The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone
Submitted by JOI from Montevideo Uruguay
I think that the boys are not going to break up, at least not now. That Nick has a solo album doesn't mean that he can stay in the band. He can promote his album and record with the boys and be on tour, other artist that belonged to a band have solo careers.....
Submitted by justine from USA
it's great that every1 is sharing their thoughts and ideas, but DON'T FORGET TO KEEP VOTIN, REQUESTIN, AND BUGGIN UR LOCAL DJ'S. TRUST ME, THE DJ'S LOVE IT. IF U KEEP BUGGIN THEM, THEY'LL THINK U THINK THEY'RE HOT, AND THAT'S HELP. lol whatever, but keep on voting so bsb will be on top again. the only reason why n'sync has been beatin bsb's records is b/c WE'VE GOTTEN A LITTLE LAZY. we haven't been doin all we can, but now, the article is helpin us. I'M GONNA PROVE THE ARTICLE WRONG. we're gonna make bsb debut at the top, and nick too. IF ANY1 NEEDS HELP REQUESTIN AND VOTIN AT THEIR LOCAL RADIO STATION, EMAIL ME at ... convince ure friends to listen with u. better yet, BUY BSB AND NICK'S CD'S AS B-DAY PRESENTS FOR UR FRIENDS. THAT'S WHAT I'M GONNA DO
Submitted by Vivian from Costa Mesa CA USA
You know I didn't have a problem with the article. Yeah, I know of course we get on the automatic defense when we don't hear positive things about our guys, but hey that's life. I'm sure they all have alot of things going on in all their lives that we will never know about. If this article is true than I think The BSB are better men for it. They learned a very hurting and expensive lesson early in life, but that's what makes them such great men these days. The only thing we can really do is always be there for them when they need us (concerts, CD's etc.) and then our guys will know They will be in our Hearts and Prayers forever.........Vivian
i think that the backstreet boys will not break up for awhile their like brothers and they would'nt fight over some little thing like money because money comes and goes and i just think this is a piece of b****** and that peolpe would do or say anything to make them break up. but i know their stronger then that
Submitted by anna from vancity Canada
Helllllo again.... wats up guys?
Submitted by Jamie-Lyn from Canada
This article made me really upset. I reaize that BSB are going thorugh a hard time right now and negative press like this is only making things worse. And I disagree about the part where revealing that AJ was going into rehab helped with the downfall. I personally appreciated the honesty and loyalty to their fans that BSB showed, where as other band in that situation would have lied about it. Plus, I really don't believe that *NSYNC is any better off than BSB. Yes, BSB are fading, but so are NSYNC. But for some reason, the Press chooses not to prey on them. I'm so sorry that BSB lost their popularity, but I will continue to support them and remember them for the rest of my life!
Submitted by Laura from Canada
Submitted by Shauna from Canada
Submitted by marrissa from USA
Hey everyone i think that article was so stupid! BSB is here to stay!!! They just wanna start something n every bsb fan will not stand for that Nick is not leaving the band so they can just forget about that!! Nick is only doing his own thing for a lil awhile they neva did this when aj did his own thing so dont worry about it.Nick said that he thinks bsb comes first then his solo thing and that right now bsb is wat he really wants to do! So KTBSPA! rissa carter!
Submitted by Amalia Moreno from Miami Florida, USA
Im Sitting Here DEVESTATED for that stupid article I just read.I think that We as Backstreet boys fans have to stay strong.At first I was really happy that Nick was going to come out with his solo career,because honestly,I want Nick to be happy,but after reading that article,and reading that while nick is doin his solo career,the other backstreet boys are out there recording without WTF does that mean?i have been a fan of the backstreet boys for 8 years so far,and will be to the end,but if the backstreet boys come to end,there is truly no joy for my soul.Nick better get his prioritys striaght,i love him and everything,but backstreet boys promised there fans that they were going to be together for a long time.and what's this with People saying that the reason why BSB are goin the wrong way was because of Nsyncs Fame? i think these Critics better chill with what theyre saying because In the end it really doesnt matter.Nick carter now has a solo album,and incredibly,Justin timberlake does to,which personally i think Justin's sucks! but whats this now? MTV wants Justin to perform and not NICK? what the hell? there is this petition going on-that is wanting BSB fans to sighn so that Nick could perform at the VMAS.i hope everyone takes the time in sighing in it-i think we as backstreet boys fans,and the backstreet boys themselves are getting bad recognition-as if were coming to an end-i just wanna tell everyone to KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE! we were there to rise them up,and now that they have fallen for some stupid critics,and for the acclaim of MONEY,its now time for us to push them back up the top where they were-its all in our hands.We just need to work with it.Madd luv to all the fans out there-i feel kinda better now-
I don't know what the fuss all about. Yeah ok I admit the backstreet boys last Album didn't go as well as millenium or Backstreet boys but it went well. Yeah we have lost fans but that is no reason to cry for the backstreet boys. It's one thing to be blind-sighted by the copy cats NSync who robbed Backstreet boys position at Number 1 on the charts and its another to say well their through. there is still hope, there is still faith. I have been a loyal fan for 5 years and just because BSB are blowing up the chart doesnt mean i'm going to go "well ok they are starting to suck so i'm going to love Nsync" then i cant call myself a true bsb fan. i won't be keeping the pride alive now would i? all you so-called bsb fans who say yeah i love bsb only when they are doing well are not true bsb fan... you guys are what i like to call imposters. BSB is not in your heart as you think they are cause if you are supporting NSync and saying "backstreet boys suck" and they going behind NSync's back and saying "NSync suck and bsb rules" then you don't love them enough to be loyal and truthful. I love bsb and i could honestly say i do cause it's true i have risked a lot to atleast be up close and personal with them but has never happened, i still love them and i am satisfied in just seeing them on tv.
Submitted by Gaby from California USA
Why is everyone assuming that the Boys are over or will break up because Nick is releasing a CD? Nobody is saying that about Nsync with Justin. What do you think? KTBPA
Submitted by gabby Carter from Tarija - Bolivia
I don't even know what the hell they put that article on the newspaper, nothing is happening, the guys are together as always, and if something happen with the guys, something that I really don't think, I don't know what I'm goin' to do, I'm a BSB fan since 1998 and I live with their music, the are my life, and I love them more than anything else in my entire life, I'll be a BACKSTREET BOYS FAN FOREVER AND EVER, I doesn't matter what comes along, but please, quit playing games with our hearts, the BSB fans know that the guys are not breaking up!!!! BACKSTREET BOYS I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!! KTBSPA 4E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Angel from USA
Ok I'm sorry but that article pissed me off! LOL just how they have the nerve to state that AJ going into rehab "damaged" them?! WTF? LoL And the marraiges....the MAJORiTY of fans for one thing were supportive of that, and the whole deal with AJ, the fans stuck by him, so how dare they blame such a wonderful thing as Brian and Kevin getting married, or AJ stepping up and getting help, as being a bad thing?!
Submitted by Jacqueline from Merrillville IN USA
It makes me mad because the media now is making it out to be that BSB is a thing of the past when they are not. I think it's partially because of Chapter One because a greatest hits album comes at the end of an artist's career. I think that really hurt them. And everyone talks about how Black and Blue didn't do well...hello? It sold 1.6 million copies in its first week. That's really good but all the people who don't like teen pop are so against it and they want it to die. Why are they like that? For example: I don't like country music and I know lots of people who don't either. But we don't go around saying that it's dying and that it sucks. To each his own and if other people have different tastes in music they have that right. I just get so mad when people make fun of BSB and act like they are nothing. Just because some of their fans are young doesn't mean that they don't count.
Submitted by Melissa from Canada
Hey everyone! Opinions still going up huh?! thats kool!
Submitted by nancy from moundsville WV USA
Ok, This is driving me crazy! I have to get it off my chest. After I read this article, I started freaking out and my heart sunk. I've been a Backstreet fan since 1997. I have grown out of pop and now am listening to punk and Metal. BUT...I still listen to the Backstreet Boys and will be a fan til the day I die! That's one thing that will NEVER change about my style. I LOVE them. My friends practically critisize me for it and tease me but I stand up for them anyways. If something happens with the Boys, I will cry and want to crawl up in a whole and never come out of it for as long as I live! Maybe this guy doesnt care if Nick is replaced but I do and I'm sure the rest of the Backstreet fans do, too. But I think that the guys would never do that. They've been together for 10 or 11 years! They've been proving ppl wrong this long, why stop now? And as for Nick's solo project, I say good for him. He's getting to do his own thing and he's happy. I don't think this should interfere with his career and friendship with the other guys. I'm going to stand behind the group all the way FOREVER!!! Well, I feel a little better now.KTBSPA!!
Submitted by anna from vancity Canada
I feel for you Nadie, and I think your really strong because I wouldnt be able to go through that. Im sorry about your dad.
Submitted by Courtney from Champaign,IL Illinois USA
I read thise article and I was kind of thinking. The Backstreet Boys have been popular and been a group for 10 years. Most artist never see that number so if they are losing popularity now it is sad but at the same time it is good. They have wives and everything and what-not. Also I dont think at this point it matters I think at this point what matters is the mark they have left in music and the memories and the records. They have left a HUGE ASS MARK and I think that is awesome. The only way they will ever lose popularity is if they lose popularity with you. :)
Submitted by Nadia from Argentina
To all the Backstreet people out there,
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