MTV Video Awards 2001 - What Do You Think?
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Submitted by Tanisha from Rialto CA USA
Hey BSB fans!I know people are still upset about the whole VMA thing. I was too, but it's been a week now and I'm way over it. Besides that there are important things going on right now with the attack on America. We should focus on that instead of some stupid award show. We all need to come together and support each other in this difficult time. Peace and KTBSPA!!
Submitted by Colleen Jacobs from Pennsylvania USA
As for me, I'm going to forget about the VMA's. We shouldn't dwell on what happend in past. Yes the BSB Fans were angry with jamie foxx. That was a week ago. Get passed that. AJ and the rest of the guys are here and alive. Just think, what if their tour plans handn't gotten changed and they were in New York? Thank God they weren't. And on another note, it's okay for the Backstreet Boys to allow their show to go on. Most of the backstreet fans said they listen to BSB b/c it makes them feel better when they are down, or to forget about their problems for just little while. There is nothing wrong with that. We can't feel anger and rage all the time. It's a shame that the people lost their lives in what happend on Tuesday. All we can do, and maybe the only thing we can do at this time, is to pray for the families who lost loved ones, and to pray to that we do not get attacked again. We should also pray that those who want to plot another attack on this country changed their hearts. :o)
Submitted by Beth from South Kingstown Rhode Island USA
Bank One in New York is matching any donation you make from one dollar to one million dollars. Also, everyone should donate blood. But they said on MTV that if you have had any ear or body piercings in the last 12 months you cannot donate blood. That means I can't but it doesn't mean I can't help spread the word. You must also be at least 17 years of age. Contact your local Red Cross and if you do not know their number call your local hospital for the number. Thanks everyone. ~Beth
Submitted by Megan from TN USA
I don't fault anyone who has come to this website to vent about BSB or awards or anything else about them. I came to look at what some people are thinking about the VMAs. But then I saw all the entries people from other countries have made expressing their sorrow for the U.S.A. It touches me deeply, you guys have no idea how good it makes us feel to know you care. We are in a major crisis right now, but I have faith that our president and the rest of the country will be strong enough to put an end to these horriffic acts of violence. I am so very sorry for everyone who has lost a loved one, I feel terrible for everyone who has died. God bless you people from other countries who care about us, God bless the USA, and may God have mercy on the terrorists' souls, for they are going to need it. I love you all and KTBSPA 4-eva!!!
Submitted by KC from NEW JERZEE USA
Hi....I understand and am terribly shocked bya ll thats been happening the past 48 hrs....after all, I live in the next state over....its been terrible (well duh) but i just found out about the whole jamie foxx thing and i have to say how can sum1 SAY anything like that??!!! what the hell is our world coming to? first jamie foxx and now the wtc/pentagon, so grateful that bsb wasnt there. i really am. after theya nnounced the whole thing in skool i thought omg what about bsb but then i checked here and they were in toronto (phew!!) which is good (duh lol). i would like to send my condolences to anyone who was greatly affected by this all and i wish the whole usa the best of luck. God bless. peace out.
Submitted by Nick Carter from tampa USA
hey guys its me Nick. I just want to say that we aprecciate all the support you have been givin us and to forget about VMA`s, its past! there are more serious stuff going on right like the atack in New York and the pentagon, thats what we should be concerned right now....anyways thanks for everything... lets pray for those who were victims of this tragedy! god bless all of us!
Submitted by Genesis Gibb from USA
Please keep in mind that the MTV VMA's were held a week before the terrorist attacks on the USA. The topic header for posting in this particular section was VMA's and what you thought about them. The topic was not concerning the attacks. If it bothers you that the posts are not relavnet to the attacks then post under another header. Leave pople alone that want to remenis about a happier time and not keep crying about the disturbing events of late. I believe people in the USA are trying to deal with what has happened and MOVE ON. If we dwell on what has happened we aren't helping. i'm not saying to foresake greaving. I am saying we need to look forward and rebuild...that is the only way that we will establish closure. I do think that a good laugh (the VMA's are a good example) is good for everyone. Remember that the boys DID NOT CANCEL their concerts. Instead they are hoping that it brings people happiness in light of the situation. They are even donating money tward the rebuilding project in NYC.
Submitted by lil kaos from USA
I have to agree w/ u Mel ppl need to stop babbling about the VMA's and everything. Those aren't as terrible as what happened to WTC.
Submitted by Mel from United Kingdom
You guys are just so full of it, really, you are just some stupid posers, all like "AAAAAWWW, I'm SOOOOOO sorry", and all you can think of is your boyband losing an award. If AJ had been in there in WTC, you'd act otherwise. I don't need to remind you of the commotion around Aaliyah's death. Cheerio to you bloody posers. At least my emotions are REAL. Anybody who expressed his/her grief over what happened and who at the same time is able to go to a concert and party right now is just a bloody poser. I'm speechless. The world is grieving and you are discussing the VMA. On every other fan page I've visited so far, the only topic that's been bothering people since yesterday is the attacks on the pentagon and WTC. I don't know what to say about you.
Submitted by lil kaos from USA
I'm not blocking anything they can listen to bsb and try to stay happy if they want to.
Submitted by lil kaos from USA
If anyone wants to donate blood or money call ur local bank or ur local red cross. NY and washington dc needs all the help they can get.
Submitted by Lissy from USA
Yeah, right, let's just get on with our lives. Let'sjust ignore everything. Let's just be naive. Let's just allow everybody to rule our life and kill us. Everybody in?!? Great. Develop some sense of maturity, guys. BSB make you happy, right. This is not a time to be HAPPY. Will you understand this? You are just blocking your eyes from what's happening. Being blind is wrong just now. You need to have your eyes wide open. Listening to BSB and not thinking about this is foolish. Listen to what is going on in the world. To what is threatening us. Rather than to a boyband playing (and earning money) whilst there are innocent people dying somewhere.
Submitted by lil kaos from USA
I know u or all of us are scared but we should show those terrorist that together we are strong.extremely strong.
Submitted by Sammi from WP Michigan USA
We aren't sick! But if we don't try to get on with our lives we will let them win! The reason they did this was to make us pay and we did by loseing that many people we aren't doing this to forget the people we lost because I want to always remember them but if we don't stop surrounding ourselves wiht bad images of people dying it would be a pretty sad place even more than now! We are trying to think of BSB because they make us happy! I pray for the people we lost and their families but we can't let those mean sick people who did this to us win!
Submitted by me again from USA
who makes u sick? Man we shouldn't be or start to fight each other now that's bad all of us should stick together and everyone is completely shocked about what happened yesterday so chill out and try not to argue w/ each other. Anyone else agree w/ me. Thank u
Submitted by Cantremember from USA
Yeah right, why don't we just go on and party and pretend as if nothing has happened?!? You guys make me SICK.
Submitted by ummm..I forgot.. from USA
Hey can anyone tell me if they know if BSB has the power to cancel their concerts? Cuz dani or w/e ur name is...if that was true then u shouldn't have said all that crap.
Submitted by Jessica from NEW YORK USA
I don't find it despeciable as you plain say it about BSB doing their concert. Many people are going into their routine lives, and living their lives as usual. Yes, what has happened here in the U.S. is a tragic loss. I mean we could go to war. Never the less, I don't find any harm in listening to music, dancing, or going to a concert. So don't be dissing off BSB. Besides they've put out too many concerts, and its in Toronto. Anyways pray for those who have lost their lives in these tragic events. Its not time to condemn one another but unite.
Submitted by Dani from Netherlands
The fact that BSB play their show despite of the things that happened yesterday just plain upsets me. That is just SO despicable! How can ANYBODY even feel like going to a concert? In Europe everybody has cancelled shows and concerts, cinemas and clubs are closed - not only because promoters feel it is respectless to earn a fortune while people in NY are dying, but also because people here do not feel like partying after the events that have taken place yesterday. Everything is dead-silent here. And BSB is making a concert. I'm sorry, but even if they've uttered their condelences, then the very fact that they are playing a show makes their condelences EXTREMELY SHALLOW and unbelievable. To party and earn money in these times while we are approaching a 3rd world war - that is just plain sick. Sorry to upset you, but playing a show now is just WRONG.
Submitted by Your Daddy from Greenville SC USA
Michael Jackson is THE KING OF POP!!!!! You guys don't understand! BSB are the PRINCES OF POP! MIKE has opened the doors to everyone! Just ask any BSB member! They all love MJ! He was going to be on NOT FOR ME, but he didn't get to finish b/c of scheduling conflict! Aaron Carter performed at the MJ concert!! My gosh some of you need to calm down!! I am one of the biggest BSB fans in the world!! I've been to every albums concert!! I have been mistaken for Nick Carter!! I am a 24 year old married man who has twin babies and I still love BSB!! KTBSBPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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