy and unpredictable, especially if you are still making great music. Theirs a thin line between classy and boring. BSB are playing it safe it too many areas and its hurting their careers. And the reason the media doesn't say NSYNC is breaking up is because despite all the separate things they do they still hang out with each other. Even though Justin is busy with his solo cd he made it a point to fly in and hang out with JC for JC's suprise birthday part. This gets me upset because when was the last time we heard of Brian and Nick hanging out? All we hear is how much Brian resents Nicks solo album. BSB need to fix their frienships with each other and the rest will fall into place. But we cant pretend that nothings wrong.

Submitted by justine from USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 11:20:53 2002

u kno what, meghan, i have all the time in the world to start bitchin about u. i don't have much to do, what do u want me to do, go play barbies with a 4 year old i'm baby sittin, i don't think so. don't even visit the site if u re not a fan. man, don't come in here if u can't read that this is a FAN site.

Submitted by haddy fye from United Kingdom
Date: Tue Aug 27 11:17:18 2002

this is what i think. I beleive that The boys are at a point where to them its no longer about the album sales or promoting themselves cuz that was for the earlier years. They've surpassed that now. They have a fan base and I think what us BSB fans shud realise is that the guys are not looking for more ppl to love them. That stage has passed as they have already built a reputation and a name for themselves so what they are about now is pleasing us, those fans who have stuck with them thru thick and thin.
So this article, it makes me wonder and yes I admit it makes me feel a little insecure and tho I wud like to disregard it as a fluke or being from an unreliable source I know that I cant forever use that excuse. Maybe there is friction between the guys but maybe there isnt, what I do know is that I hope that whatever is going on the guys are able to work thru it as brothers and be saved of all this gossip and rumours from the media cuz they dont deserve it.
I personally would be thrilled if the guys came out with a long interview with a reliable source (maybe even this website: moderators if ur reading this, pls try to see if u can hook that up) to tell their true fans waht is going on. I dont get it because its like sumtimes you hear that th guys are recording their album and have been doing so since Febuary but then u hear that they havn't even started. they u hear that they have started but Nick hasnt joimed them yet. the only solution I see in all this is a detailed statement made by all of them together. Anyone with opinions on what I've said dont hesitate to mail me at
About Lou Pearlman and the whole Jive thingy, thats something I cant really comment about cuz its the business side of things which I beleive non of us regular fans know much about. All I know it that Lou is not to be trusted and I'm happy that they guys left his as he "screwed them blind" as kevin put it. Take care all of y'all and KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!!!!!

Submitted by Destiny Marie Lopez from indianapolis IN USA
Date: Tue Aug 27 09:46:30 2002

I know this may sound crazy but I'd never heard the Backstreet Boys's music till 2 months ago when on the radio I heard the most beautifull song I've ever heard in my whole life it was- back to your heart-.It brought tears to my eyes as I drove down the crowed highway - It made me think about my ex husband.I knew what I had to do the next day I called him and we've been together ever since.I would have never called him if it wasnt for that song.THat song is the reason i am alive because that day i was planing on killing myself.THank you and god bless.I cant imagine what i would have done if i hadnt heard that song.

Submitted by Meghan from Hamilton Ontario Canada
Date: Tue Aug 27 03:41:54 2002

This is my first time on this site since high school three years ago. By the way, love the site, love the Boys, hate the message board. What a complete waste of space, time and energy. Who reads all that crap anyways...and Justine from Annaheim, CA, get a's incredible how often your name appears...So, yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say.

Submitted by anna from vancouver Canada
Date: Tue Aug 27 02:22:42 2002

Hey again guyz. You know what? NSYNC bribed jive into saying that they sold more records in the first week than bsb . Nsync knows, bsb even knows..some nsync fans probly know too, their just too intimaidated by bsb/fans. So yeah..bsb actually did sell more than nsync..almost duble. So theres da truth. Aniways, lets just support da boys. Request da songs n shit. buy da go to da concerts..go ajs words:let em scream!!
bsb n shady 4 life

Submitted by Armando from harstdale ny USA
Date: Mon Aug 26 23:05:49 2002

Yes Im a guy and for that reason Brian and kevin getting married and Aj soon to be hasnt affected me, like some of my fellow femmale bsb fans. I noticed that their albumbs sales have gone down since kevin and brian got married. Millenium had sold 12 million like backstreet boys but black and blue sold only 8 million. There are alot of people who liked bsb just for their image, but this doesnt mean we are all like that. I also think that bsb coming up front with what happend to aj and the incident with nick shows people that they are human and they do make mistakes. I apreciate them even more for doing that. Ive been a huge fan since they came out here in the U.S. and gone to their concerts. I hope that nicks solo career wont be the end of bsb as a group, but if it is (God forbide) bsb would still be around doing other things in the public. Bsb have been around for 10 years and that makes some people think is time for them to go away, but as long as they stay true to their fans we will love them no matter what. I truly love bsb and hope that God leads them the right way to continue as a group and continue to bring us all those songs we love so much.
All please dont leave bsb behind we have all grown up with them so please KTBSPA =)
Lizzy and Vicky one day will meet them.

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