MTV Video Awards 2001 - What Do You Think?
Submitted by Lizzy from USA
Hey y'all!!
Submitted by Aureacruz from Portugal portugal Portugal
Submitted by Sabihah(sweetgirl) from Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan Malaysia
Submitted by Harriett from Dallas TX USA
Hey peeps! It looks as if is losing on the My VH1 Awards. We need the support of all Backstreet Fans to give credit where credit is due. If you will notice, currently, Bon Jovi is #1. If you will check out each of the nominee's you will notice that their sites are very lame compared to!...Come on peeps get on VH1 site and vote.
Submitted by Megan H.- nicksgurl 4-eva!! from TN USA
LOL, sorry it's me again!! But I saw in some earlier entries people wanted 2 know where 2 vote 4 BSB 2 make them #1 on radio and stuff, here is Nashville's hit radio station address where u can vote 4 BSB as much as u want 4 the Interactive 8 at 8.
Submitted by Mandy from tampa florida USA
The backstreet boys were #1 on TRL friday
Submitted by bsb26 from USA
Submitted by Vicky (VOTE FOR BACKSTREET ON TRL) from WA USA
What number was BSB on TRL on Friday?
Submitted by katie from norvolk virginia USA
does anyone know how the bsbs greatest hits album is doing now. have u heard what number it will be on the charts? im dieng to know. first i heard it was right behind michael jackson but now i read on mtv yesterday that its selling bad ands is gonna be like 5 or 6 on the charts. i dont know what to believe. i pray it goes to atleast 2. what have u guys heard?
Submitted by Mrs.littrell 2 from Australia
Hello bsb fans...
Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
hey guys, where are you seeing that BSB was #1? It doesn't say on TLR, why do the ncrap fans say that that crappy gone is at #1? I don't know where you are talking about, help me out. And I have a few addresses if you could put e-mail and request BSB, please.
Submitted by Relley from Los Angeles CA USA
I just wanted to say " a job well done" to all us BSB fans who made sure to get our boys back at #1! I too hate watching TRL cuz I know very well it's rigged or something, but we need to keep supporting Drowning! Let's continue to try and keep BSB in their #1!!! I love Chapter 1 and I listen to it all the time! It's definitely soothing for my sometimes stressful life! KTBSPA!!! Keep voting ya'll!!
Submitted by nikita from hong kong ne USA
i'm so proud of all the bsb fans. we did a great job and I believe the boys will be also proud of us because of our loyalty. but don't satisfy of the result, we have to keep it on for over 2 months. it's hard, i know. last night i have to be a voluteer and when i got home and finished my homework it was 1:00, but i still forced myself to vote. let's just make voting a good habit, like eating, u can't live without voting just like u can't live without eating. maybe don't vote for a lot of time everyday, but i hope at least 10 times a day. hey, it's not much at all. at least 10 times, sounds good? of course, going further is always welcome.
Submitted by Katt from Raleigh NC USA
Hi BSB fans,
Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
hey everyone, so BSB was #1 on TLR? Ok, someone said about voting for our boys on, can you send me the exact link, I can't get to where you vote. PLEASE! I got ch.1:) love it, awesome, as always!!!!! Ok, keep it going guys, lets keep BSB where they belong.
Submitted by michelle from KY USA
BSB were right where they belong- AT #1!!! Great jobs guys!!! LETS KEEP THEM THERE FOR 63 MORE DAYS!!!
Submitted by Vicky (VOTE FOR BACKSTREET ON TRL) from WA USA
So what number was BSB at today?
Submitted by Bea from Ky USA
Some things never change. I tried to vote for Drowning and it kept shutting down. MTV's credibility is low. We need to insist on a explanation of how the countdown is determined. I'm tired of spending hours voting to be cheated again. Are you only allowed to vote once, or vote as many times as you like? Obviously in the past when Korn or Sum 41 have won, multiple votes counted. Well then BSB fans should be able to vote multiple times. If MTV continues their crap, boycotting their sponsers may be the only way to get their attention. Or at least writing to complain to their sponsers. Losing even one sponser could cost MTV thousands of dollars. MTV is nothing with out the fans. I think they have forgotten us.
Submitted by Nikita from HONG KONG NE USA
I told you something is wrong with MTV. God, but I can do nothing! We can't boycott MTV, it's make it even worse if MTV doesn't favour BSB fans. I'm so mad but I've no way to express my anger. It's even worse than wanting to overraun the government. You can protest. But all we can do to go to MTV and vote and watch TRL! I'm so so so mad.
Submitted by Relley from Los Angeles CA USA
OMG! I am so mad! I can't believe BSB debuted at #4! Puleaze! Don't tell me that with the much anticipated release of the video "Drowning," we as fans are going to settle for the fourth spot! Oh come on! I know very well that we all made sure to vote cuz we wanted more than anything for BSB to be at #1. Something has got to be wrong! BSB has so many more fans than all the other artists who took the top 3 spots. Let's just keep supporting our boys! KTBSPA!!
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