MTV Video Awards 2001 - What Do You Think?
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg ON Canada
Excuse me Someone. I'm 25 years old and I couldn't be more happy to be a Backstreet Boys fan.
Submitted by Kacee from Trickston USA
When the guys came on trl, no one knew they were actually there in the studio. MTV and BSB planned to play a trick ( I guess not to attract too big of a crowd in Manhattan, especially since the attacks) by saying that the boys would be talking via satellite. So the boys went in a room and got all these fake ear pieces on as to pretend that they were across the country or something. When Carson asked a question, Nick would touch his ear piece and delay in answering to give that far off effect, even though he was actually in the next room. Then Carson says that although the boys have busy schedules, it would be great if they could stop by the studio whenever they had the chance. So suddenly, More Than That starts playing, the guys walk out, and the audience goes crazy. I was so surprised, b/c they all kept straight faces when they were in that room, especially Brian. Brian stared straight into the camera w/o blinking for a long time...i guess he was trying not to laugh. Aj, and Howie acted normal, and Nick and Kevin are the ones who acted the most w/their earpieces. It shows which of them would be good actors. Brian the worst (he says so himself) and Nick the best. Later on when they came back from a commercial break, AJ comes out of the bathroom and it's so funny cuz he's adjusting his belt and everything. He says he has to pee so much since he drinks a lot of water to stay sober, then everyone laughs. HE's so funny w/o trying to be. Then they talk and leave. The Backstreet boys will always be cool with me. Even when they're old and fat. Hehe. KTBSPA
Hey you all!!!
Submitted by Christina from Greensboro NC USA
well the thing with the video is that the guys just reshot it on the 18 because the lable thought that the original was "to depressing" hopefully next time they stop by trl (which i heard might be the 30) that they will try to have it then.
Submitted by Zhidiria from USA
The Backstreet Boys are such goofers. they totally fooled me on trl yesterday. U can tell that if nick ever thought of going into acting, he would be a great actor. L-I-B-R-A-R-Y! DID yall see him do that one when he was like 10, so adorable. I'm glad to hear it from the mouth of the Boys that they're not goin anywhere. BSB is here to stay. AJ, i love him, he's so human, so genuine. did u see him come back from the rest room on trl. haha. oh well, til the 30th. Go buy it yall. Hopefully they might break some records. just hopefully. oh well, if they don't, i'll still love'em the same. Later
Submitted by Zhi from USA
Hey, did u guys get to see the United Way Concert in D.C., on tv? I didn't get to see it and i heard the guys were good. Does anyone know if they're gonna broadcast it on tv?
Submitted by Maggie from kazanlak Bulgaria
Hello!I'm very impressed by BSB at the Concert for NYC !!!They were BRILLIANT and I am very proud with them!I don't know about there performance in Washington, so please tell me about that!!!And excuse my english, I'm not very good!I just want to say that I LOVE B'STREET BOYS VERY MUCH.THEY MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME!!!
Submitted by Julz from lou ky USA
I was listening t the webcast of the United We Stand concert- BSB DID SO GREAT SINGING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM- for all those who didn't hear it-just wait, you will be surprised even if you are the biggest fan!!! It was really that good and moving!!!
Submitted by Christina from greensboro North Carolina USA
Am i the only one that thinks that everytime bsb does some major show (concert for nyc, and the superbowl) that THE SOUND GOES OUT!!!! I mean for some strange reason, brian, nick, and aj's mic simutaneously decides to go OUT!! They sounded abosolutly horrible because of it. me being a vocal freak, i have to say their harmonies stuck out like sore thumbs. I am also a sound engineering freak so whoever is responsible for this needs to be fired. I can do a better job and i am on 14 for gods sake. but other than that
Submitted by lisa from plano tx USA
i thought it was really kool. they made it in time to their concert and if they would of won the people's choice awards, they would of taken it during their concert. I LOVE AJ, THANK GOD YOUR BETTER
Submitted by ANJA from Ljubljana SLOVENIA USA
HI everybody!!!
Submitted by BSBFANS from palm desert CA USA
Today was suppsoe to be the best day of my life 10-20-01 i was going to the last bsb black& blue concert. Me and my friend were in the car driving to san diego with our dads and we acedentley missed the turn that we had to turn and ended up in MEXICO we passed the mexico boarder okay we got over that we found the coors amphithetre and we got there nobody was there they told us that the show was CANCLED and ticketmaster never sent up an e mail telling us that like they were suppose to okay we got over that to then we went to the chevron gas station to get gas and our dads were speaking the language that we speak and the person just came up to them and started talking to them in the same language and then came back with two pumkins and gave them me and my friend had a permenent marcker with us so we started writing BSB all over them in the end we got two stupid pumkins and saw mexico instead of a BSB concert this was the worst day DUMB PUNKINS!!!!
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg ON Canada
I heard that they decided to reshoot the video because they didn't like the final product. You have to wait just a little while longer. :)
Submitted by jenn from ottawa ont Canada
GUYS THEY TOOK DROWNING OFF THE YTV LIST, THEY JUMPED IN AT 22 THEN WENT TO 14, NOW THEY TOOK BSB OFF!!!!We need to go here and vote for MORE THAN THAT instead. I'm so mad they took drowning off the list, everyone vote as much as you can 4 MTT here:
Submitted by Bea from Louisville Ky USA
It has been quite a while since the VMA's. I still could care less about MTV. I think it would be funny if BSB dissed them. But they are too smart for that. It is a good thing that they are bigger people then I am.
Submitted by i love bonedaddy from PD CA USA
ohhhhh my god i still cant beleaved
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
UHM HELLO.... I asked a question and i kinda want an answer!!!!! WHEN IS "DROWNING" GONNA BE ON TRL??????????? I love that song.... IT KICKS ASS!!! And I saw a little bit of the video and they LOOK HOTT!!!! Anywayz, gotta go!!
Submitted by Meagan from NY USA
I thought those comments made by Jamie Foxx were uncalled for and childish! This is one of the reasons I started the AJ McLean Defense League! It's a League that was created by me and the Vice Pres. to get people to go out in message boards, chat rooms ect. and tell the people that are critizing AJ to get a life and grow up! Now that AJ is better we re-named it The BSB Defense League to support all of them! If anyone wants to join, please email me at!! Thanx a lot guys! AJ and BSB needs your support!
Submitted by Alesia from Wichita Kansas USA
I agree. I thought it was very tastless what Jamie Foxx did to AJ. It wasn't funny at all. I'm very proud of AJ. It's really hard to actually go all the way through rehab and still stay sober after that. You don't make fun of something like that. It was totally uncalled for.
Submitted by Amanda from Floyd VA USA
First of all, some of you shouldnt worry about Nick. If He likes Slipknot, then he does. Do you not scream out "Backstreet Boys" at a concert or something? Nick is a human being too....and likes a various arrange of music. Have faith in the BSB, they are great, and true, and will always be #1.
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