The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone
Submitted by Natalie from sc USA
I have loved the boys for years now and i know it gets tiring when the dont come on tv or when there is no new cd out. i know how you feel cuz there is no momentum, those reporters feel like its the end just cuz a cd isnt out. BUT the bottom line is that it ALL comes down to US! the fans! WE ARE WHAT MAKES THEM!!!! so if you dont want to be a fan fine, thats yur decision dont support them but for the ppl who do want them around for a long time we HAVE to stick together. it hurts me to run into old friends who say they no longer love the boys like they USED to! whats up with that???? it bothers me! i mean what did the boys do to make them not want to be a fan anymore??? to me thats not a true fan at all to begin with! im with these boys till the end and i hope there is no end! to any of you who have ever been to a concert i just want you to close yur eyes and remeber it. picture it for a moment and remeber all the details of how YOU FELT! it FELT GREAT! the screamin, the tour merchandise, gettin dressed to go with your friends , the long road trip, the pictures, the CONCERT that blew your mind when they came onstage for the first time.....the tears that flowed down your face as yur favorite boy hit his perfect note on stage. the sinkin feelin in your heart wehn you knew that the concert was comin to an end . all these memories keep my pride because i know how GENUINELY happy i am when i go see my fav boys in concert. I live for this stuff! haha! and to any of you who got the chance to meet them like i did, im sure it was an incredible expirience that you will never forget and THOSE are the moments that keep me goin for the next time i get to see them!!!!! I WILL FOREVER LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Nicole from USA
Hey guys....I know I'm off topic but I just wanted to let you know about this if you haven't already heard, although I'm sure u have. This is where u need to go....
Submitted by Sarah from Cornwall, United Kingdom
Personally I think the article is a load of crap and we should support the backstreet boys in every decision they make! The article is stupid, I mean they're still here now aren't they! they're making their new album and I think the boys are stronger than ever! and it's their lives we're talkin bout here anyway! give them a break for cryin out loud they're normal people and i totally agree with 'lorin's post' we should be listening to the GUYS THEMSELVES NOT WORTHLESS PEOPLE WHO WRITE CRAP ARTICLES JUS CUZ THEY WANT SOME ATTENTION! i bet they knew the fans would make a fuss over the article well not this fan cuz no matter what happens even if the boys split tomorrow i'd still support them cuz thats what a true fan is! if u only support the guys purely because they're 'THE BACKSTREET BOYS' and u dont support them individually in whatever decisions they make then im sorry but u aint a true fan!
Submitted by zareema from n..y n.y USA
what the hell? they're acting like bsb is over. that is not even remotely true. i didn't even read the entire article it was so ridiculous. the backstreet boys will be back because we're still here. they're acting like b&b was a failure. well it sold a whole damn lot more than other artists, it broke the entire world record for god sakes! And it's the entire world that matters not just one country. nsync may have broken some sorta record that bsb had but it wasn't a record on the magnitude of "world record". While it can be said that nsync may be more popular in the US, they're certainly not half as popular as the backstreet boys are on the international level. Eminem who's the talk of the town right now has only sold 3 million cd's in the months since it was released. By the end of the second month (if i remember correctly) b&b had already sold 8 million. i remember them saying bsb was over during the interval between the end of the millenium tour and the release of "black and blue", but then they popped right back up and slapped them in the face. Just because they're not on tv all the time doesn't mean that we've forgotten about them. In fact the bsb cd's have never left the cd player, neither has the home videos and music videos left the vcr. And i can guarantee you that there are millions of others just like me, who feel the same way. i know,i talk to them on the internet, lol. in the mean time ktbspa!
Submitted by Lorin from USA
It's such a great disappointment to read some of your comments. Some of you are like "Oh, who cares, the Backstreet Boys wont last forever anyway." Or at least that is the impression I am getting when I read what you have wrote. Get a grip, support the guys that you claim to be such a huge fan for. Let go of the NY Times article and/or any article for that matter. Like it was said before "Ignore the media, not the guys!" Who is in the studio working their as$' off for you? That's right the guys! So don't sit here wasting your Backstreet energy complaining about the article that no one can prove truth or not, instead support them-go request their music! The reason why your radio stations doesn't play them is because you are to busy on the computer listening to crap than requesting them. It isn't that hard to pick up the phone and say "can you please play Shape of my Heart," or which ever song that you want, and if you keep on requesting they will be sure to play. Just KTBSPA... not to burst your bubble but the way some of you talk you are not doing that, you are basically doing the opposite!
Submitted by maya from mumbai India
the article really proves tht talent means nothing to the vicious and manipulative world of show bizz, what works is contacts and individual manouvres .it has been the bitter truth tht nick was the most popular band member and retaining him seems to be the most advantagious proposition for the conc. production. only time can tell whats in store for the others. i think where the backstreet boys lost out is tht they have always maintained a straight face about the things tht they do,they have never conspired or let things transpire b/w themselves tht could ruin their group unlike some celebrities , who have always tried to remain a front page news by their explicit antics.Their straightforwardness has brought them to ruin and broken the hearts of millions of us who expected them to rise from the ashes like the pheonix.
Submitted by annette from Tracy CA USA
I just wanna say more opinions of this article. I have read many of opinions and feel the same way. The guys have touched my heart so many times. I know I said it already and Ill say it again and again to prove people wrong. To show that as long as we fans stick together the guys will be fine. And like Nick once said "as long as we have our fans we can conquer anything". And he's right. Fans like us have the guys conquer the world and beyond. Also nicks single "help me" makes me think of all the times him and the guys have struggled and pushed through. They truly deserve a place in pop history. Thank you. Also feel free to email at ~peaceout~ KTBSPA
Submitted by Claire from North Carolina USA
Well...this really was very interesting to read! I never realized all those things went on. I did realize they had some trouble with Pearlman and their record label...but all the stuff inbetween that was incredible. Seems they have had it a little rough lately. As for this whole thing with Nick Carter it makes me not feel very nice towards him. He came into this band and now he is leaving. He was always my favorite when I was younger..but not anymore. How can he leave this band?? He has been with them for so long. I don't think he should have a solo career, I don't even think he should be a singer, it's not like he has the greates voice in the world. Lately I have been saying I thought BSB would be better with out Nick music wise, and it looks like that may happen! Now considering he is the "heart throb" of the band I don't know if it will do good for their image and they may lose some fans that were more in it for Nick. I really hope BSB will come out with something soon, I've missed the awaits of new albums.
Submitted by Vicki from Denton Texas USA
I thought the article was a real "eye opener". For those people that don't understand how ruthless the music industry can be, it should be a real learning experience. BSB has become the success they have by sheer determination and talent. Anyone who says the boys don't have talent, is either uneducated or jealous. Those boys have poured their heart and soul into everything they do whether it's right or wrong. All because they love what they do. I'm like everyone else. I can hardly wait for the new album to come out.
Submitted by Andrea from San Antonio TX USA
I liked the article alot. It gave real information and didn't beat around the bush with the info everyone already knows. I don't think BSB has much momentum in their careers as a group, but moreso as solo acts(i.e. Nick and maybe Brian). I do wish them all the best of luck though.
Submitted by Katie from USA
OMG! That article tore me apart! I couldn't believe what I was reading! And I am totally in love w/ Nick, but I have so much love for BSB as a whole that I have no idea who to side with! I will DIE if Nick doesn't stay with BSB!!!! Let's hope that in the future we will know BSB as we always have- 5 amazing guys, doing their thing-creating great music for everyone to enjoy!
Submitted by bsb_ajfanmom from USA
The article made me sad, and angry. There was a comment in the Rolling Stone (I don't know which one, but it was recent) that no reporter would have the courage to diss any successful band, except for the BSB. I think that's true.
Submitted by lee shoneck from south hadley massachussettes USA
i was very upset by this newspaper article!!!!!
Submitted by Neelie from USA
I read that story. I cannot believe that BSB management would say they dont' care if Nick is in the group!! That is just horrible. I want the other guys to come out and say they want Nicky in BSB. Why they havent' said they like his CD, I don't know. Why?
Submitted by Elina from Finland
Don´t blame Leighanne (Leigass like someone said), she´s a good girl. I´m sure that she didn´t manipulate Brian. Brian wanted himself to leave The Firm. I´m a fan of the Boys, but I think they should concider their personal life, have kids and things like that.I also want a new album someday, but all in good time.
Submitted by Sowmya from Chennai Tamil Nadu India
I have the loved the BBoys since the beginning and to think of the torture and pain they must have gone through is unbearable. I cried for the first time since Brian's engagement(hehe!-I love that guy and all the other just as much!)
Submitted by Edel from iloilo city Philippines
and one last thing, if ever there should be an awrad for the "Toughest/Strongest" or "Super" Music Boy-Group, it should be given to BSB for they have been through a lot of struggles, they were deprived of a record deal at first, management changes, almost bankrupted, aj's rehab, nick's arrest, brian's surgery, endless rumours and down moments... but look where they are now. it's just normal for group members to be doing their thang! i wish people would be mature enough to think about things...
Submitted by Edel from iloilo city Philippines
hi again!
Submitted by Edel from iloilo city Philippines
hi guys!(Backstreetboys)
Submitted by BSbabes from Cebu City Philippines
Backstreet Boys,
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