MTV Video Awards 2001 - What Do You Think?
Submitted by Mary from RIO TX USA
Hey you guys just giving you guys a little information on our boys this is what I know so far:
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
I know this is a stupid question... but when is "Drowing" gonna be on TRL!?! Its been switched so many times. Anywayz, wats up everyone? I hope everything is good with you guys! Well I should be goin right now... I have homework to do! :( !! Laterz!
Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
Sorry to post again, but don't forget to vote for Krystal while you are here : voting for more than that and drowning!!!!
Submitted by Celeste from Cobourg ON Canada
Come on everyone. Enough with rumours. They're not breaking up after the tour. A.J. is going re-enter rehab just to clear his and be with people to keep him on the straight a narrow. That's it.
Submitted by Sabrina from Minneapolis MN USA
i dont care what anyone says, i dont think that BSB will break up, i mean, cmon, they said themselves that they'll probably b continuing 4 at least a few more years, so why the hoop-la? as 4 aj getting married, why dont u WAIT until HE says it himself. sorry if this seems sour, but ive been in a bad mood since stupid jamie foxx's ridiculus comments
Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
Go here and vote for BSB, Drowning and More than That....
Submitted by Drowning-4-AJ from BSB World USA
Submitted by from BSB WORLD USA
OMG... AJ getting married..?
Submitted by Backstreetgurl from Edmonton AB Canada
I think the backstreet boys are the greatest band in the whole world!!!!!!!I like brian the most
Submitted by Marie from Mexico
Hey someone from latin america???
Submitted by jessica from USA
Hey someone from latin america???
Submitted by Kim from crawfordville fl USA
Can someone please tell me if Nick and Mandy are back together?!?! I really hope this is a rumor! Thanks...Kim
Submitted by Nicole from USA
My new post on the backboards is EVERYONE LISTEN UP!!!!! Please take the time to read it...I wrote it for all u guys!! I know its long, but bear with me....
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