The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone

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Submitted by Courtney from Champaign,IL Illinois USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 20:33:55 2002

I read thise article and I was kind of thinking. The Backstreet Boys have been popular and been a group for 10 years. Most artist never see that number so if they are losing popularity now it is sad but at the same time it is good. They have wives and everything and what-not. Also I dont think at this point it matters I think at this point what matters is the mark they have left in music and the memories and the records. They have left a HUGE ASS MARK and I think that is awesome. The only way they will ever lose popularity is if they lose popularity with you. :)

Submitted by Nadia from Argentina
Date: Fri Aug 23 20:07:25 2002

To all the Backstreet people out there,
I know for sure that the Boys are never gonna read this, but I feel that I gotta give it a try.
I've been a Backstreet fan since 1996, when they first album came out here (I live in Argentina). I've been there through all the ups & downs of their careers, loving and supporting them no matter what. That's why all this stuff going around them now bothers me so much. I have to accept that I don't like very much the idea of Nick doing a solo album, but I understand that it's his life, and that anything that I, or any fan, say would change his mind.
I know people might say I'm not really a Backstreet fan, because I'm supposed to support his album, but, just for a second, try to understand me. I lost my father to cancer two months ago (I'm 15) and it has been (it's still) really hard for me to get over it. The only thing I can manage to do is lock myself in my room, throw myself in the bed and cry. The only thing that keeps me going on is The Boys' music. I don't want to talk to anybody, just be alone and listen to their music. Right now I can say I truly understand the words on "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely". The Boys mean a lot to me, especially in these hard moments.
When I keep hearing and reading that the Boys are breaking up, I feel like someone's hitting me right in my heart. They've became my whole life.
My family and friends say I'm obsessed, that I'm insane when it comes to the boys, but I don't care. They say that because they don't understand the feeling. Only we, the Backstreet Fans, know all the Boys have done for us, and that's why I know only you will understand the way I feel.
I know the Boys have to do what they want, 'cause that's the only way they could be happy, but I also know they have thousands and thousands of fans all around the world crying every time people say they're breaking up, and I think that's why they keep going on, because they love their fans in a way any other band could ever do. That's why we have to show them that we can't live without them, that they give happiness to our lives.
When it comes to say nice things about the Boys, people always say 'they have the strongest fan base, they have the best fans in the world'...Well, I think it's time for us to show them that those words are true, that we'll stand together for the guys and that we will be there, no matter what...
If only one single fan had read this and had feel that it's true, that we have to do something, my objectives are done.
Love & Peace,
Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive Always & Forever
If you have any comment you want to share with me, or just think the way I do and want to have a friend, then write me:

Submitted by Maria from Redwood City Ca USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 19:40:02 2002

Oh my....
It was kinda sad to read this article. You know that one day, marriage, kids.. PRIVATE LIVES would take priority in the guys' lives. And you'd hope that their decisions to take a break would be because of that...not because of stupid industry people who don't care about anything else but money. What ever the Backstreet Boys plan to do, as a group.. the 5 guys together... I support it. and wish them luck. =) I just hope that they can live their dreams the way they want... the way they came in and the way they have done so... SUCCESSFULLY!! And in another 10 years from now.. I will still keep the BSB pride alive. =)

Submitted by justine from USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 19:35:10 2002

YOU GUYS, PLEASE LISTEN TO ANNA, AND SIGN THE PETITION TO LET NICK BE ABLE TO APPEAR ON VMA'S. it's not fair that justin can sing his new single which sucks %$#* and nick can't sing his single that kicks ass. sign the petition now. ASAP. we already have 1062 signatures!

Submitted by anna from london United Kingdom
Date: Thu Aug 22 13:37:51 2002

hey!! help nick to get on the VMA's here's a forward message i got please sign!!! it won't be fair!!
This petittion was made by a group of bsb & nick's Fans; since Justin
it's going to be able to make his debut as a solo artist on the VMA's
on august 29, We ( A group of Backstreet Fans and Nick Carter Lovers)
though that Nick Should make his debut on the VMA's Too... Cuz' He
deserves the same respect that anyone has as an artist and
performer, So if U want to see Nick on The VMA's PLEASE sing this
pettition as soon as You Can and Send it to ALL the Backstreet Fans
And Nick lovers, We need To hurry Up Cuz' the VMA's are taking
place on August 29 in NYC....

here's the URL

Thanks For your Support and We really Hope You Help

Bsbye And KTBSPA.
Backstreet Lovers, Perla Salazar ©arter

Submitted by Kassidy from Arizona USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 19:31:58 2002

Wow. That is a lot of new information to digest in a few minutes. We all knew about BSB suing that @$$ Lou Pearlman and about the management changes. I am just shocked to learn this new information about what went on behind the scenes and us fans had no idea. It really upsets me and frustrates me. These music business people are just a bunch of dirty, rotten, scheming, lying, stealing, uncaring, pigs who will do anything it takes to make money. And to know that BSB was caught up in the middle of this. It's very unfortunate. None of this was fair and it makes you wonder if similar things have happened to other pop singers/groups or if BSB were the only ones getting screwed. This new info better be true or i'll just be getting p***ed for no reason. But to all the BSB fans out there, you know what you have to do. You have to support them 100%. Buy Nick's cd and BSB's when it is released. Vote for any video on TRL(even if you are like me and don't watch it much). Also vote for any BSB songs on your local radio station top (insert # here) countdowns and even Carson Daly's stupid countdown. Just do whatever the h*ll you can to support them. They've had to deal with so much to make the music that we enjoy and we have to pay them back(pun intended) for everything they've done the best we can. Oh and one more thing, most importantly, and as always, KTBSPA!!!

Submitted by Emily from Canton Ohio USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 19:27:03 2002

I love the Backstreet Boys so0o0oo much! I mean no one even know's how much I like them. This article brought me to tears cause I kinda think that after this CD, either its going to be the last CD or their going to take a really long break. As much as I hate to say that though part of me thinks its true but another part of me doesn't. The Backstreet Boys mean the world to me and if they do break up, I really think that I wont get over it. But on the other hand I think that, that article is a bunch of crap. I mean yeah they might not be having the greatest time right now, but i really think that they can work it out. And all this about them all arguing, thats just a bunch of crap too. I mean these guys have been together for almost 10 years now and I dont think that they would let all that success go down the drain like that. And IF its a possiblity for them to break up, I really dont think that they would let millions of fans around the world down like that. BSB know's that they have a TON of fans supporting them and that they wouldnt hurt anyone of their fans by breaking up. But another side of me is saying that they arent getting along as they were when they first started and that everything is going wrong with the group. As much as I hate to think it, I kinda think its a possibility. Well I think thats all I have to say before breaking down into tears again. ALWAYS KTBSPA!!! Luv ya guys!!

Submitted by justine from USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 19:18:58 2002

hey every1, (guys and girls) THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME I'M GONNA SAY THIS, BUT VOTE FOR NICK'S HELP ME ON RADIO. and if the stupid radio stations are just so stubborn as to not listen to ur requests, just gimme the information at, and i'll write requests too and vote or whatever. but in exchange, every1 go vote at for jojo's top nine at nine be4 9:00 p.m. pacific side in the U.S. NICK MAD CARSON DALY'S MOST REQUESTED AND WAS #10, HE'S HITTIN THE CHARTS AND IF WE KEEP VOTIN, HE'S GONNA BE #1 SOON. KTBSPA!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Sarah from Albemarle North Carolina USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 18:59:54 2002

This made me really pissed off!! It's not right for these peolpe to do these things to five guys who have worked their ass off making records and making people happy..It's just plum wrong..How dare someone tell Brain to complete the tour and not have heart surgery that is totally selfish..My guch it's his heart ..WHAT IF something would have happend to him..And the b**** Lou Pearlman dare him treat the guys the way he did ..I mean yes Nsync deserved to have there time to break through but u don't push the Backstreet Boys out of the picture just because they need time off and one of them needs surgery !I love the Backstreet Boys they are awsome and i can't wait for their next album they have come so far i don't think they are going anywhere too becasue i know that they still have millions of fans out there who love them and can't wait for there return..And one more thing i think that it is awful that some people want to put Aj down beacuse he had a problem and he got helped .. He's a person just like everyone else and people make mistakes no one is pefect.He was a real man when he stepped up and got helped because there are plenty of people who had the problem he had but won't get help..And for people to not like brain and kevin becasue they got married is just plain asburb..They wanted someone to love and they found those people and there happy that's all that matters ..As long as they keep putting out music that they make and that is great i will continue to love them no matter what happens to them..THE BACKSTREETBOYS ROCK AND THAT WILL NEVER EVER CHANGE !!

Submitted by Julie from Buffalo Grove IL USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 18:18:11 2002

Alot of things in that article made me mad. I can't stand what the media does to these Boys. I can't stand the way their management throws them around like they're some kind of toy. I can't stand that Lou Pearlman. It was HIM and his crew that decided that Brian should continue and finish the tour because god forbid they'd have to push back some concerts.. I mean it was his heart for god sakes. What if something had happened to him? Then Lou would have really been kicking himself. Then that whole thing with Clear Channel buying out the Black and Blue tour. Everyone would assume that they were the reason for the higher ticket prices on the second leg of the tour, but while they pushed LOWER prices management thought it'd be in the Boys' best interest to sell insanely high ticket prices and then leave half the fans standing in the dust because they can't afford it. The Boys didn't like that one bit, and they were very hurt when management decided to push the release of Chapter One. The Boys wanted it to be a 10 year anniversary thing..and that would have been so great, but no, that stupid ass management always has to get in the way. This group is one of the hardest working groups out there today, and I'm so sick of them never getting anything in return for it. Instead it's oh they're breaking up, AJ's in rehab, Nick got arrested..what kind of role models are they? Well I can certainly say they're my biggest inspiration and I'm sure I can speak on behalf of alot of other fans as well. If all them press people actually paid attention to each other they'd realize that Nick did say on z100 that they ARE NOT breaking up and Howie said on Y100 that they're going to start recording early next year, they're just taking it slow. Nobody in the group is mad at Nick for his solo album. They all support him, so how could they blackmail him like the media claimed they did so many times? Who the hell cares if nobody wants it, too bad! These Boys are here to stay and they'll be around for a long, long time.

Submitted by Heather from Brunswick Ohio USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 18:08:25 2002

hi all,
when i 1st read this article thngy, i'm like woah. i knew some of this
shyt was not true. i know Kevin would never put the tour in front of
his cousin Brian's own life. i honestly did not believe that part. i was
ready to scream when i read that part cause it's a bunch of B.S. Kevin
would never do that. he's too good of a person. and as for the record
company putting out the greatest hits w/o BSB's permission. that aint
right. i would have loved to see how they would've made a 10 year
anniversary album. i think it would've been really neat. but the stupid
record company had 2 be all cool and not listen....jerks! and then there's
lou pearlman. that guy just makes me mad. when i 1st heard bad stuff
about him, i didnt like him. he shouldnt be taking money from our guys.
that just aint right. the person who wrote this must have had a grudge
w/ backstreet to write some of this crap. i'm glad this was set up so
us fans could speak our minds about this stupid article.
i'll talk to ya'll lata..peace out as AJ always says.
and all of u r free to email me when u like. lata. my email is

Submitted by Lisa from USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:58:55 2002

I'm sorry that the Boys have had to go through as much crap as they have all these years. They've taught us a lot through their lyrics, but they also taught as much through their personal experiences. This is no different, because it has certainly opened our eyes to what artists have to go through in such a shark-infested industry. When all is said and done, though, I hope the Boys stay strong, because their strength and perseverance are inspirational. They can call the Boys anything they want, but I call them real. Whatever decisions you make, thank you for the great times, the music, the concerts, and the fun. You ARE heads above the rest, regardless of what they say. If the Boys were to release their next album 10 years from now, yeah, I'll still be there. KTBPA :)

P.S. I love Nick's new single. I can't stop listening to it, and the lyrics make me feel good. Just as I knew it would. :)

Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:48:36 2002

now that's the spirit.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ktbspa and keep voting for the songs, does any1 have the email address to jive, i wanna give them a piece of my mind.

Submitted by Heather from Kingston new york USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:44:55 2002

bsb rocks and yes they will be back we need to have faith I have been a fan for five years I am know 13 and I am still a huge fan my parents love them as much as I do we have been to all of their concerts at the pepsi arena in albany,ny they get better and better every time they tour I can't wate till they come back to albany,ny next year we need to support them we need to vote and buy their CD's and other products that they have out and buy the arthur book it's only rock'n' roll they are in it and it will be on pbs on september first they love us and we love them they will be around for a very long time as long as they have fan's they will keep making music they are so much better then nsync I saw them in concert twice because my older sister was a fan of them they don't even relly sing live they lip sync so she is a bsb fan know just keep supporting and they will be back stronger then ever they will shut time squar down again because they have loyal fan's like us remember ktbspa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Penny Van Dyke from Appleton wis USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:32:40 2002

There are a number of things that was said that i don't like or think is true.First there was a part in their that said that Kevin said that they sould finish the tour first then take care of Brian's heart. I don't think Kevin would say something like that about Brian and second i am really sick of people saying that backstreet is going their own way,people the guys have told us all that they are not going their own ways so stop saying that ok.untell i hear it from them i am not going to believe it.also every time a someone in a band does a cd by themselfs people think that the band is going their own way .it was just something he wanted to do. I am a big fan of bsb and i am going to stand behind them all the way 100% in everything they do.Happy brithday Howie and congradulations to Aj i am happy for you and i hope you have a happy life together and i hope she makes you happy because i don't want to see you hurt. i just want you to be happy . I don't think they have done anything wrong. p.s. i love you guys(bsb) take care

Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:16:07 2002

hey every1, (guys and girls) THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME I'M GONNA SAY THIS, BUT VOTE FOR NICK'S HELP ME ON RADIO. and if the stupid radio stations are just so stubborn as to not listen to ur requests, just gimme the information at, and i'll write requests too and vote or whatever. but in exchange, every1 go vote at for jojo's top nine at nine be4 9:00 p.m. pacific side in the U.S. NICK MAD CARSON DALY'S MOST REQUESTED AND WAS #10, HE'S HITTIN THE CHARTS AND IF WE KEEP VOTIN, HE'S GONNA BE #1 SOON. KTBSPA!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Dhiana from Sweden
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:11:31 2002

Hiya all..
F*** what do that hick know about the boys ?? hu? Not a singel thing.. The Guys still have More to give then *Nsuck! BSB has a stable fanbase and it grows as they grow... Bsb is NOT JUST a teen bopperband.. They are and will always be The KINGS OF POP.. Love them now and forever and I can NOT wait for the New album and tour!!!!


Submitted by ginger from orlando FL USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 17:05:21 2002

First I want to say, thank you to all the loyal fans that have been with BSB through thick and thin. We are what keep them going!!!
I also think that whoever wrote this article is full of crap. I believe that BSB has definitely been through a lot of struggles in their career, but whoever wrote that article is basically saying that BSB is over, they suck, and that they could never reach the success that nsync has reached. That is, of course, nothing but crap. I have been a fan for about 5 and a half years and they most certainly do not suck. nsync has a couple of "okay" songs, but not only are they all ugly, they have really stuck-up personalities, especially Justin T.(Whose song, by the way, SUCKS, and I am not saying that just bcuz I am a BSB fan.It is the truth. Nick's solo stuff is SOO much better.) BSB is NOT over, us fans are MUCH MUCH too loyal to ever let that happen! And while BSB may not have the success that nsync has right now, that doesn't mean they're breaking up or anything stupid like that. It just means that the "boy band pheonomen" has died down. BSB will always be around-FOREVER. If the younger kids can't handle their new, mature, grown-up image and music, then that's their problem. The real fans are eating up the new stuff, starting with Nick' solo career. The real fans support Nick's career and know that it will bring the band together and help their music to grow. And the AJ thing, me personally, it made me love the band more, especially AJ. I think that it didn't hurt their record sales, it was just an excuse for the calming down of the hype BSB started. The kids can go ahead and like nsync, I don't really care. With their new image, BSB will, hopefully, be gaining respect and more loyal fans. I know I'm going on and on, but basically all I really wanna say is that haters need to keep their mouthes shut,and the fans need to start standing up for BSB!, and not let anyone like that bastard at the new york times bring the band or us down!
KTBPA!!!!!!!! And as AJ says-PEACE OUT, I'll see you kids in the movies!!:)
PS Happy belated bday Howie!!!!
PPS For those of you looking to hear the new song by Nick, go to You can listen to the station from the net. It is an Orlando station, but plays the song at least once everyday, and they rarely, rarely play that Justin crap. I hope the websit helps you.

Submitted by Melissa from Canada
Date: Fri Aug 23 16:40:51 2002

OMG ANNA!! YOU ARE SOO RITE! me and my friend Justine..who by the way lives in USA, (i we tried to let everybody know about wut was happening on our radio station. A couple people said they helped and I believed them. I thanked them for it too. yesterday i was on the phone the whole hour..and believe it or not i got thru sooo many times..even in rows, and i voted for Nick. I changed my voice so many times so my votes could count! I'd say on the phone i voted about 18- 20 times..pretty harsh eh? and on the net..i tried hard but i managed just a cupple votes. As for my friends here in vancouver...they said they would help me..but they were on msn the whole time. and yes most of them were Backstreet fans.

Submitted by anna from vancity Canada
Date: Fri Aug 23 15:50:57 2002

You guys, this article was writen by a crack head that doesnt no jack shi* about bsb. so stop sitting here obsessing over it. Nick lost badly to justin last night, while you guys were sitting here. I sat at the phone for an hour, got through three times and voted...but i didnt have enough help. You cant just expect him to do well without doing anything. And for those of you who said that album sales dont count. yes hey do. How do you think bsb feels when they work hard on it for a long time, and it doesnt do well, and no one buys it??? they feel like shit. and thats what makes them feel like quiting. plz dont let that happen. please go out and buy nick and bsb's album ( bring frinds). make the critics think twice about saying shit bout our boys. make them realize they were wwronge.
bsb n shady 4 life

Submitted by Tere from California USA
Date: Fri Aug 23 15:50:36 2002

i dunno how many times i've written but i've been reading other people's opinions and some have really good points. its good to see that there are A LOT of bsb fans out there. i also agree on the whole comparing bsb with nsync(i think i spelled that right) they should just leave them alone and let them do their own thing. i'm not a fan of nsync and i never will be, i perfer bsb's music over theirs. bsb has done so much for me, they've helped me through my problems, they've helped through heartbreak which i just exprienced in may (worst feeling in the world) they have just given me so much i mean i dunno how many times i listened to "where can we go from here", "one last cry", "show me the meaning", and "if you stay". i mean if bsb didn't walk into my life and if i hadn't had saw their music video (thank you selena!!!) then i would be lost. bsb has made a different person out of me and without them i don't think that i would have done good in life. i know that may sound weird but its true. i'm gonna be a freashman in highschool now and i'm still and will always be a fan.i believe that things happen for a reason and i believe that bsb made it big for a reason.....and i think you know what that reason is already so i won't list them.anyways to the point....nick going solo is not going to affect the group and nick said it himself in the magazine Popstar..he said that bsb is supporting him going solo so if he said that then their is no argument and he also stated for like the one millionth time that they aren't breaking up.when bsb come back this time around i think that they'll be stronger....who knows? i hope so and for those that support nick on his solo album...that is a good idea and i do look forward to listening to his cd.lets just all be there for bsb when they come back. now that i really think about this article i'm glad that they printed it cuz it showed a lot of things that bsb had to go through and i mean look where they are now...they've worked so hard and look where they are now.i am so proud of them and i am proud to be a bsb fan.ok man that was a lot, if someone has an opinion about what i just wrote email me.God bless. Peace!!!!!!

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