The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone
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Submitted by meg from Australia
why not get a big petition going saying dear magazine/radio etc we put it to together to hopefully get bsb the reconition blah blah blah and send a copy out to every station magazine that refuse to play bsb etc
Submitted by Sarah Salyer from Ashtabula Ohio USA
The artical was a shock. I didn't really think things had got that bad for the boys. I have mixed feelings about it all, but the one thing I know is that I will forever be a fan, whether they are together or not. I hope they can at least give us one more album, but if they can't I'll still love them. They have been a light in my rather dark life. And to the fans that have said that they've gotten sick of them, or lost intrest, or whatever. They were never really true fans in the first place.
Submitted by Nicki from Solon Iowa USA
I thought it was really REALLY good it made me look a things different now i know the inside and how the boys really felt. it kinda hurt me thought to hear all the shit they went threw :( i dont like any one who would miss treat my babys. that fact they were so sweet to all of us fans threw all that shit just make them the bigger ones in the hole thing. i will always love them no mader who manages them or what ever.
Submitted by Me from * Arizona USA
I think its great that we get filled in on what really went on with the Firm and everything. Like most reporters, i'm sure they exaggerated a bit, But your right, reading the details does make you have a new appreciation for the Boys and what they have been through. (it also makes me dislike NSYnc all the more, but i guess its not their fault.) If Its true about Nick Choosing to stay with The Firm after they stabbed the band in the back..that sucks on his part. Those are like his just don't do that! I mean they screwed him up too! But we don't know whats up with all that for whatever.
Submitted by Cailey from USA
I wasnt really mad about the article....most people were. I dont nessisarily think that its good that they exposed the behid the scenes things so bluntly becuase what the Backstreet Boys do behind the music i none of our buiness, and i do think that i could easily be left unsaid. It gave me a whole new respect for them. I kew they had survived many hard times, but i never realized how many. I know that BSB wont be here forever, and i support nick, but i definitely dont think that the Backstreet Boys will be around as long as they would have if nick would have waited to do a solo project until a later time. By no means do i think that they are 'fading' or 'failures' They are extrordinay human beings, they are also strong. I respect them and their talent. Many other fans say that just because nick is doing a solo project doenst mean they are going to break up, you are correct in a sense (in my opinion) but i think that you are blinding youselves by believing that they will be around still singing and preforming and dancing when they are 80 years old, something will happen, wheather it is a fight, or they 'fade out' as many have said they have done. They will (with NO doubt in my mind) be legends as the Beatles were, and their music will otlive them, their music will outlive the group. They wont be here forever. Many fans such as myself dwell on them. When they are gone, i have promised myself not to dwell on the past, but the present because who knows what the future could bring.
Submitted by Cailey from USA
I wasnt really mad about the article....most people were. I dont nessisarily think that its good that they exposed the behid the scenes things so bluntly becuase what the Backstreet Boys do behind the music i none of our buiness, and i do think that i could easily be left unsaid. It gave me a whole new respect for them. I kew they had survived many hard times, but i never realized how many. I know that BSB wont be here forever, and i support nick, but i definitely dont think that the Backstreet Boys will be around as long as they would have if nick would have waited to do a solo project until a later time. By no means do i think that they are 'fading' or 'failures' They are extrordinay human beings, they are also strong. I respect them and their talent. Many other fans say that just because nick is doing a solo project doenst mean they are going to break up, you are correct in a sense (in my opinion) but i think that you are blinding youselves by believing that they will be around still singing and preforming and dancing when they are 80 years old, something will happen, wheather it is a fight, or they 'fade out' as many have said they have done. They will (with NO doubt in my mind) be legends as the Beatles were, and their music will otlive them, their music will outlive the group. They wont be here forever. Many fans such as myself dwell on them. When they are gone, i have promised myself not to dwell on the past, but the present because who knows what the future could bring.
Submitted by anna from vancity China
shut up rachel. go away. hey guys..nick won survival of the sexiest!!!!...want proof?
Submitted by ~*Fracks Baby Doll*~ from melbourne Victoria Australia
hey guys! i was absolutely appalled by that article! but most of all, after reading some comments that were made by "ex fans", i was even more disgusted! the media is building a whole lot of bull shit out of nothing. so what! nick's doing a solo project, doesn't mean hes leaving the group! so called "fans" who are saying they've simply lost interest...then what the hell are you doing on this site? the way i see it, you guys have never been fans! true backstreet fans support the guys and stick with them no matter what happens. I live in melbourne Australia, and i haven't even come close to seeing a concert or anything like that. I have supported BSB since the very start, but being a TRUE fan, i understand they are very busy and they can't please everyone. anywayz, im just crapping on but i guess what im trying to say is that no matter how hard things get for backstreet, as long as we, the "true and loyal" BSB fans stick together and support our boys, they'll keep comin back and proving everyone wrong! people say BSB are dissappearing...HA! "as long as ther'll be music BACKSTREET will be comin back again!!!"
Submitted by Kathlyn M. from Los Angeles C.A USA
With this article some people can understand how the Backstreet Boys were treason by that idiot of Lou Pearlman and that N'sux spend the money of BSB to make their own career behind their backs...and about the firm and all this new stuff all i can say is "bad" and " I hate leighanne more than ever"...but i'll alway would be a BSB's fan!! & i'm proud about that!
Submitted by Iseeh Yrhinee from Tampa Fl USA
Interesting article. "the Beatles were often dismissed by cultural commentators of the time as nothing more than a fad that would vanish within months as the novelty wore off. The group ensured this wouldn't happen..." -taken from MSN music. In some ways you could compare the Backstreet Boys to the Beatles. Is the Pop "novelty" vanishing? Perhaps... But like the Beatles, its up to the Backstreet Boys to ensure that their own legend will endure. KTBSPA!
Submitted by Alex from NY NY USA
It seems this article has now brought up the whole Nsync vs BSB thing. I do see a lot of your points and I am a loyal BSB fan to the core and always will be. I am not perfect there was a time when I would comment on how much I didn't like Nsync but now I realize that it doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong I still wear my Nsuck shirt proudly despite how petty it seems but hey no one is perfect. But back to my point if I even have a valid one. The only thing that is the same about Nsync is the fact that they are five guys who sing. Well those are the most obvious their is the whole being on the same label but that isn't the point. The point is that you can't compare them at all. BSB have been around now for almost ten years. And I have been a fan for about six years going on seven. I am almost 18 as well and I do get picked on sometimes for likeing them but I like what I like and as long as I am not hurting myself or someone else then I can do and listen to whatever I want. I just chose not to listen to Nsync because I don't like their sound personally. I have made observations that may seem unfair but it is true that younger girls seem to like Nsync yes their members are a bit younger. But Chris is Howies age, the second oldest in BSB. I feel MTV is a little unfair to certain musicians playing their music over other groups but if it wasn't for BSB Nsync vidoes wouldn't be on tv they brought back, even though i hate to use this term but they brought back the "boy band" Nsync is a boy band and BSB is a group. They were used by Lou Pearlman as a threat to BSB. people make it out that only BSB's sales are lagging but they aren't so is Nsyncs and many other pop acts out there are experiencing slumps in sales. I honestly can't say that I totally support Nicks decision. I will always stand by my boys don't get me wrong but I am a little hurt by this solo thing. I mean I understand that eventually one of them would do it. It was inevidble. And I will probablly most likely buy his album if not for anything else but curiosity and to keep his sales strong. sales do matter unlike some people have said dont kid yourself. but bsb has a loyal fan base and i am very confident that their records will sell. everything nsync is going through bsb has gone through because they have been together longer and out longer. I also don't think that AJ admitting his problems and Kevin and Brian getting married is hurting thier records sales. do you honestly go oh he is off the market i dont like his music anymore. if you did then you arent a real fan. and i mean come on would you want aj to lie and say i was off the tour for a little while cuz' i needed a "break". i am glad they have the courage not to lie about it. Those things make me more of a fan and I rspect them like a real fan would. they have real talent and they are also real people. you have to remember that they aren't perfect. i look up to them even more now that i realize they are human. i thik that is all i have to say for now. and i need to add happy belaited b-day to my sweetie pie Howie aka Howbert.
Submitted by rachel from clinton ny USA
i totally agree with the article. i was a bsb fan for 6 years until recentlly. i lost interest. the bsb have had their time they cant keep singing and dancing forever. kevin is 30. i guess for me i lost interest. the songs started to sound the same to me and i was sick of them singing about the same stuff it just got very boring. i think that nick will do good with the whole solo thing. pop is defiantly coming to an end. all of it is the same there is alot of other great musicians out there who sings about other things besides love adn that crap. there is other music.
Submitted by faith from detroit MI USA
i think that the article was stupid. sure nsync got a few more record sales, but who cares. its all up to the fans. it all boils down to why the fans love the band so much. is it because that they love the music and sencerly think that they (the group) means well throught their music, or is it because they're the latest thig. BSB has been around way longer and experienced way more than nsync ever will. i also think that when they decided to be open about A.J.'s problem, they made a good decision, they wanted to be honest. there's also nothing wrong with dressing in a more mature fashion. i think its way better to see a band wearing sophisticated things rather than torn jeans and a worn jersy all the time. BSB will always be the best! KTBSPA
Submitted by Jen from Ontario Canada
I think that it's good for people to actually finally be able to know what the BSB have really been through. I really wish people would stop saying that they're disappearing though. Their music is always gonna be around. And I do believe that if it weren't for N'Sync, none of this shit would have happened. N'Sync was created to be a puppet to threaten the BSB with. And while in my eyes, the BSB are still the best band in the world, I agree that N'Sync has stolen their spotlight. But anyways, we fans have to keep the faith, cause it's us that keep our Boys alive. So KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE everyone!
Submitted by Amanda. S from Woodbridge Ontario Canada
Telle, i totally disagree with u! Everyone thinks that pop music is just bsb and britney, but its more than that, it's all kinds of music, its music that is "POPULAR" today, it's what ppl like now at this moment and there are thousands and thousands of ppl who love bsb. As for the Kevin comment.. not only 14 yr girls cry and scream over him their are 30 yr old women who do the same, and i honestly don't think that it's time for bsb to end until they say so. The memebers of nsync are basically the same age as bsb are, and i don't see ppl talking about them like that. and once again! all the guys are equally talented, that's what makes them the Backstreet Boys well.. anyways everybody, BUY NICK'S ALBUM! IT'S GUNNA BE HOT!!!! KTBSPA!!! BYE!!!!!!
Submitted by Telle from USA
Alright..I was a fan of bsb from when I was 11 till when I was 16..during those times I loved them so much and htey were huge..Now I just think its their time to be done. All of you who are fans are like no dont be done..but damn they've been doin this forever and a day. There is alot of music out there..I think POP is dieing..I mean theres is only so much of pop people can take..And I mean Who wants to see a bunch of 30 year olds dancing around? Which is sick when you think about the 14 year old girls now obsessed with kevin..Its just..dirty and unkosher..
Submitted by Ashley from USA
I think that in the end BSB is going to come up smelling like a rose. They are just tired and need some time to regroup and refocus. I think everyone will be surprised when they come back and they will probably be better than ever. Forget, Black and Blue, forget The Firm, "n suck,the dumb ass that wrote the column. All I have to say to this guy is, How many records did you sell? How many concerts have you sold out? How many women worship you? and I bet the answers to these questions will be NONE!!!! GO BSB AND SHAKE THESE HATERS OFF!!!!!
Submitted by Courtney from Lake Elmo MInnesota USA
I don't know where to start. Before it was unclear to me why the BOYS left the FIRM, but after reading this article I understand...and I would have done the same to someone who betrayed me! I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new album, and I hope that it proves theses record execs wrong! And I believe that Black and Blue sold 8 million albums not 5 million. Thanks.
Submitted by G from princeton N.J. USA
i think the article for a most part speaks the truth. i think for the most part it's ashame bsb had these managing issues but otherwise nothings changed. the only thing is "oh gosh nick leaving bsb!" i say thats bull sh*t. i think if nick kept his smarts about him he'd realize leaving bsb would be stupid and damaging to both his own career as well as bsb's. and i disagree with the article, each and every backstreet boy is irreplaceable. they all have different voices and nick has some major roles in some major songs and no one other than nick carter can sing and get the crowd pumped in the same way as nick carter can. but i doubt any of them will leave anytime soon. nick just needs to get his act together.
Submitted by Kaitlyn from Florida USA
I think the whole article is complete crap. I saw it today in a newspaper and I was shocked that they printed it as if it were fact. BSB did not release a statement that they had broken up. They've already confirmed that the article was written by a prankster. So they have no right to print it as if they had talked to BSB themselves. True, BSB did set the path for copies such as N'Sync, but that was one of the only true things that they printed. I think that next time they print "facts" they should make sure they know what they're talking about. They've offended me and,I believe, Backstreet Boys fans all over the world.KTBSPA
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