The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone
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Submitted by Pree from Gainesville Florida USA
I don't think that the guys are over, because they have a very, very loyal following of fans. They might not ever be as big as they once were, but they're definitely not failures in any manner. I've been a fan for close to 7 years now, and I tend to always remain a fan, and I know there are more people out there who are like me and will always support the guys in whatever they do. So, to say they're over... that's a little extreme... they're just not on top anymore.
Submitted by josy from USA
I have mixed feelings ... im kinda mad at nick because he put the group to the side but im also really proud of all the boys have done to get their music out and still do it so i dont know....i think the boys just need to talk with out any legal people just them to sort out any problems or misunderstandings going on right now and just get in the same page
Submitted by Carkey from Ontario Canada
Okaaay.... I just think this is...ugh, words cannot describe how I feel about the writer of that article. He's sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Maybe the reason we hadn't heard all this stuff before (well, I hadn't, lol) was because BSB doesn't want it out? They don't want our pity. They want to do what they were set on this earth to do- make great music, and have a good time doing it. And about Leighanne- no need to talk trash about her. She's a wonderful woman, and was in the buisness prolly far before she met Brian, and she wanted to help her husband in a way she knew she could. She's prolly a great actress, tho I haven't seen any of her work, and wouldn't want to hurt her husband's career.
Submitted by Jennifer Gelowitz from Yorkton Saskatchewan Canada
I love BSB, I have since the first day I saw 'We've Got It Goin' On'. This story finally sheds some light on the story behind the troubles of the band. It gave me a whole new perspective on all the legal troubles the Boys have been faced with. i'm so glad that this article was posted, so that I can feel even more joy that through all the sh!t that the Boys have gone through, they're still here, making the best music in the world!
Submitted by Krissy from USA
More comments to come later, but first of all, I just want to say this - who is this Backstreet-N'Sync war between anyway? The bands, the fans, or music industry bigwigs and the media who wants to use a band feud to sell records? I'm so sick of everyone pitting the two against each other. Let the BSB fans listen to BSB, and the N'Sync fans listen to N'Sync. It's as simple as that!
Submitted by Sthefanie from Montevideo Montevideo Uruguay
Hey yall...
Submitted by justine from anaheim ca USA
Submitted by Alex from NY NY USA
I would of never listened to pop music if it wasn't for the BSB. Just before Quit Playing Games reached success in the US I had a friend who forced me to listen to their CD. And I liked it. Now I was a person at the time who was very narrow minded when it came to music. But they made me realize that I can like all sorts of music. I appreciate that very much. This article is sad and heart warming for long time BSB fans. It is good to see that someone realizes that they haven't had the smoothest ride in the record business. They were young boys when they started. They were so excited to be signed that they made some poor decisions. They were also trustworthy wich from example in this kind of industry you can see doesn't go hand in hand. I don't much care for Lieghanne, and I hope she doesn't Ono the group. (Ono for anyone who might not know is a reference to the original boy band, The Beatles.) Kristen unlike Lieghanne has the respect and sense not to put herself into the boys business. She isn;t trying to get famous thanks to her husband. No Brian is not my favorite so don't think I am jealous. BUt a few entrys ago a someone said that they have not evolved. Let's think. Can you not see and hear the difference since when they started. For example, Tell me that I'm Dreaming. That was one of their first songs you can not tell me that they have not changed even from Backstreet Self Titled to Black and Blue. We've got it Goin on to Time a beautiful and well written song. And you said not to cpmpare them to Nsync, that is right they aren't Nysnc. But then you said unlike Nsync they haven't changed. Isn't that hypocrtical? You comparing them to Nsync. Who no Personally I don't their sound. Wich is different from BSB and you don't seem to respect that. And Millennium and Black and Blue were very different. Millenium was a ballad based album with a much sweeter and lighter tone. While Black and Blue has a darker element. For anyone who is a fan of older music they might know and realize the comparisons of the BSB and The Beatles. I am not saying in any way BSB changed music like The Beatles did on such a scale but they have some similarities. Please excuse me for rambling. But Not every Beatles album was liked either. Some were darker and they drastically changed and thanks to meddling family and outside realtionships even they crumbled. But BSB has been together now longer than The Beatles. So I have hope that they can still go, maybe not as strong as they were at first but they will still be seen in the music business. Right now we are just weeding out the hardcore loyal fans with the ones who just happened to a of jumped on the band wagon when they came out. BSB and Nsync are very different, looks, sound and style. I just prefer BSB style than Nsyncs. But I am not going to say to someone my god you like them. They can like who they want as long as they respect the fact I like the BSB more. SO don't compare them that was good advice. But I think that is all I have to say for now. Please mail me if you like what I wrote so that I know that there is still some real BSB fans. Despite how Korny it may sound but KTBSPA!
Submitted by tre kirkland from greenville sc USA
I do not understand why people are trying to end the BSB! They are not breaking up. They have said this plenty of times. Also, NSYNC has not "passed" them. NSYNC has some good songs but let's look at numbers. Black and Blue sold 8 million copies not 5.3 as stated in this article. Compare that to Celebrity which has sold 5 million. The BSB Greatest Hits album has sold 2.2 million! A Greatest Hits Album! Black and Blue out did Millienum's first week, while Celebrity went down from No Strings. NSYNC is alright and I am tired of the "war" between the two groups. However, BSB needs the respect they deserve!
Submitted by Marina from Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil
lia, maybe the reason why the boys mnusic has'nt evolved is the fact that Jive, and their management has pushed them to make their albums so quicly. Kevin said it himself, he wasn't happy about the album, and felt they should have experimented more, but there was all the preassure for the cd to come out.
Submitted by Mia from USA
If you all feel the need to continually compare BSB and *NSYNC, at least be honest about it. To say that *NSYNC's sound hasn't changed is absurd! They have effectivly evolved from the bubble-gum pop of the Cherion(sp?) studios to a widely accepted hip-hop/electronic sound, that consistantly charts high on the R&B and pop charts. Whether some of us like the songs or not doesn't change the facts. The BSB last few singles have failed to even chart in the top 20 in the U.S. according to Billboard, the industry Bible. Why? Because BSB are the group who's sound hasn't evolved. Shape of My Heart, for example was a poor retread of Millenium-it was ok, but almost every unreleased song off of Millenium was better. With all of the talent that the BSB have it amazes me that they don't try to experiment with their sound to keep ahead of the game. As for the postings that keep saying how succeful BSB are all over the world-they are-but have dropped off considerably, just like in the United States. This next album (assuming it gets made) is vital to prove to the music industry and their record company that they have what it takes to maintain a long career. Vocal talent doesn't go very far if you do not keep growing musically- with the songs you choose to sing. I don't know how they are going to do this though. They are so different. Brian and Kevin like more organic/country type music (Ex. James Taylor is one of their heroes)-Nick likes rock (Ex. Bryan Adams)- Howie and AJ like a more hip-hop/R&B sound. How do you make all that work well on one album? Their success in the past was easy because they had Max Martin basically guiding the whole projects- so they didn't get much of a say so- which kept a lot of fighting down and didn't show their differences. Now that they are more in charge it's hard for them to mesh well. It doesn't help that on top of all this they have continually had bad management, meddling family members (Leighanne), and embarassing incidents (Nick's arrest, AJ/rehab) etc. A lot of you keep saying, also, that Joey from Nsync has a baby and the press and management for *NSYNC don't make an issue of it. They don't because he doesn't have his girlfriend involving herself in his group. She maintains a low-key profile because she must understand that Joey's career is not her business to be attending meetings and voting as a sixth member, a lesson Leighanne would truly benfit from. I hope that despite it all the BSB will pull it together and show the world how truly amazing they are.
Submitted by Erin from Orlando Florida USA
Wow. I definitely agree that it's about time someone wrote something like that to show everyone out there just what these guys have had to go through the past 9 years. I know I, for one, will always support each of them in whatever it is they choose to do in their lives or their careers, whether it be as a group or solo. I don't think they have lost support from their fans though. It seems that every time they want to take time off to be normal human beings and spend some quality time with family and friends or even work on projects for new albums or promotions the media wants to portray it as the Backstreet Boys are dead. Well of course they aren't going to get as much fan attention or media attention if they aren't in the spotlight at that moment in time. I guarantee you though, when a new album hits and they are going around doing promotions, just like Millennium and just like Black & Blue, the craze will start back up and they will once again be shutting down Time Square. Yes they are getting older. That is inevitible. No they may not be around forever. That too is inevitible. But no matter what happens, either now or in the distant future, one thing is for certain. We, the fans, know that we are still here for them. I think Nick said it best "As long as we have our fans, we can conquer anything." And he was right on the money. So my advice to everyone, don't feed into media crap. I think Kev, Bri, Nick, AJ and Howie have proven to us over the years just how honest and straight forward they are with us. The Backstreet Boys will never be dead to me until I hear it from the Boys themselves. Be good, be real, and KTBSPA!
Submitted by Mandy from Australia
I can't believe this! I knew the BackstreetBoys have been through a lot of shit, but I had no idea it was anything like that. It's good that whoever wrote this put everything in perspective for a lot of people who diss the guys saying stuff like they never do anything for themselves. This article was really good, it almost made me cry because I realised how dificult it must be for them. All the bad publicity and haters and stuff just put more and more pressure on them. I think people should give them a break and try and see how they'd feel in the Backstreet Boys' shoes.
Submitted by Kelly from Long Branch New jersey USA
I am in shock! I have to agree with all the fans on this one! I still love backstreet boys and I hope that, Everyone out there is not going to give up on the boys! I think, that It all came out at once and It was just a whole big shocker to the fans! But, Do you guys think that They will blow up again, once the album comes out? I sure as heck hope so! We can't give up guys!!!
Submitted by Julie from Australia
I agree with Ashley, it's about time something like this was written about BSB. At least now us fans have an incite into what they've been going through. When I read it, it all made sense. You start to understand why things happened. As for the whole Nick vs the rest of the could all have been avoided if they were properly looked after in their early years. He could've started a solo career if he wanted and not let it interfere with the group. It's just another case of exploitation. The last thing the guys need right now is conflict within the group. That's how everything crashes to the ground.
Submitted by Ashley aka BSBz Bath Water from Virginia Beach Virginia USA
Is it just me who thinks this article was positive? Look, it was very honest. VERY honest. But it showed everything that the Boys have had to deal with. All the trials. In my opinion, it's about time something like this was written about BSB. Hopefully people will read that article and gain a whole new respect for the guys, because they really have been through a lot...and they're still here. They WILL be back, and if they keep on toughing it out, they'll come out on the other side, because that's what happens when you fight hard for a good reason.
Submitted by Erica from Singapore Singapore
Ok......what's wrong with who ever that wrote
Submitted by Ana from Romania
Hey you guys! It's really great to see you're still keeping your spirts high! You've made feel a little better.
Submitted by Patty from Los Angeles California USA
Those critics, media, and/or haters need to stop criticizing BSB! They are always making up rumors that they are braking up and crap! I hate that they are saying that NSYNC is better than BSB and that they are younger than BSB! BSB is still cool; it doesn't matter if they are getting old and have been trough some down times! Arosmith is old and has been through drugs and alcohol and is still very popular! Just like some old 60’s 70’s bands! NSYNC is a little younger (big deal!), but in fact Chris is like 30 years old! Also, who cares if Brian and Kevin got married, they need to get married some day, its not like they can stay single forever! Fans understood them and stuck by them! It seems that NSYNC has a better chance of braking up than BSB. I mean everyone is doing their own thing and like forgetting about the group. And the media doesn't make a big deal about that! But when BSB has a little problem they are all over them and making up false rumors! Those people need to get a life!!! And saying that Nick is going to be replaced is stupid and crazy!! Nick is fateful to his buds and his album is going to sell millions just like BSB's new album! I know BSB's fans are also fateful and will support BSB and be by them in there in need; just like when they were they’re for A.J! So like I said before those critics need to get a life and stop saying that NSYNC is better that BSB, cause they couldn't be more WRONG!!!
Submitted by Bonnie from USA
Oh geeze..I definitely have a lot to say. First, I think everybody who's enough of a fan to be concerned about this is on the same page...we love BSB. We always will, AND we know they aren't going anywhere! I was never too concerned with all the business crap going on but that article sort of shocked me. I knew it was all going on but for them to focus on that and overspeculate about it seemed completely absurd. BSB is not some hot toy that record companies and management are trying to re-sell year after year! And as for Nick's album--Power to him! For pete's sake, those of us that call ourselves fans should know that it won't harm the group in any way, and that his CD is gonna kick! (Forgive my bias, Nick just happens to be my..well..fave is a harsh word, so let's try "dream lover".LOL!)But bias aside I truly am proud of Nick. As I type I'm listening to clips of the album and I love them! The idea for everyone to go out and buy Now or Never ASAP is great..I think it would really work.
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