The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone

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Submitted by Tere from USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 14:18:20 2002

ok guys i just have one more thing to say....i read in the magazine Popstar that the boys are supporting nick, nick said it himself, go on and read it. thats really all i came here to say. keep the backstreet pride alive. Peace.

Submitted by linz from USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:58:10 2002

right on.

Submitted by Backstreet Forever from USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:56:18 2002

There's nothing more I can said right now because you guys (backstreet boys' fan) had said it. I just want evreybody to know that the Backstreet Boys is not breaking up and their new CD will be out soon. Although Nick's solo is true, but he is not leaving the Backstreet Boys behind, you will see, Backstreet will be back and stronger than ever. That's all I wanna said, backstreet Boys always in my heart and nothing can change it. I love the Backstreet Boys......

Submitted by Backstreet's Fans from USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:52:29 2002

I am so sad when I read the article about Backstreet Boys, I can't believe they pick on the Boys. Well, maybe 'N Sync had a selling record for a first week, but what's the point?????? Backstreet Boys still a biggest boy band and remember, they had sold more than 60 millions albums world wide. Nick's solo career doesn't mean BSB breaking up, remember AJ, he got his own solo project and the BSB still working as a group and their "Millennium" album became a best selling album. The only thing I don't understand is why all the magazine always picking on the Backstreet Boys, that's not fair with the Boys. Maybe the Backstreet Boys still have a lot of fans out there so they have to do everything to keep 'N Sync on top. But too bad, 'N Sync never beat Backstreet Boys and our Boys always on top. Go home 'N Sync..................

Submitted by linz from nokesville va USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:51:30 2002

i have no idea why they haven't said it publicly. and if everybody has said that the whole article is untrue, then maybe kevin and their manager didn't say that. i don't know, that's the thing. words can be twisted around to make a person sound bad. it's happened many times in the past to other artists. truthfully, i don't believe a word of that article is of credability. it's trash in my eyes. and that's my opinion. KTBSPA

Submitted by Katrina from Boston USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:25:06 2002

Linz.. then why have the other boys not said publicily they support Nick? Huh? Why did Kevin diss him in that article? Why did there manager diss him if everything is great? Huh?

Nick is taking the high road and the other boys look like slugs for not supporting him.

Submitted by Katrina from Boston USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:22:22 2002

That's nice, but what does it have to do with the New York Times article? I want to know what people think about that. I didn't like the way it make it sound like it's Nick's fault there is delay with the record. It's not!!

Submitted by linz from nokesville va USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:20:50 2002

it's me yet again -- i meant there's not as much tension as the media says there is. i agree that the music is changing -- but i also agree that it's the fans that take an artist to their height. the backstreet boys are very close. we all know that -- nick and the others say that they're like brothers... it's almost a given that they do support them. i can't believe anybody would say "nick, you're solo album is gonna hurt the band. i don't think you should do it." do you? just because they don't say it publicly doesn't mean they don't say it at all. that's something people have to start understanding. some things the guys don't want the media or even the fans to know -- and maybe they feel they don't need to comment on it. all i know is what they tell me. KTBSPA

Submitted by Eurika from Hayward CA USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 13:11:00 2002

It doesn't matter if some other boyband sold more albums than the Backstreet Boys. It doesn't matter if they are getting old. It doesn't matter if music is changing and they aren't catching up. It doesn't matter if people got tired of them. In fact, nothing matters, except for the fact that the Backstreet Boys occupy a very special place in my heart, whether it is yesterday, today, or 50 years from now.

Submitted by Tere from California USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:58:57 2002

hey its me again. i've been reading more opinions on this article and for those who think that bsb are over and that the "boyband thing" is fading then i think that you're wrong. bsb won't be over until all of their fans leave.....we make them big,we choose who we like, we are the ones who listen to the music and decide who we like, its us the fans. so until bsb have no more fans out there in the world and until they want to retire, they're gonna be here to stay.i agree that there can be tension but everyone argues no one in a group always agrees, they have to argue and i believe that they will get through this. i also agree that if justin is going solo too, then why aren't they saying that nsync is breaking up? i mean yes justin has denied that nysnc aren't breaking up so the media has stopped with them and nick has denied that bsb aren't breaking up but have they stopped? no they just keep on and on and i am getting sick and tired of the media bothering them!!!!! sorry i kinda got out of hand. anyways this is my opinion and how i really feel. feel free to email me if you agree or not. keep the backstreet pride alive and God Bless.

Submitted by Katrina from Boston USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:48:45 2002

yeah, that could be true, but I'm not willing to give up on them yet, in spite of the tensions. I mean, I like BSB. But, Nick's new album is going to rock! I can't wait!!!

Submitted by amanda from chattanooga tennessee USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:42:55 2002

lets face it, the boy band era is coming to an end. nsync's going nowhere, same with bsb. it's over. it's just like nkotb. i mean, deep down somewhere in your heart you know it wouldn't last forever. music is changing and they aren't keeping up. sorry guys....

Submitted by Tara Glenn from Little Rock AR USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:37:35 2002

Hey EVERYBODY(haha)!!!!! I just wanna say that
my boys aren't goin anywhere!!! Whoever thinks that they're over can think again!! They've gone through worse crap than this and they ended up being bigger than they've ever been,and this is no different.I will always love and support them,no matter what!!!!!

Submitted by Katrina from Boston USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:28:36 2002

If you think there is no tension in BSB after reading that article then all I can say is you must not be able to breathe with your head stuck so far in the sand

You are in denial if you think ther aren't problems. When have the other boys come out publicly and said yes, we support Nick and it's a great album and we hope it's very succesfull? Huh? When have you heard that?

Submitted by linz from nokesville virginia USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:17:44 2002

let's all get one thing straigh here. there is not that much tension in backstreet right now. the 4 guys are so proud of nick for doing something this huge. they're not gonna break up over this -- y'all know that. i mean -- come on -- this has happened before with AJ -- remember -- johnny no-name?!? yes, that is called a solo project.
who cares if nsuck sold more records in the first week -- how many did it go on to sell? it seems to me that everybody is so caught up with that record, they don't care about the others. backstreet has said many times they don't wanna break any stupid records...if they do -- great -- but it's all about the music with them. unlike another BOYBAND. i believe it was black and blue that did break the worldwide first week sales though -- what was it? oh yeah 5 million. so nsuck can just go ahead and try to beat that one!:)
i don't really consider bsb a boyband by the way. they have stood the test of time and have grown outta the teenybopper fans. we grow with them. and that's that.
i know for a fact that they're not breaking up -- nick would be absolutely devistated if that were to happen. he would have said something to me or aaron -- and not a word was spoken. so backstreet will be on top again very very shortly -- you other fans can mark my words. KTBSPA! i luv ya.

Submitted by nitya from salem virgina USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 12:05:21 2002

ok first off why isn't the media saying anything about nsync breaking up becuz justin is going solo?? why is that they only pick on bsb??
if you look at the facts bsb is still number one they may not have one a lot of awards this past year but if you go to and look at the polls it says who would make a good lifegurd?
kevin is number 2 and justin in number 6.
at mtv justin or nick? nick is leading and if you read the what people say it says that people that usually like nsync better thought justin sucked!
but we have to keep nick and bsb at number1!!
we have to vote for them everywhere we can!-radios,magazines,trl,polls,mtv!! everywhere!

Submitted by Katrina from Boston USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 11:34:51 2002

Has it occured to anyone that BSB's manager pretty much said Nick was replaceable, and that certain quotes basically blamed Nick for the problems with the band's tensions?

Why then, did the reporter not get a quote from Nick about that? Why didn't the reporter call Nick and say.. your manager just said you were replaceable. Do you have a comment?

And don't say, he might have. Because if he did, they would have printed that. It seems to me that someone dropped the ball at the New York Times.

This album has been Nick's salvation. Plus, he has repeatedly said that he will always be a BSB; they are family. Where are the other four? Why haven't they come out and publicily supported Nick's solo project? It took guts for Nick to do what he's done. I'm very proud of him. I can't say the same for the other four. Bleah.

Submitted by jordan from E.Hartford Ct USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 11:21:01 2002

I can't believe they actually wrote that. What a joke. BSB are adults and they can make their own choices. They are not puppets or dummies. It may take nsync longer to grow up but they aren't really that stupid. BSB are the best out there and they intend to do whatever it takes to stay on top. To much in-your-face and they become the next new kids. There is to much nsync now and people are getting sick of them. BSB know how to keep us wanting more.KTBSPA we love them!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Tammy from USA
Date: Sat Aug 24 10:38:03 2002

I am a biggest Backstreet Boys' fan. After reading the article, I'm so sad because everything they told isn't true. BSB is the biggest and the best boy band in the world right now. Even when N Sync got a selling record that doesn't mean N Sync can beat the BSB. BSB is not going to breaking up because I know that right now they working for their new CD, and you will see, Backstreet Boys will kick N Sync's ass this time, O Town need to be careful too, Backstreet's Back............

Submitted by joan from Philippines
Date: Sat Aug 24 08:18:31 2002

I was sad about the article. It's not really true y'know? I mean, BSB is like one of the biggest bands here in Asia! They like won an award on the 2002 MTV ASIA AWARDS! And the whole awards was voted by fans! BSB is still a mega hit here! All their songs went to number 1! The article just focused on America, that's wrong! I mean, it said stuff like nsync is the biggest band which is very not true! I'm not dissing them but they're really not that big here! I think before somebody makes an article like that they should focus on facts! Formal writing rule # 2, avoid controversial topics! He has a controversial topic!

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